EMS Update
August 20, 2024
Hello Excelsior Famliies!
We're already well into the first quarter, and it's been amazing to see the progress our students are making! Learning is in full swing, and the energy across campus is so positive. We're thrilled to see how well our students are adapting to the new single lunch period and helping keep our restrooms clean. The first dance of the year was a huge success, with a great turnout and lots of fun had by all.
Quarter 1 sports are off to a fantastic start with Boys Volleyball, Girls Softball, and Wrestling all in action. We're looking forward to cheering them on during their first games and matches on campus this week—go team!
Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming back Kim Karr, a former Excelsior teacher and the founder of #icanhelp, who gave an inspiring presentation on digital literacy and safety to our students. She emphasized the importance of being an upstander online—whether it's reporting concerning texts, photos, or posts to an adult, stepping up when you see something inappropriate, or simply choosing not to engage with harmful content. We're excited that Kim will be presenting to our parent community tonight at 6:30 pm in the theater. We hope to see you there!
We also want to extend a big thank you to all the parents who attended our Back to School Night earlier this month. It was wonderful to see so many of you connecting with our teachers and getting a glimpse of your student's classrooms. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the new format! If you have a moment, please click THIS LINK to share your feedback.
Lastly, just a reminder that our Fall Conferences are coming up next week (details below). From August 26th to 30th, students will be dismissed early at 11:45 am each day.
Please review the information in this bulletin and, if you have any questions, email me at jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us.
Ms. Jamie Keith
EMS Principal
- August 20th - Digital Safety Parent Night, 6:30 pm in the Theater
- August 26th - 29th - Schoolastic Bookfair (information below)
- August 26th - 30th - Minimum Days, 11:45 am release for students
- August 28-29th - Fall Conferences (parent/student/teacher)
- August 28th - Yearbook earlybird pricing ends (price will go up to $48)
- September 2nd - Labor Day (no school)
- September 3rd - PTSA Meeting @ 7 pm in library or on Zoom
Fall Conferences
August 28th and August 29th
Our Fall Conferences are next week on Wednesday, August 28th, and Thursday, August 29th. These conferences are both similar and different than conferences your child may have had in elementary school. Please check out the information on our conference format below:
- Conferences are schedule with your child's TEAM teacher.
- Your TEAM teacher is your point of contact for all three years that your child is an Excelsior student.
- We also try to ensure that siblings have the same TEAM teacher so that a greater understanding can be reached between home and school.
- Our Fall Conferences are both data driven and goal oriented. Students are highly encouraged to attend as they are part of the conference team. Our fall conferences will:
- Review MAP data
- Review current progress/grades in classes
- Discuss the goals students have set for themeslves this year
- Discuss any parent concerns or goals for their child this year
- Conferences are apprxoximately 15 minutes in lenght. If spanish translation is needed, please let your TEAM teacher know.
If you have not recieved an email from your TEAM teacher asking you to sign up for conferences, you can reach out to them by emailing them (our staff emails convention is: first initial plus last name @byron.k12.ca.us) or by clicking "Send Message" by their name in our staff directory.
Schoolastic Book Fair
August 26th - 29th
Our Bookfair will be open August 26th throug 29th from 10:20 am - 3:20 pm. Students will be able to shop during their breaks on campus or during conference time.
The Schoolastic Book Fair is very important to our campus as it is our library fundraiser which is used to purchase new books and materials for the library.
THIS LINK is to our EMS Book Fair Homepage. The page provides a link to eWallet (the best way to pay for your books) and the Book Trailers. We look forward to seeing everyone at the book fair next week!
Q1 Sports Schedules
Student Life
Thank you for your donation Silicon Valley & Byron Delta Lions Club!
Thank you for your donation Delta Station!
Winner of our Raffle as part of our Believe Kids Fundraiser!
A Day in the Jungle Dance!
A Day in the Jungle Dance!
A Day in the Jungle Dance!
A Day in the Jungle Dance!
A Day in the Jungle Dance!
Kim Karr #icanhelp assembly!
Kim Karr #icanhelp assembly!
Kim Karr #icanhelp assembly!
Kim Karr #icanhelp assembly!
Excelsior Middle School
Email: jkeith@byron.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.excelsiormiddleschool.us/
Location: 14301 Byron Highway, Byron, CA, USA
Phone: 925-809-7530
Twitter: @EMSFalcons