ALA Eagle News
December 20, 2024
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all January 6!
Note from our Director
Holiday Greetings from American Leadership Academy
Dear ALA Families,
As we embrace the joy and warmth of this holiday season, we are reminded of the incredible strength and unity within our ALA community. They say a person is truly blessed when they have one real friend, and here at ALA, we are fortunate to have a community of friends and families that support and uplift one another.
This festive season, we hope your homes are filled with happiness, love, and light. May the true spirit of Christmas fill your hearts, not only now but throughout the entire year. As educators, we are privileged to impart the gift of knowledge to our students—a gift that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Together, we are creating a brighter future for our children, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with you in the new year. Thank you for being a part of our ALA family.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Richard Morley, M.Ed
January Lunch Menus
Congratulations to our Secondary December Students of the Month
Students of the Month -
7-9th grade: Zoey McKowen (9th grade)
I have never met another student as helpful as Zoey. I had her for two years and as soon as her work was done she would ask to help. She did not mind the nature of the job. It could be cleaning or sorting or whatever and she would happily move to the task. I know this year she is a high school office aid and as soon as she has her homework complete (straight A student) she asks Ms. Benson for ways to help. Service is innate with her and she never has an expectation of anything in return.
Not only is she willing to help in class, but she asks if there is anything that needs to be done. In addition, she notices when something needs to be done and offers to help.
10-12th grade: Saydee Carter (12th grade)
Saydee came in on her own time to help cook a meal for a group, make cookies for students, and help other students get prepared for their finals. Saydee is always willing to help out with whatever projects FCCLA is asked to do. Saydee is helpful to other students in proofreading, completing projects and giving ideas for them to get started. Saydee serves with a smile and is always the first to ask what she can do to help.
She is also a Varsity basketball players who is a great leader on the court! She is hard-working and always looking for ways to help others. For example, she was the player who initiated giving the year's game ball to their bus driver to show the team's appreciation.
Congratulations to our Teacher and Staff for the Month of December
Support Staff Member of the Month - John Davis
John is so kind and goes out of his way to make events and classrooms run smoothly. He works hard!
He has been very friendly and welcoming to me this year. And anytime I've asked for something from him, he's made it happen quickly and efficiently. He takes pride in his work and it shows.
He is always so amazing and willing to help us with maintenance in our rooms. However with the move into the new building he has been especially helpful. I had no white boards or smart board hung and need it to teach the day I was moving. They are just sitting in my classroom and he came and had it ready for me before I came in the next morning. This is just one of many examples of the amazing help he gives to help us teachers be able to do our job.
Teacher of the Month - Kirsten Smith
She gives so much time serving the school with the lost and found and manning the ticket table for athletic and arts events. She really goes the extra mile trying to track down the owners of lost and found items. The students love her sense of humor and know that she cares about them.
Wow, She has been a rock and huge support here at ALA. She has dedicated herself to the kids and parents. She serves in every aspect. Sports events, Clothing drives etc. She modifies for our Special Education students and I couldn't be more proud to have the opportunity to work with her.
She should be the poster child for service in practically every way. It really is too big a list to write.
Order your Spirit Dress/PE Clothes/Fine Arts here
The ALA online school store has new spirit shirts available for wearing on our school spirit day every Thursday! Please check out the link below.
Your student is required to wear a PE uniform for class in 7-12th grades. They are docked if they are not in the school PE Clothes. So order yours now from our ONLINE SCHOOL STORE
ALA Social Media Sites
School Website: www.alautah.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americanleadershipacademyeagles/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALA_Charter
Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@AmericanLeadershipAcademy
Instagram: @alastudentbody
Instagram: @ala_charter