Clever Elemiddle School
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
24-25 School Year
Clever PK-8 Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
School Start Time: 7:53 a.m. (Doors will open at 7:40)
School End Time: 3:40 p.m.
With safety in mind, please review the drop off and pick up procedures for this school year. Buses will be loading and unloading on Public Avenue in front of the red brick building. Public Avenue will be closed to through traffic between 7:15-8:15 am and 3:30-4:30 pm. We anticipate some changes in our drop off and pick up routines throughout the year as construction begins later this fall on the new addition. We will do our best to notify parents in a timely manner. Thank you for your patience, flexibility and understanding and we welcome our new addition.
Drop Off Procedures:
All families transporting students to school will follow the same route as in year's past.
Cars will travel south on North Public avenue, follow the curve onto West Brown Street, turn south on Mitchell Avenue, then west on Inman St. Cars will then pass the first entrance in front of the Middle School and turn south into the second Middle School entrance, and then travel BEHIND the Morton building and enter the drop off lane.
Cars may also come east from Old Wire Road and turn into the drop off lane.
There will be two lanes of cars until reaching the 1st gate. At that point, cars will zipper merge into one lane.
Adults will be present outside at 7:30 to begin assisting drop-off. We will again be utilizing the lane west of the building next to the FEMA shelter. All PK-8 patrons will be utilizing this lane. Once you arrive at a blue cone, your child may safely and independently exit the vehicle.
Cars will then proceed to Brown Street. For safety and flow, we ask that everyone turn west (left) on Brown Street.
Students should not be dropped off in front of the PK-2 or 6-8 office. All car riders must utilize the car rider drop off lane.
Preschool Students
- AM preschool students will be dropped off and picked up in the car line. Please see the Drop Off Procedures above.
- PM preschool students will be dropped off and picked up in the "old circle drive" in front of the PK-2 office.
AM: Walkers will enter through the gated entrance off Public Avenue at the end of the bus lane.
PM: Walkers will be held until all buses have left the campus in the afternoon.
- Bike racks will be located on the east side of the old brick building.
Arrival Procedures: Students will proceed directly to their classrooms after arriving at school. Breakfast will be served grab and go style and eaten in the classroom. Outside food and drink is not permitted for any other purpose than to be consumed as a school lunch.
Dismissal Procedures: School will be dismissed at 3:40 p.m. Students may be picked up from the car line (lane next to the FEMA shelter) in the same manner used for Drop Off. In order to decrease congestion, please do not line up prior to 3:20 p.m. It is our goal to get students with families within 15 minutes. Thank you for your patience and understanding the first few days as we tend to see larger amounts of car rider traffic during this time.
Late Arrivals
Carline Tips
- Parents should stay in the car at all times
- Students should have their backpack, coats, and other belongings ready to go when the vehicle stops. This ensures that the car line moves in a safe and timely manner.
- Outside food and drink should be secured in a sealed lunch box. Water filled bottles are permitted.
- Cars should remain in a single file line. Please do not attempt to pass a parked vehicle to exit the carline faster
- If your child needs assistance getting buckled, please pull around to the front of the building once your child is loaded so you can safely exit your vehicle to assist them.
- All students will be dismissed according to their end of day routine that is reported to the office and logged in Kid Account. End of the day routines that are changed between the parent and the student via text or personal call will not be changed in KidAccount, and will not be honored as the end of the day routine change. All changes must be approved through the appropriate office. Please call or email the appropriate office prior to 2:45 to make those changes to ensure your child ends up in the correct dismissal location.