Weekly Parent Post

Good afternoon PJMS families!
There is NO SCHOOL MONDAY, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day. Thank you to all of our families who have served in our Armed Forces. We appreciate YOU!
Chess club starts Tuesday, November 12, in Mrs. Troutman's classroom. You must have a permission slip signed and $20 in. D&D club is TUESDAY this week ONLY, since there is no school on Monday.
Did you know that you can email the school with absences, messages for your student, or any other communication, through our building email pjm@matsuk12.us? Multiple staff members check it throughout the day and take care of requests. If your student needs a bus pass, you can go to our website at Home - Palmer Jr Middle School (matsuk12.us) and scroll down to "Latest News" and find "PJMS Bus Pass". Click on the bus pass and it will take you to our Google Doc that staff will also check throughout the day. PLEASE make your request by 1:30, to give us time to get it to your student! Both are an easy and efficient way to get a hold of someone for something that isn't super time sensitive. Currently, the clubs we are offering are Ham Radio, Walking club, Dungeons and Dragons, Battle of the Books, Weightlifting and Marksmanship Clubs. Our Study Hall is free again this year. Current sports are 7&8 basketball, as well as C-Team basketball and 6th grade basketball starts November 18th.
Have a great week PJMS families!
- Monday clubs: NO SCHOOL!
- Tuesday clubs: D&D, Battle of the Books, Marksmanship, Walking Club, Chess club & Study Hall
- 7&8 B&G BB
- C-Team B&G
- Tour of Career Tech
- Wednesday clubs: Study Hall, Weightlifting, Walking Club & Ham Radio
- Wacky Wed- Professional Dress Day
- Canned Food Drive begins
- C-Team: No practice
- 7&8 basketball game @ PJMS
- Thursday clubs: Marksmanship, Walking Club & Study Hall
- 7&8 BB Tournament @ PJMS
- C-Team No practice
- Friday:
- 7&8 BB Tournament @ PJMS
- C-Team No practice
Canned Food Drive Nov 6-15
Food goes to the Palmer Food Bank
Nonperishable items – Needed Items: Peanut butter, jelly, shelf stable milk, diapers sizes 3-6
Competition between first period classes
Sponsored by PJMS FFA
Students with Free and Reduced Lunches need to re-apply!
Students who received Free/Reduced lunch need to re-apply! This includes all students from previous schools who were getting lunches for all their students. (i.e. Sherrod). Students at PJMS will be charged for breakfasts and lunches.
Palmer Jr MIddle School
1159 S Chugach St.
Palmer, AK 99645
Phone: (907) 761-4300
Email: PJM@matsuk12.us