Oak Leaf News
River Oak Charter School
Welcome Back from Our New Administrator
Welcome back ROCS Community!
I would like to introduce myself as the new Administrator at River Oak Charter School. I am deeply honored to take on this role and continue the service that Emily Selim has so professionally and effectively executed to guide the school’s mission and vision through such a tumultuous past year. I look forward to building relationships with our community as we welcome a new year for our children.
I live in the Sebastopol/Graton area, and I am excited about the beautiful commute! ROCS feels like home to me in many ways, as both of my children went through the grades at a similar charter school. My son, Caspian, is starting his fourth year at UCSC, and daughter, Satori, is in 10th grade at West County High. My husband is retiring soon, and so it is the perfect time for me to step into this new role!
After earning my CA Multiple Subject credential, I developed a Waldorf Inspired playgarden that was a feeder program for our Sebastopol charter schools. As I became a mainstream elementary teacher, I incorporated many aspects of what I loved about my children's education into my general education classroom. I am passionate about the heart and mind connection as a pathway to learning, and knowing that I will be part of a school that holds the same values fills my heart with joy and gratitude.
From the first day I visited campus, I could see and feel the dedication to the mission and vision of ROCS, and my goal is to serve your community with children at the heart of our decision making. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me as we start this journey together!
With Gratitude,
Kristi McCullough
River Oak Staff Prepares to Welcome Students!
Free Lunch Available
Every child should bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated!!! Thank you!
Parking and Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
River Oak families may park on the street or in the front two rows of the parking lot. The back portion of the parking lot is reserved for staff only. Families are welcome to stay in their vehicles and wait for clearance from a staff member to have your child exit the vehicle and walk in the crosswalk located in the school parking lot. There is no staff available to assist your child crossing in the crosswalk located on Leslie Street. River Oak families are not permitted to park in the Senior Center parking lot.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures-
For Kindergarten families, please park your vehicle and walk your child to the garden playground if you arrive between 7:50am and 8:20am. Any parent/guardian entering the school campus must wear a mask. When school concludes, arrive anytime between 12:50pm-1:05pm to pick up your child unless you have a prior arrangement for your child to attend Acorn Hut. Golden Sun families must wait outside and wait for the teacher to open the door. Mrs. Meeker will send your child to you. Crimson Clover families, enter the main wooden gate and enter to small commons. Mrs. Rachelle Coleman will send your child to you.
For Grades 1-8, our school allows drop off as early as 7:50am. If your child arrives after 8:20am they must check in at the front office. If you arrive before 7:50am, we will not have staff available to supervise your child so please wait in the vehicle. No child can be left unattended without supervision of staff or parent/guardian. When school concludes, similar to previous years parents/guardians may park their vehicle and pick up their child in front of the school. Additionally, you may stay in your car and pick up your child when you are in front of the line. A sign with your child's name in the front window is very helpful for staff.
We are trying to limit the amount of people walking in and out of the school. Please give your child a big hug outside and send them into the school building. Staff will be helping all students get to their class safely. If you need to speak with a staff member, check in at the front office.
For Kindergarten Students:
Early drop-off time: 7:50am (garden playground)
Class start time: 8:20am
Dismissal time: 1:00pm
For 1st-3rd Grade Students:
Early drop-off time: 7:50am
Class start time: 8:20am
Dismissal time: 2:55pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Dismissal time: 1:05pm on Wednesday
For 4th-8th Grade Students:
Early drop-off time: 7:50am
Class start time: 8:20am
Dismissal time: 3:05pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Dismissal time: 1:05pm on Wednesday
Mask Policy
- All students will be required to wear a mask indoor
- Masks outdoors will be optional
- Masks may be removed during meal times
- Students who participate in sports must wear a mask regardless of setting
- All parent/guardians entering campus must wear a mask
River Oak Charter School
Email: eselim@riveroakcharterschool.org
Website: www.riveroakcharterschool.org
Location: 555 Leslie Street, Ukiah, CA, USA
Phone: 7074671855
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riveroakcharter