Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 2 Term 2, Friday 10 May
Principal's Comment
Kia ora families
We are getting ready to host our Trivia Night this evening. Tables have sold out and we look forward to hosting the event. Funds raised will be used to upgrade our tired looking junior playground. Many thanks to Team Pipi for organising this event.
You may have heard the good news in the media this week that free school lunches will continue to be provided till at least the end of 2026. Our lunch provider will carry on supplying our kai as per usual. A big thanks to 'The Food Company' for providing nutritious and tasty food for our children.
I'm very proud of the support Onekawa School children gave to the 'Pink Ribbon' fundraiser. They have raised over $300 for the Breast Cancer Foundation. Check out the cool 'Ribbon' photo we took this week below.
Have an awesome weekend!
Nga mihi,
Navigating the Journey
Recently we invited your comments on Onekawa School's health programme, and we would like to thank those parents who participated for their thoughts.
During Term 2, we will begin using the Navigating the Journey Programme as outlined in the consultation.
We are aware that there are some families who requested further information regarding the content of lessons, and would like to reassure you that you will receive timely information from your child's teacher. This will include details about the content of the lesson, and the day on which it will be taught.
Please be reassured that we have chosen this programme with care, and know it is being used successfully in many New Zealand Schools. While we hope that all children will be able to participate in every lesson, we recognise that there may be sessions which some parents may wish to withdraw their child from. Please keep an eye on Hero for further information. If you would like your child withdrawn, please contact your child's teacher before the day of the lesson and we will find another classroom for them to go to while it takes place.
If you have any further concerns, please contact your child's teacher.
Robotics Trailor
Pink Ribbon Day - We raised over $300 for the Breast Cancer Foundation
Free Frozen Meals
We have free frozen meals in our freezer waiting to fill some bellies! If you would like one please call the office on 06 843 8297 prior to 2.30pm each day.
Contact Us
Email: admin@onekawa.school.nz
Website: https://www.onekawa.school.nz/
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnekawaSchool/