Hawthorne Happenings

Hawthorne Happenings
Tuesday, September 3rd First Day of School, Kindergarten begins at 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, September 5th Back to School Night
Wednesday, September 18th BOE Meeting, Westlake Library at 7:30 p.m.
Friday, September 27th Spirit Day--Wear Blue & Gold
Sunday, September 29th Wildcats Spirit Day at Westlake High School to support the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation
Our First Week
September is such an exciting time of year for our entire community! As we begin the year, we are focused on the process of building our routines and our classroom and school communities. We are eager to work together to support and grow our learners. As we begin this transition to the new year, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
- Please be sure to verify your child's dismissal information in School Dismissal Manager prior to September 3rd.
Kindergarten will begin one hour later on the first day of school. The morning buses for kindergarten students will run one hour later on the first day of school. If you drive your kindergarten student to school, drop-off will be between 8:45 and 9:00 a.m. at the Brighton Avenue entrance.
We are a nut-free school. Send your child to school with a healthy, nut-free snack. Please do not send in food containing nuts, nut butter, Nutella, or Sun Butter. Please note, the September menu has an error. Sun Butter will not be served at HES.
You may send your child to school with lunch, or meals can be purchased in the cafeteria.
Send in a change of clothes to be kept at school.
Have your child wear sneakers to school as students attend physical education classes daily.
Have your kindergarten child wear the colored wristband they received at the Meet & Greet.
HES Parent Back to School Night
Thursday, September 5th, is our Parent Back to School Night. This is an opportunity to receive important information about your child’s academic program and daily routine.
Please park at Holy Rosary and proceed to the Hawthorne stairs. Enter Hawthorne through the red doors on Memorial Drive. The schedule is as follows:
Mount Pleasant Recreation Department
Please see below for classes currently being offered by the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department.