Turrill Family Newsletter
October 2024
A Message from the Principal
Dear Turrill Families,
I love October! .As a child, I loved school during October because my teachers made Halloween fun. As a parent, I love October because my children love Halloween. I can't wait to see the joy October brings to our Turrill students. Let's be #bettertogetherspookystyle
Kelly Vangel
Principal, Turrill Elementary
Mark You Calendars
- 10/2/24 Fall Student Count Day
10/4/24 Popcorn Day
- 10/14-17 Spirit Week
10/17/24 Haunted Hallways
- 10/18/24 NO School - Records Day
- 10/21-10/24/24 Intersession Programming (registered students only) - NO School
- 10/25/24 NO School
- 10/31 Halloween parties & 3:00 parade
Important Information
Intersession Programming
Intersession programming will be held Monday, October 21st through Thursday, October 24th (No intersession programming on Friday). Turrill students who attend will enjoy Fall fun at its best with crafts, games, and academic enrichment. A Google Form was emailed and texted to families on Friday, September 27th and will close on Friday, October 4th at 4:00pm. No late registrations will be accepted. Space is limited, so register now. Please contact Sherry Howey at sharon.howey@lapeerschools.org for more information.
LCS Student Handbook Attendance Policy
Under state law, truancy referrals are made for students with excessive absences. Attendance letters are mailed following the 8th and 13th absence within a school year. A referral to truancy may be made following the 10th absence or tardy in a school year.
Kona Ice is Coming to Turrill!
October 30, 2024
March 19, 2025
April 30, 2025
May 28, 2025
June 11, 2025
Academics & Positive Behavior
Positivity Project
I am beyond excited to announce that we are partnering with The Positivity Project at Turrill this year for character trait building. The Positivity Project is currently used at both Rolland Warner and Zemmer campuses, as well as Schickler for 2024-2025. To learn more about The Positivity Project, click here to watch Of This, I'm Positive, as well as The Positivity Project's Founding Story
BOLT Tickets
Students can earn BOLT tickets from adults throughout the school day for exhibiting positive behavior. Students can turn BOLT tickets in each week to earn prizes. If you would like to donate PBIS prizes to Turrill, we would really appreciate it. Prize examples include: pencils, erasers, fidgets, small games, small toys, etc.
Compliment Chains
Classrooms have compliment chains made out of paper links in their classrooms to measure compliments they receive from adults. When a class meets their personal goal, they enjoy a compliment party of their choice.
Students of the Month
Each month, teachers nominate one student from their class to be Student of the Month based on the character trait that was focused on. We celebrated our August/September Students of the Month by having a Sundae Funday.
Congratulations to our August/September Students of the Month:
- Oliver Stemler
- Lincoln White
- Logan Fields
- Carly Touchette
- Nolan Yelle
- Serina Miotke
- Mathilda Payne
- Lincoln Krystofick
- Beckham Moore
- Riley Morrison
- Jaxon Young
- Bridgette Kucken
- Eliana Ihrke
- Sawyer Chesnutt
- Joshua Tinney-Schleicher
- Weston Carter
Be on the lookout for October Reading Logs! Students have a goal of reading at home for at least 20 minutes every day and completing a reading log throughout the month. Reading at home with your child is part of Read-by-Grade Three Law.
Click here for a list of spooky Halloween books to read with your child
Click here for Halloween books read aloud online
Parent’s Read-At-Home Plan for Student Success
Be on the lookout for September Reading Logs! Students have a goal of reading at home for at least 20 minutes every day and completing a reading log throughout the month.
Reading with your child is a proven way to promote early literacy. One of the most important things you can do to prepare your child for his/her future is helping to make sure that your child is reading at grade level by third grade. You can influence your child’s success in school by making reading a daily routine in your home. Research shows that students who read at least 20 minutes per day score in the 90th percentile on standardized tests. Do you want to help your child to be successful in school? They simply need to read.
Math Facts
Click here for some Spooky October Math Fun
Click here for some more math at home activities
For more information on math skills by age level, click here
In The News
Hello LCS Families,
Check out our bond update presentation from the October 2 LCS Board of Education meeting at this link: October 2, 2024: Bond update presentation from LCS Board of Education meeting – Nuts & Bolts – LapeerBond.com
Please check out our latest bond and safety update as we approach the 2024-25 school year.
The video presentation regarding safety and security updates is in that link above and also HERE. Please watch and share as needed.
All of this information will also be shared on our Facebook page and at each building's registration night/open house. We will be at the Turrill parent-teacher conferences next month as well.
Student Activities & Fun for All
Haunted Hallways at Turrill 10/17
Turrill PTC will host its annual Haunted Hallways event at Turrill on October 17th from 5:30-7:30. Walk the haunted hallways of Turrill for some spooky fun, including cider, donuts, popcorn, and much more. Wear your costume for some added fun. More information coming soon.
Halloween Parade & Parties 10/31
We are looking forward to hosting Halloween parties for our little ghouls again this year. Halloween parties and our parade will be on Tuesday, October 31st. To attend the parade or classroom parties, you will need to have an approved Volunteer Application on file with LCS (see below). Here is some more important information about Halloween:
- Costumes must be school appropriate (no weapons, blood/gore, anything that glorifies violence or hate, or anything that exposes too much skin). Let's keep it fun for everyone :)
- Parade begins at 3:00. Parents are welcome to attend, but will need to sign in and sign out.
- Classroom party times are set by classroom teachers. Your child's teacher will communicate this information with you.
PTC News
Calling all volunteers! Turrill has an amazing PTC that needs your help. Check out the newsletter below to find out more.
Please make sure to fill out the LCS Volunteer Application below if you plan to volunteer in your child's classroom, attend parties, chaperone field trips, or volunteer in other capacities.
Turrill 2024-2025 Family Engagement Plan
Each year we need to seek input on our Family Engagement Plan. Below is a link to our plan. Please take some time to review it. If you see anything that needs revision or have any recommendations please email me at kelly.vangel@lapeerschools.org .
LEAF Deposit Days
LEAF, the Lapeer County Education Attainment Fund, promotes fiscal responsibility in children and encourages them to save money for college. LEAF deposit days are listed below:
- November 12
- February 11
- March 18
- April 22
For more information on the LEAF program, please CLICK HERE.
Coaches' Corner
Reading and Writing Tips for Parents
Ever wonder what to say to your child when he or she is stuck while just learning to read or write? It can be tricky. Reading and writing are incredibly complex processes that begin by initially learning to identify and write letters and hear their corresponding sounds, identify and write sight words, and understand that both pictures and words make meaning. Below are some reading and writing tips to help your child.
- Read to your children so they can hear what good reading sounds like.
- Reading books over and over again is important so children can build fluency and confidence.
- Don't cover up pictures. Children use both pictures and words to build meaning.
- If your child struggles on a word, offer a suggestion. If that doesn't work, tell them the word.
- Make reading enjoyable to build a love of reading.
Calendar & Daily Schedule
Bell Schedule:
8:00 Office Opens
8:45 Student Drop off Begins
8:50 Students Allowed to Rooms
8:54 Classes Begin
2024-2025 Recess Schedule:
11:15-11:45 4th - 5th Grades
11:45-12:15 2nd - 3rd Grade and CI Classrooms
12:15-12:45 E5/KDG - 1st Grade
2024-2025 Lunch Schedule:
11:45-12:054th - 5th Grades
12:15-12:35 2nd, 2/3 Split, 3rd Grade, and CI Classrooms
12:45-1:05E5/KDG - 1st Grade
3:50 Dismissal
4:30 Office Closes
School Intersessions
As in years past, we plan on offering programs during our intersession weeks. Stay tuned for more information regarding the programming and intersession themes. The dates for intersession are as follows:
1st Intersession: October 21-24 (Monday-Thursday)
2nd Intersession: February 18-21 (Tuesday-Friday)
3rd Intersession: March 24-28 (Monday-Friday)
Mental Health & Community Partnership
Mental Health Specialists
We have two lovely Mental Health Specialists at Turrill - Miss Chittle and Ms. Schneider. Their role at Turrill is to provide a listening ear to students. They work on social skills, emotions, and so much more with students. Students are able to meet with Miss Chittle and Ms. Schneider with your permission by filling out an Informed Consent Form (pictured below). Informed Consent Forms will be available during Open House night as you meet your child's new teacher.
Click here to explore a valuable mental health resource from Children's Advocacy Centers of Michigan.
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services
Click here to access the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services.
Turrill Elementary
Email: kelly.vangel@lapeerschools.org
Website: http://turrill.lapeerschools.org/
Location: 785 S Elm St, Lapeer, MI 48446
Phone: (810) 667-2438
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Turrill-Elementary-1415374235385217/
Turrill Motto: Better together!