Welcome Back to School
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025!
Dear Families,
The summer is flying by! By now you should have received your child's class assignment and supply letter, along with our July information packet.
By the end of August Kindergarten families will receive their child's bus tag. Please attach this to your child's backpack or clothing for the first day of school. Kindergarten students will enter first during the first week and have escorts to their classrooms.
Kindergarten Orientation with bus ride will be August 29 from 9:00 - 10:30!
Go on you child's first bus ride, meet their teacher, and get lots of helpful information!
Meet and greet schedule for all other teachers prior to the start of school is available - use the schedule to know the date and times you can stop in with your child to visit their classroom, meet their teacher, and drop off supplies.
Can't make the Meet and Greets? I'll be scheduling an evening Zoom prior to the start of the year to answer questions.
Don't forget to complete the Summer Reading Challenge! Need books? Visit our self-serve lending library for packets of books at your child's reading level in the main entrance, or visit the Little Lending Library in front of the school and grab a good book!
I will be out of town August 12-20, returning August 21. If you need assistance, please call the office to speak with Anne Getz. secretary. You can also email us at kesoffice@rondout.k12.ny.us
I will be returing messages as soon as I return.
Looking forward to seeing you at our Meet and Greet dates!
Jackie VanNosdall, Principal
Important Information!
Kindergarten Orientation and Bus Ride, August 29, 9:00 - 10:30 AM
Teacher Meet and Greet Dates and Times
Upcoming Events: Put This on the Fridge!
Theme for the Year: Engagement
Universal Design for Learning = Engagement
Learning happens best when students are engaged, excited, and having fun! At KES we use Universal Design for Learning. The goal of UDL is to use a variety of teaching methods to remove any barriers to learning and give all students equal opportunities to succeed. It's about building in flexibility that can be adjusted for every student's strengths and needs. That's why UDL benefits all kids!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Who to contact if your child doesn't want to come to school:
Mrs. DeMarco, School Counselor or Mrs. VanNosdall, Principal
Resources for Families
How to Help Your Child Succeed From Day 1
This article is has concrete advice for kids & their grownups, plus a very helpful checklist.