St Mary's School Donnybrook
2024 Term 4 Week 2
We want our students to graduate as confident, capable and compassionate members of society who lead with their head, their heart and their hands
Spot an error in the newsletter? Earn yourself a freddo frog!!
Dates to Remember
Friday 18 October: Interschool Athletics Carnival @ Hay Park Bunbury Years 1-6
Monday 21 October: Bookclub orders for Issue 7 due (if wishing to order)
Friday 25 October: World Teacher Day
Wednesday 30 October: Crazy Sock Day (normal school uniform with crazy socks),(please bring in a gold coin donation)
Friday 1 November @ 9am: All Saints Liturgy in the church(Year 4)
Week 5 (4 Nov - 8 Nov): Random Act of Kindness week
Week 5 Tuesday 5 - Friday 8 November: Year 6 Camp
Friday 8 November: Free Dress Day
A note from the Principal
Dear Parents & Caregivers
Parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. They play a key role in helping their child develop the social and emotional skills needed for school, while also building early language skills that will support learning in the classroom.
Building a strong emotional connection with your child is crucial. Parents can create this bond by responding to their child's needs, offering comfort, and showing love. Activities like playing or reading together can strengthen this connection, helping children feel secure when they begin school. When children feel safe and supported, they are more likely to trust others and form healthy relationships with their teachers and peers.
To help your child grow their language skills, it’s important to talk with them often. Encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings. Reading together every day is a great way to build vocabulary and inspire a love of stories and learning. You can also introduce fun activities like singing songs, reciting rhymes, and telling stories, which makes learning language enjoyable.
By focusing on these simple practices, parents can lay a strong foundation that nurtures their child’s emotional well-being and helps them succeed when they start school.
Interschool Athletics
Interschool Athletics will be held this Friday 18th October at Hay Park, Bunbury. Information has been sent home to parents. Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to support on the day. We wish our team the best of luck in representing our school.
Our next Merit Award assembly will be at 9am Thursday 24th October.
Crazy sock day will be held on Wednesday 30th October. On this day students may wear 'crazy socks' with their normal school uniform for a gold coin donation. The money raised will go towards Catholic Mission’s Socktober initiative which aims to support vulnerable children in Mongolia. For more information, click HERE.
All Saints Liturgy
This term, our Year 4 students will be leading us in a reflective All Saints Liturgy on Friday 1st November at 9am in the church. All parents and friends are invited to join us.
RAK Week
In Week 5, we will celebrate 'Random Acts of Kindness' week. This is a time where we pay extra attention to the efforts our students go to in 'Making Jesus Real' and helping to make their home, school and community a better place. At the end of the week, on Friday 8th November, students may wear free dress to celebrate their efforts.
Year 6 Camp
In Week 5, our Year 6 students will participate in Camp at Woodman Point. The camp promises to be a fun filled time for our graduating class with many activities that will test their limits and challenge their abilities, as well as build their character and strengthen their relationships. Thank you to Gary Dimasi and Wendy Harper for volunteering to attend. We wish them all the best!
Parent and Friends Meeting
Our next P&F Meeting is scheduled for Thursday 14th November (after assembly). It would be great to have many parents at the next meeting supporting our executive team, so please come along.
The School Advisory Council and Parents and Friends Annual Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th November at 6pm. All are invited to attend. Nomination forms for positions will be sent home in the coming weeks.
World Teacher Day
Wishing all our teachers and teachers everywhere a great day on Friday 25 November. Thank you for all that you do for our students each and every day! You are very appreciated!
Staffing 2025
Staffing allocations for 2025 will be announced mid to late this term. The school administration will consider the needs of all our students and teachers and come up with a plan that meets the needs of the whole school community, not just individuals.
Term 4 Events and Calendar
There is a lot on this term, including preparations for Christmas, Graduation, Thanksgiving and P&F events. Please view the school calendar found HERE for more information.
School Website
Our school website is live, updated regularly and able to be accessed at http://www.stmarysdbrk.wa.edu.au/. Please look here for all school related parent information, including the termly calendar.
Kindergarten 2025
There are now limited places available for our Kindergarten 2025 program. If you are interested, please contact the office on 97324700 as soon as possible.
Enrolments 2025
We are open for new enrolments across all year levels. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please ask them to contact 97324700 and I will give them a personal tour.
Leaving Students
If you are leaving Donnybrook or St Mary’s for 2025, can you let the office know as soon as possible please.
Thank you
Andrew Gammon
Donnybrook District High School P&C Canteen
Donnybrook District High School provide canteen services for St Mary's students on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. To see menu and place orders go online before 9am via www.quickcliq.com.au
St Mary's School Donnybrook
Email: admin@stmarysdbrk.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stmarysdbrk.wa.edu.au
Location: 30 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA, 6239
Phone: 08 97324700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St-Marys-Catholic-Primary-School-Donnybrook-1835840293345149/