CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
June 22, 2022
A Message from Ms. Santa
The 2021-2022 School Year
Thank you for making my first year at CDW an amazing experience. I am already looking forward to what the students will bring to the 2022-2023 school year! Have a restful and enjoyable summer!
Congratulations to the Charles DeWolf Middle School Class of 2022!
End-of-Year Review Game
Final Report Cards
Are you moving?
The PTO is looking for volunteers to join the board and committees for next year!
Volunteers play a huge part in the PTO and what we are able to offer our students and teachers. Without volunteers, many of the programs that kids, teachers and families enjoy will not be able to happen. Volunteer descriptions can be found at: OTPTO.ORG under MORE INFO/FLYERS.
If you have interest in joining the PTO Board, joining or running a committee, or just want to learn more - please reach out to the PTO by visiting OTPTO.ORG and selecting Contact Old Tappan PTO under the Help tab.
Youth Football Program: Punt, Pass, Kick Event~ June 29th
See the flier below for more information.
Mr. L's Updates
Reminders and Updates from CDW's Student Manager
Summer Skill-Booster Program REMINDERS and UPDATES
Please take time to review your child's summer session selection and make sure they are registered for the correct morning and/or afternoon program. Remember that all morning sessions are REVIEW of the current 2021-2022 grade level and the afternoon session is for their 2022-2023 enrollment grade - descriptions below.
From April Flyer:
Students will have an opportunity to REVIEW grade-level academic skills learned this school year (AM Option) and/or explore new material (PM Option) by PREVIEWING activities/lessons they will experience when the new school year starts. PREVIEW sessions will be tailored and designed to explore new topics, develop new skills, and leave learners wanting to learn more come September. *Math and Language Arts are the two main academic areas for AM and PM options.
Example of Morning REVIEW:
Grade 1 Class - A registered first-grader can/will review material covered during the 2021-2022 school year. *Lessons will be based on student needs.
Example of Afternoon PREVIEW:
Grade 2 Class: The same child who took the first-grade morning class can register for a second-grade preview class. Lessons will be based on academic concepts typically introduced in September and October. Parents may like this option, as it offers an acceleration-type experience for their child(ren).
GRADE 2 Preview & Review Options are now available. We were able to get another teacher and add the additional Grade 2 Section. Please revisit the registration if you are interested.
Summer Skill-Booster Program
We are excited to offer the Summer Skill Booster Program again this summer to all Old Tappan students currently enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 8. Sessions have been set, and it is time to register! Click here to find more information about the program and links to register for a summer session. Space is limited, so register early! Registration will close on June 30, 2022. Should you have any questions about the Summer Skill-Booster Program, please contact Mr. Lauriello, CDW Student Manager and Summer Program Supervisor, at
Grades 5-7 Chromebooks
HERE is the link to purchase Chromebook Insurance for the 2022-2023 School Year for the same low price of $24 as this school year.
Transition Meetings
Grade 4 to 5 Transition Meeting
Grade 5 to 6 Transition Meeting
Grade 6 to 7 Transition Meeting
Grade 7 to 8 Transition Meeting
After viewing the presentation(s), please feel free to reach out to Ms. Santa at with any questions.
Summer Academic Work
Summer Reading
- Please see Ms. DiPisa's information letter, and here are the required Summer Reading recommendations for all grade levels.
- Here is the NVOT Summer Reading List for our Grade 8 students.
Summer Math
Here is the strongly suggested Summer Math Work. Please read the correspondence and complete the work associated with your child's grade level completed during the 2021-2022 school year.
Supply Lists for 2022-2023
The PTO will be selling prepackaged school supplies through School Tool Box. Please see the School Tool Box information below, and your child(ren) will get a paper copy in homeroom next week.
School Year Calendar- 2022-2023
The calendar for the 2022-2023 school year can be found on the district website or by clicking here. The first day of school is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6, 2022, and we will have a 12:30 PM Dismissal.
Mark Your Calendar
Wednesday, August 17th~ Grade 5 Locker Day, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD