MYP Weekly Update
September 15th, 2023

Message from the Coordinator
Please continue to ensure students are completing their work on time. Q3 interims go home on February 10,.
Parent conferences will be held on February 7 from 8-12. Information about scheduling one with your child's teachers will be forthcoming.
Math Counts
Good luck to the Math Counts team this weekend!
School Policies and Reminders
School Reminders
Dress Code
All pants must be worn around the waist. Skirts and shorts must be at least fingertip length. Ripped jeans may be worn, but must have something under them if the rips are above fingertip length. Shirts must be long enough to not show the midriff area. These rules apply equally to males and females. If a student is violating dress code, they will be addressed, and may need to call home for a change of clothes. Additionally, they will sit in ISS until the issue can be resolved. For more information on dress code, please visit: (pp. 20-22)
Students must wear their school issued ID all day, every day. This is for their safety, and is a district policy. When they don't have an ID, they are issued a temporary ID. When they receive their 5th temporary ID, they will then be issued a discipline referral, and potentially have to spend a day in ISS. If your student needs a new ID, they can purchase 1 in the front office on any school morning.
Tardy to class
The same process for. ID applies to being tardy to class; on the 5th tardy they receive a discipline referral
Headphones/ earbuds
These are only to be used for educational purposes with the permission of the teacher. Students may not wear them in the hallways. They may also not play music to "keep them focused" unless it is explicitly stated in the IEP.
Late Work Policy
Due to changes in the MYP schedule, and the pacing guides mandated by the district, the MYP late work policy at Williams Middle School has been updated. If students are taking the entire 10 days to make up work, it will have already been tested on in most cases, or at the very least other concepts have built off of the information, and the student is going to suffer as a consequence.
I am also clarifying a few misconceptions that students have regarding the policy. Please read the following information carefully and completely.
1. Late work will only be accepted for 5 days after the due date, and is still 10 points off per day. This policy is only for homework and out of class projects.
2. Work assigned in class is due before the end of class unless otherwise specified by the teacher. If it is not submitted by the end of class period, it MUST be turned in by 11:59 PM of the day it was assigned, and will be 20 points off. Students need to ensure they are using their class time wisely, and remaining focused on their work.
3. If a student is not working on their assignments in class, despite being asked multiple times to stay on task, they will receive a 0 for the assignment. They will not be given the opportunity to submit this work at a later date.
Service as Action (Community Service)
- Students are required to complete 1 activity per quarter
- To receive credit for the activity, students must complete the reflection with the picture proof
- While Mrs. Hardee shares activities as she can, the student may also need to be proactive and do something on their own.
Possible activities:
- Pick up trash in a park
- volunteer your time at a soup kitchen or the Humane Society
Upcoming Events
February 10: Q3 Interims
February 17-21: Winter Intercession
March 5: Wax Museum
March 19: Q3 ends
March 21: Q3 report cards issued
A Day/ B Day Calendar
WMS Athletics
Students must have physicals completed by their physicians and uploaded to Planet High School (Big Teams) before they can participate in athletics.
IB Learner Profile Attribute of the Month
This month, we are focusing on being KNOWLEDGEABLE.
Teacher Updates
Ms. Bethea- ELA 6
Sixth Grade students are studying Unit 11 Vocabulary, Informational text, and grammar- semicolons, and commas. We will have a module test Thursday, Feb. 13th. Students received QR Codes for review and a study guide in Google Classroom.
African American history projects will be assigned next week to both grade levels. The assignment’s due date is Wednesday, Feb. 26th.
Dr. Spencer- Science 6
This week we finished up severe weather, completing a weather brochure in class on different types of severe weather. Next week, we will talk about how the unequal heating and rotation of the Earth determines regional climates.
Mr. McAninch- German 6
We continue to cover and review Switzerland as our cultural topic. Our class theme will continue to be spoken introductions and small talk. However, this week we will have more of an emphasis on spoken language and proper pronunciation. The class has also started to learn the German nominative pronouns.
Dr. McCord- Math 6
Ms. Watson- Social Studies 6
Next week, we are diving straight into the Industrial Revolution with quite a few fun exercises like a functioning assembly line and a Shark Tank simulation! 🦈
Mr. Sponic- Theatre Arts 6
Both 6th and 7th grades will be working on creating pantomimed stories this upcoming week. Home adults should make sure to check PowerSchool to make sure students are completing all assignments. Have a great long weekend!
Dr. Spencer- Science 7
We began our lesson on Food Chains and Food Webs and how energy flows through ecosystems. We will continue this lesson next week.
Ms. Bethea- ELA 7
Seventh Grade students are studying Unit 11 Vocabulary, Figurative language, Sonnets and grammar- semicolons, and commas. We are studying objective and subjective summaries as well. We will have a module test Thursday, Feb. 13th. Students received QR Codes for review and a study guide in Google Classroom.
African American history projects will be assigned next week to both grade levels. The assignment’s due date is Wednesday, Feb. 26th.
Mr. McAninch- German 7
We continue to cover and review Switzerland as our cultural topic. Our class theme will continue to be spoken introductions and small talk. However, this week we will have more of an emphasis on spoken language and proper pronunciation. The class has also started to learn the German nominative pronouns.
Dr. McCord- Math 7
6th and 7th Grade Students will…
6th and 7th Grades: We dug into data this week, by having students reflect on their module test scores, Linkit benchmarks A and B, and previous SC Ready scores, to set goals for this year’s SC READY MATH. 6th graders are learning to apply statistics to data displays. 7th graders are learning to apply surface area and volume of prisms and pyramids to solve word problems. A lesson quiz and module test are upcoming this week.
Mr. Sponic- Theatre Arts 7
Ms. Watson- Social Studies 7
We are wrapping up Western Europe and starting our Southern Europe unit with a full-functioning mock trial! It’s going to be a fun week!
Ms. MacDonald- English I
Plans for the Wax Museum are underway. All of the students have selected a person in which they will research and explain how they show civil disobedience. Everyone will need to be present for ELA & Social Studies Night on March 5, 2025. This is mandatory for all 8th grade MYP students.
Students will have a test on ACT III of Romeo & Juliet this week.
Mr. Knight- Algebra I
During the week, we worked on Pythagorean Theorem, which allowed students to discover how to solve for the missing sides of a right triangle. This week we also had the opportunity to do a Quiz on Pythagorean Theorem and feedback from the Quiz was also given to each student. Students also had the opportunity to learn about rational and irrational numbers and perform different operations with Rational and Irrational numbers. Students are encouraged to continue practicing over the weekend as they will have a Module Test on Monday. Students do have a study guide to over.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Carter- MYP Art (8)
Ms. Morillo- Spanish 8
Mr. McAninch- German 8
We will continue to cover Cologne, Germany as our cultural topic. This week we will focus on Carnival. Our language and daily cultural sections will continue to be shopping and clothes. However, this week will have more of an emphasis on spoken language and proper pronunciation.
Mr. Lide- Science 8
Mr. Gardner- Social Studies 8
This week students learned about the important changes that took place after the Civil War, including the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which abolished slavery, granted citizenship, and protected voting rights. We will also discuss the challenges of this period, such as the rise of Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Compromise of 1877, which ultimately led to the end of Reconstruction. Through discussions, activities, and reflections, students will examine whether Reconstruction was a success or a failure and how its legacy continues to shape our country today.