November Tiger News
Some thoughts for the starting school year

Principal's Corner
November 1, 2024
Dear IRS Families,
I hope you all have had a chance to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. The fall colors were coming into focus and painting the landscape around us. Yet, we have had a slight wash of non sticking snow reminding us of the months ahead.
Events coming our way in the month of November :
November 11 Veterans Day Holiday - No School
November 13 Early Dismissal Day - Parent - Teacher conferences
November 26 Student of the Month assembly
November 27, 28 & 29 Thanksgiving holiday break
The leaves are leaving us and making way for the snow to come. I hope you all enjoy the holiday times to come.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Towle
Parent / Teacher Conference Request
If you'd like to set up a parent/teacher conference with your student's teacher please email directly to set up a day and time. Wednesday November 13 is an early dismissal to allow for conferences.
5th Grade:
- Beth Hutchins - BHutchins@mvrsd.org
- Alix Lyman - ALyman@mvrsd.org
- Jonni Nichols - JNichols@mvrsd.org
- Charlotte Rissala - CRissala@mvrsd.org
6th Grade
- Sara Dunkerton - SDunkerton@mvrsd.org
- Bill Loynds - WLoynds@mvrsd.org
- Sharon Pierce - SPierce@mvrsd.org
- Taylor Sullivan - TSullivan@mvrsd.org
7th Grade
- Scott Durphey - SDurphey@mvrsd.org
- Jamie Hill - JHill@mvrsd.org
- Sarah Prouty - SProuty@mvrsd.org
- Morgan Rysewyk - MRysewyk@mvrsd.org
8th Grade
- Heidi Fisher - HFisher@mvrsd.org
- Keli Green - KGreen@mvrsd.org
- Scott Macphee - SMacphee@mvrsd.org
- Heather Oliver - HOliver@mvrsd.org
News from the Nurse
Flu Clinic
Just a reminder that there will be a flu clinic held at Indian River School on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 for all students. If you would like your student to receive this yearly vaccine, please reach out to Mrs. Giovagnoli at 603-632-4357, ext 1006 or at sgiovagnoli@mvrsd.org to obtain the paperwork that needs to be completed. All forms are due to the Health Office no later than Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
Just a reminder...
Flu and cold season are among us . . . . Please remember to keep your student home from school for a fever of 100 or greater and not return to school for 24 hours after the fever has subsided with no fever reducing medication. Students who have been vomiting or have diarrhea also need to stay home for 24 hours after the vomiting and/or diarrhea has subsided.
Thank you for helping to keep our school community healthy.
Cell Phone Use
We have seen an increase in cell phone use throughout the school day including in the middle of class. We would like to reiterate the cell phone policy for Indian River School, if a student MUST use their cell phone they should ask to go to the office where they are able to use it. It should not be out in class, lunch, activity period/recess or the hallway.
Electronic Devices During School: Though students may have their cell phone and other electronic devices on their person or in their locker throughout the school day, these items may not be out without explicit permission from a staff member between 7:40 am and 3:00 pm. If these items become visible, even if they are not in use, the student in possession of the electronic device will be given a verbal warning. If the electronic device is not removed from view immediately, or if the electronic device becomes visible again in the same school day, the student will be referred to the administration. Electronic devices that reach the administration will be confiscated for the duration of the school day and returned to the student upon dismissal. If a student is referred to the administration for the possession of an electronic device for a second time in the same school year, that device will be confiscated and will be returned, not to the student, but to the parent or guardian of that student. Each subsequent violation of the school’s electronic policy will result in the same consequence for the duration of the school year.
Over 95 athletes participated in our five fall sports. We would like to thank all the coaches who have stepped up and help the kids.
Cross Country - Coach Keri Maheu
Field Hockey - Coach Charlotte Rissala
Football - Coach Rick Lantman, Coach Joe Stone, and Coach Bryce Cadreact
Soccer - Coach Michael Bill (Thank you for saving our season!!)
Volleyball - Coach Megan Hatch and Coach Jason Archambault
Winter Sports Sign Up will be announced soon, be on the lookout!
Photo by Sara D Roberts Photography
Photo by Sara D Roberts Photography
Photo by Keri Maheu
MYSL Information
Garden Club
Thursday was a perfect afternoon for after school garden club! Mrs. Carter and the students were able to get two gardens weeded, cleaned and looking great! Thank you to the Wahl family for the donation of Crocus and Tulip Bulbs.
The students read the planting directions, and measurements for planting depth for the bulb. They counted the bulbs and divided them equally amongst themselves before planting.
The students helped build the compost pile by adding the garden debris into it. While working in the garden the kids found millipedes, worms, a night crawler and cute baby snake. The students observed the snake until it slithers into a crack in the brick wall.
Mrs. Carter loved having the beautiful fall afternoon to work with the students to help get the schools gardens taken care of and "tucked in" for winter. We can't wait to see the beautiful garden beds this spring!
Mrs. Carter will gladly accept any gardening tools and/or bulbs and plants.
Connor W., Sullivan G., and Devin G. spent the beautiful fall afternoon helping in the gardens.
Cassidy W. helping plant the bulbs.
Tutor Information
Stay tuned! Tutoring information will be available soon, we look forward to sharing these opportunities for the students to grow and learn.
Student of the Month
Drama Production of The Bremen Town Musicians
Congratulations to Dr. Lorenz, the cast and crew on a fantastic production of
The Bremen Town Musicians.
Photo by Heather Botelho
Upcoming School Dates
Quarter 1 Ended
Thursday, Oct 31, 2024, 07:00 AM
No School - Veteran's Day
Monday, Nov 11, 2024, 07:00 AM
Early Dismissal - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 12:45 PM
No School / Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024, 07:00 AM
No School / Thanksgiving Break
Thursday, Nov 28, 2024, 07:00 AM
No School / Thanksgiving Break
Friday, Nov 29, 2024, 07:00 AM
Parent Teacher Student Association
PTSA is an important group for our school, they provide both student and staff enrichment and gift. They are hosting an online fundraiser. Please click the picture below to open the link!
October in Review
Kid Governor Participants
Kid Governor is a civics project that helps students learn more about the NH State Government, voting, and how to participate in government. These student presented their research on a community issue via speech to their 5th grade peers.
Indian River School's Kid Governor - Jazzy Pettway
Jazzy was voted as IRS's Kid Governor by her 5th grade peers after reciting the speech she wrote about a community issue. Jazzy had to create a video to submit to the state where a total of SEVEN students throughout New Hampshire will be chosen!
Molecules are cool!
Kaleb learns about molecules during science class with Ms. Nichols.
Science Experiments
Ms. Nichols class has spent the first quarter of school doing fun experiments.
How did early humans live?
The 6th grade had a fun outdoor experience learning how the early humans lived and utilized the the land to survive.
Music lessons are always better with instruments.
Fall Fest 2024 - our faculty had fun dressing up with the kids!
Lunch Balances
Indian River School has over $1,100 of unpaid lunch fees already this year. If you have received a letter for an unpaid lunch balance we would appreciate a prompt payment. Please reach out if you would like a free and reduced lunch form.
There are a couple of different ways to pay for student breakfast/lunch balances.
- You can send money in with your student who can bring it to the kitchen staff to put on their account.
- You can set up an online account through MyMealtime and put money on their account. Check out the food services section of the school website for more information.
You will receive a paper copy of any outstanding balances. If you need help, please reach out to the office.
National Honor Society Challenge
The Mascoma Valley Regional High School National Honor Society has challenged all four schools (CES, EVS, MVRHS, IRS) to a food drive donations. Whichever school "wins" (aka gets the most donations!) the food drive will have their Principal or Associate Principal wear a turkey outfit! Bring any donations into the IRS front office between now and November 18.
We can't wait to see who the winner winner turkey dinner is!