MVHS Bands - Summer Edition #4
Important Dates and Upcoming Events/Due Dates
All dates you see below are on the calendar located on our website.
Each event below has a label on which group is participating.
(MB = Marching Band) (SB = Symphonic Band) (CB = Concert Band) (JB1 = Jazz Band 1) (JB2 = Jazz Band 2) (PE = Percussion Ensemble) (PB = Pep Band) (IP = Indoor Percussion) (WG = Winter Guard) (P/G = Parent/Guardians)
(MB) Freshman Orientation Performance - Friday, August 9
- Call time is 12pm in the band room
- Commitment time is 12pm-2:30pm
- Front Ensemble and Color Guard members are excused from this performance.
- First performance in full uniform
- Students that have not been fitted for a uniform this season will need to arrive by 11:30am.
- Those that were not fitted for shoes on the first day of band camp must bring black or dark shoes.
(MB) Optional DCI Semifinals Viewing - Friday, August 9
- In the auditorium
- Snacks are allowed -- students are in charge of cleaning up any messes.
- 4pm-9pm
(MB) Car Wash #3 - Saturday, August 10
- 3pm-6pm
- In front of the school
(MB) Full Band Evening Rehearsal - Monday, August 12
- 5pm-9pm
(All) First Day of School - Late Start - Wednesday, August 14
- Late start day! A-Day... Marching Band students bring your tennis shoes and a change of clothes... we're out on the turf this day!
(MB) Full Band Evening Rehearsal - Thursday, August 15
- 5pm-9pm
(MB) Start of Weekly Rehearsal Schedule - Monday, August 19
- Mondays/Thursdays - 6pm-9pm - Winds and Percussion
- Tuesdays/Thursdays - 6pm-9pm - Color Guard
(MB) Saturday Rehearsal - Saturday, August 24
- 8am-12pm
(SB/JB1/PE) Music Department Parent Meeting - Spring Music Tour Details - Tuesday, September 10
- Change from the August 27th date.
- For all families that have students attending the Spring Music Tour to California in April 2025.
- 6pm-7pm in the MVHS Auditorium
Between our May Fundraiser, Car Washes, and DCI Show our program has brought in a total of $15,000. We are still $12,500 away from reaching our ultimate goal for the season. These fundraisers helps benefit our students in being able to offer the best instruction in the Treasure Valley. It doesn't only help them for the season, but gives them tools and knowledge that they will be able to take into the rest of the school year and the rest of their musical careers (as a professional or as a community member). Every bit helps whether you are donating or sharing our fundraiser information!
Car Wash Fundraiser #3
- Student sign up - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAE2FA3FC1-50588909-mvhs?useFullSite=true#/
- In front of the school -- cash, check, or online payment options available
99Pledges Fall Fundraiser
- This fundraiser goes towards our marching season. Share with as many families, friends, coworkers, and neighbors as possible!
- https://app.99pledges.com/fund/2024mvmb
- August 8th - September 8th.
Fall West Ada Raffle
- Raffle ticket sales that will go towards our $12,500 goal!
- Starts on August 12th -- more details and a link TBA
Boise State Concessions
- Our band boosters have been working a lot to get money to help fund ALL of our band students. Please consider volunteering for a concession date!
- If you have any questions or are interested in being part of this, please contact our boosters at mtnviewbandboosters@gmail.com
Donate Directly to MVHS Bands - any amount helps!!
- By check made out to MVHS Bands dropped off to Mr. Barro or the front office bookkeeper.
- MySchoolFees -> Show Public Items -> Donation -> MVHS BAND TEAM DONATION
Have a great fundraising opportunity? Contact Mr. Barro at barro.joshua@westada.org!
Fall 2024 Marching Band Fee Schedule
Below, you will find the due dates for all fees (season member fee and trip fees). These can paid all at once if desired.
Member Fee Payment #1 - $75 - Overdue (April 30)
Member Fee Payment #2 - $100 - Overdue (July 29th)
Member Fee Payment #3 - $75 - Due on Thursday, August 15 for ALL Members
Trip #1 (Utah) Fee Payment #1 - $105 - Due Friday, September 6
Trip #1 (Utah) Fee Payment #2 - $105 - Due Friday, September 20
Trip #2 (Burley) Fee Payment - $45 - Due Friday, October 4
Ways to pay:
- Pay via MySchoolFees (the fees listed above will be made available by July 22nd)
- Check (made out to MVHS Bands)
- Cash (in a sealed envelope with the student's name on it)
Student Opportunity
We have a great opportunity for students to be involved with our booster program. We will be taking volunteers for four representatives, one from each grade level, to join us for our booster meetings and have a say in some of the business. Once we have received the list of volunteers, our student body will vote during a rehearsal and will ultimately choose the students that will represent them at meetings.
Student Volunteer Form - Due by Wednesday, August 14th - Click HERE
Student Voting - Thursday, August 15th
Results of Voting - Friday, August 16th
The selected students will potentially join us for part of our booster meeting on Thursday, September 5th during the beginning of rehearsal.
Fall 2024 Summer Camp and Rehearsal Information
Students NEED to be taking care of their bodies. What you eat and drink matters. Eat healthy food and eat consistently. Drink WATER consistently so your urine is clear and not yellow. Students that CHOOSE not to do any of this end up being the ones sitting out. When we have students that sit out, we end up losing valuable progress as a band. EVERY student is important to this marching band process.
If a student is sitting out consistently due to poor choices regarding the items above, a meeting will be scheduled with the student and parent to discuss how to move forward.
All health issues should be communicated promptly to myself or the school so we have it on record and can be better equipped to help.
What to bring to rehearsals:
- One-Gallon Water Jug - Our provided jug is a REQUIREMENT and is part of the marching band uniform for rehearsals and for performances.
- Instrument - Have all maintenance supplies, reeds, and mouthpieces!
- Binder and Music
- Pencil
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses and hat
- Comfortable Clothing - shoes, shorts, and shirts are required. Students cannot go shirtless. Clothing must follow school dress-code policy.
- Tennis shoes (no flip flops, slides, sandals, flats heels) -- students should have COMFORTABLE athletic shoes with cushioning. We DO NOT recommend students wear any shoes that have a flat sole. This will only cause damage to their feet.
- Cell phone (smartphone) - We use these for attendance and drill through the UDBApp.
- Small bag - like a fanny pack or cinch bag - this can be carried while we are on the field during rehearsals. Perfect for storing your smaller items during rehearsal.
Spring 2025 Music Department Tour to California
We have a big trip planned for 2025 going down to California!
Our current dates are set for Wednesday, April 2 through Sunday, April 6, 2025.
This will include University visits (UNLV, Cal State Long Beach, and UCLA) as well as Disneyland/California Adventure, Medieval Times, and potentially an LA Philharmonic Concert featuring John Williams music conducted by Gustavo Dudamel and John Williams himself!
This trip is open only to Symphonic Band, Jazz I, and Percussion Ensemble students that are in the class year-round. Students joining any of the classes at 2nd semester will not be eligible for this trip.
Current Trip Estimate: $850
The $50 deposit paid at the end of last school year applies towards the current trip estimate.
Reminder About Attendance - Rehearsals/Competitions
Student attendance is key to our progress as a marching band. Unlike any other team sport, there is NO bench for marching band. We cover a lot of important information and repetition in every rehearsal we have. Below are a list of absences that are excused vs unexcused.
Excused: Illnesses, Family Emergencies, Weddings, Family Vacation/Trip (only if communicated with a minimum of two weeks and if it is not on the week of a competition or the day of a competition)
Unexcused Absences: Anything that is not communicated within two weeks of an event, work, homework, family parties/dinners, or hanging out with friends.
Unexcused absences can result in loss of a solo part, drill position, or in the most severe of cases, dismissal from the marching band program.
Any absences that are not illnesses or family emergencies must be communicated via Absence Form which can be found below.