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Welcome to 6th Grade at CFMS
Catch Our Spirit, Be a COLT!
May 31, 2024
Welcome to Clear Fork Middle School...
Welcome to Clear Fork Middle School. We are excited to have you be part of the middle school this upcoming school year. Here is some information to get you started in preparation for becoming a middle school student. If you have any questions, please contact the Middle School Office at 419-886-3111.
A Note From the Principal...
It is an exciting time when your child enters middle school! They are growing up so quickly and very shortly will become a teenager. Not only do students and parents look forward to middle school but it can also be a source of anxiety. We are here to help with this transition from the elementary to the middle school and to ensure that your child has a successful school year.
The sixth grade team will work with your student during the first several days to go over middle school concepts such as switching classes, using a locker, how to use a planner, how to organize binders, and what to expect in the cafeteria. The staff has found taking time to slowly integrate the middle school concepts and directly teach the expectations has helped to be more successful from the beginning.
The sixth grade schedule has a few classes that parents often ask about once they pick up their child's schedule:
First is "Advisory." Advisory is our "Homeroom class" but it is the last period of the day. Students have an opportunity to finish their classwork, see other teachers for assistance, and partake in any Advisory challenges. The Advisory teacher is the first support person for your student and we encourage parents to reach out to the teachers with any questions. Advisory teachers will look over grades and check for missing assignments with your student. They will help your child to write goals for school and they will participate in Social Emotional Learning lessons with their Advisory class. This designated time can greatly reduce the amount of homework or assistance your child needs with school work after the school day has ended.
Next is "Intermission." This designated time is right after lunch and it is scheduled for a variety of purposes. The largest goal of Intermission is to provide students with a physical break before returning to the afternoon classes. Weather permitting students may be outside, they may be inside doing activities, or they could be competing in Advisory Challenges. Additional activities that take place during Intermission may include class meetings, reward activities, Social Emotional Learning activities, and more. Intermission is also used as a time for students to make up work or get additional assistance if more time is needed than what is provided in the Advisory period.
The sixth grade field trip "Nature's Classroom" will be October 9-11 at FFA Camp Muskingum. This is an overnight field trip that students will remember for the rest of their lives. Our goal is to get every student to attend the field trip. The details will be shared as we get closer to the start of school.
One focus in sixth grade has been on social and emotional wellness. Students will have the opportunity to participate in direct lessons, team building activities, and listen to presentations related to social and emotional wellness. We are using a program called "Tribes." The sixth grade team has used Tribes in previous years and the students always looked forward to the Friday Activity. Information about the program will be included in future newsletters. CACY comes into our Science classroom once a week for 13 weeks to do a series on "Too Good for Drugs" where students learn about making good decisions and being their best self. Throughout the year, additional presentations are done for the entire school in assemblies.
Please note the infographics and all of the important upcoming dates. Not only do we have scheduled times to visit the building such as Open House and Schedule Pick Up Days, but we also welcome you to visit the school starting the week of August 12th during office hours to take a self guided tour. We ask that you stop into the office and check in before you walk around. We want students to feel comfortable in the building and encourage multiple visits to the building before the first day of school.
For the 2024-2025 school year we would like to welcome Mr. Logan Slavinski as the new middle school principal! He will be starting at the middle school on August 1st! We hope that you and your student are looking forward to next year and we cannot wait to have you in our building! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the middle school office at 419-886-3111!
Mrs. Jennifer Klaus
Clear Fork Middle School Principal
Attached is the Slide show that was shown to the 5th grades this May when they visited the middle school. Here you will find teachers, school info and more!
Upcoming Events!
AUG 14&15 Schedule Pick Up
AUG 19 Open House
AUG 19&20 Teacher In-Service Days
AUG 21 First Day of School
SEPT 2 No School- Labor Day
SEPT 13 Early Release- Bellville Street Fair
SEPT 30 All School Fees Due for the $10 Discount
OCT 9-11 6th Grade Field Trip to Nature's Classroom
Nov 7&12 Parent Teacher Conferences
School Supply List
Community Summer Announcements!
About us
Email: klausj@clearfork.k12.oh.us
Website: www.clearfork.k12.oh.us
Location: 987 State Route 97 East, Bellville, OH, USA
Phone: 419-886-3111
Twitter: @MSCFVLS
Principal of Clear Fork Middle School since July of 2014.