District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Thank You, Buildings and Grounds Crew!
Thank you to all of the Buildings and Grounds staff members for working through the snow and extreme cold temperatures to care for our buildings, remove snow and ice, and for keeping everyone safe as they arrived to school today! A special thank you to Dave Scarmardo, Director of Buildings and Grounds, for leading this effort. Go team!
School Closures Follow Up
We hope the entire District 41 community stayed safe during the severe cold weather this week.
Impact on Calendar
Due to dangerous weather conditions, schools were closed for three days this week. The days will need to be made up at the end of the school year as originally planned for in the 2018/19 calendar. As stated in the approved calendar for this school year, families should plan for the last day of school to be June 13. Click here for the 2018/19 school calendar.
In the event there is a conflict with the calendar related to summer programming, the District will work with Glenbard West to ensure that all students have full access to summer learning opportunities.
At-Home Learning for the Future
District 41 planned to implement At-Home Learning this past week due to the weather related school closures. We were working hard to seek an opportunity to engage our students and staff with At-Home Learning. However, we just learned that the State Senate Education Committee has voted 16-0 to reinstate the previous definition of a school day. At this time, we will wait for our legislative leaders to give us guidance. Here is a link to a Daily Herald article outlining the topic.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these items related to the unexpected closures we experienced this week.
Safety Session Scheduled for Feb. 28
District 41 and the Glen Ellyn Police Department will again host a special safety session for parents on Thursday, February 28, 7 p.m. at Hadley Junior High School. This the second session offered to talk about new “Run.Hide.Fight” messaging and training that will take place in all District 41 schools. Please attend this important meeting to learn more and have a conversation about safety in schools.
Click here for an email message from Superintendent Gordon related to safety and the new “Run.Hide.Fight” training.
Take the 5Essentials Survey Now
District 41 relies on parent feedback when planning for the future. Please share your thoughts through the annual 5Essentials survey. The survey ends on February 15. Thank you!
Click Here to take the survey!
8th Grade Power Lunch
Email: ekrehbiel@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41