UCS Secondary Virtual Academy
September 27, 2024
Please see https://uticak12.org/UCS_Virtual_Academy for more information.
Virtual Junior High School: 8:10AM-3:01PM
Virtual High School: 7:20 AM-2:11 PM
Conferences for all secondary students will be coming up in October and information will be coming out shortly. The Junior High have afternoon conferences on October 10th and the evening of October 17th. High Schools have conferences the afternoon and evening of October 10th. Conferences are using the same software as in the past. If you do not have an account yet, please use the following link Utica Community Schools Conference Manager (schoolsoft.com). Make sure to register your child(ren) to the junior high virtual academy or high school virtual academy to schedule conferences with teachers.
NWEA Testing
NWEA testing in reading and mathematics is underway. Students in 7th-9th grade will complete testing in reading. Additionally, students in grades 7th-8th, Geometry, Algebra I, and Algebra II will complete the mathematics portion. Students complete the NWEA test three times a year, and will have additional sessions in the winter and spring.
11th Grade- PSAT-NMSQT
11th grade students will take the PSAT-NMSQT in October. This exam will help prepare students for the SAT, provide scholarship opportunities, and is a qualifier to be a National Merit Scholar. Students take the test in person within his/her high school. Additional information will be provided for students within the virtual academy by the home building staff.
21F Students
Count day is Wednesday, October 2nd. If your child is enrolled in a 21F course please help make sure he/she has logged in and completed a graded assignment (e.g. discussion post, quiz, test, project, or assignment, etc.) on October 2nd. All virtual academy students with a 21F course have been invited to a TEAMS meeting on the 2nd to help with this and ask any questions to Mr. Pretari.
Student Handbook
Utica Community Schools Handbook is available online at: filedownload.ashx (uticak12.org). Important information within the handbook includes: Our K-12 Approach, Creating a Winning Team, School Safety, Health and Wellness, Technology, Bus Transportation, Attendance and Student Success, Student Code of Conduct, and Non-Discrimination Policy.
UCS Mobile App
New this year is a UCS mobile app. The app is available within Google Play and the App Store.
Virtual Library Card
Welcome to the UCS Virtual Library Card. Students will need to have your UCS Virtual Library Card number and PIN with you to access any of the resources on this page.
Each resource will require you to login with your Virtual Library Card number and PIN. You can access the login by selecting the Virtual Library Card icon on your ClassLink page or https://mlc.overdrive.com/account/ozone/sign-in?forward=%2F&showIdcSignUp=false
Please notify your child's home school if you child will be out of class within 24 hours. Time out of class that is unreported is recorded as an unexcused absence.
Virtual Academy Tips
Login and be on time to class with your camera on
Actively participate in classes
Attendance policy applies to the virtual academy as well
Staff is here to help support- virtual teachers, school counselors, and administrators