Wilson Wildcats
Your Weekly Update from Wilson Middle School

Principal's Message
Hello Wilson families,
Happy Summer! We wish you all a wonderful summer break with a lot of fun memories and rest! I am here over the summer. Feel free to reach out if you need anything related to school.
Below are new items that we want to share with you. Please take the time to read them.
Accessing Your Child's Grades (Grades 6-8) and Standards Based Report Card (Grade 5) In PowerSchool:
Please click here to access the directions on how to view your child's grades in PowerSchool.
Overdue Library Books:
Mr. Steere and Ms. Read are still waiting for 231 books to make their way back to the library!
Please check in with your children about this. Backpacks (current and old), laptop cases, bookshelves at home, and the car seem to be popular hiding spaces!
Please reach out to lsteere@natickps.org if you have questions about your student's account.
Thank you!
Summer Reading:
The PTO is pleased to partner again with Wellesley Books for Summer Reading Books. The online bookstore links will be available from Friday, May 17th until Friday, May 31st, where 20% will go to supporting the two schools’ PTOs. All books will be available at Wellesley Books after this for families to buy. Please access this link to order through the PTO: https://www.wellesleybooks.com/kennedy-wilson-2024-summer-reading
Families can specify on the website if they would like to purchase in-store; if so, they will receive a printable voucher that can be brought to Wellesley Books to contribute towards the PTO. The donation at Wellesley Books is based on summer reading titles only. Click here to access the summer reading flyer.
Fall Athletics Registration:
Fall Athletics Registration is now open on Arbiter Sports. Please visit the Wilson Athletic Website for step-by-step directions on registering for a Fall Sport (Boys Cross-Country, Girls Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Intramural Field Hockey, Girls Volleyball, Intramural Girls Volleyball and Boys & Girls Unified Bocce) and for more information on all of our Interscholastic and Intramural Sports offered at Wilson next school year (2024-2025). Please reach out to Mr. Shute if you have any questions.
Natick Youth Field Hockey:
Natick is getting youth field hockey this fall! There will be two teams, grades 5/6 and 7/8. One practice a week and one game on Saturdays. No experience required. This is different from the middle school teams. League begins early September. Come join us to learn and improve your field hockey skills. Email Ms. Pini (mpini@natickps.org) with any questions!
Registration link: https://register.communitypass.net/Natick
Wilson ASAP:
Here is the 24-25 Early Risers/ASAP New Family Registration Flyer. New family registration will take place online between March 13 and April 10.
** Please note - any inquiries about space at Early Risers/ASAP should go right to asap@natickps.org.
Registration: Online only at www.ezchildtrack.com/natickasap/parent from 3/13 - 4/10. If interest exceeds capacity, a lottery of all applications received by April 10 will determine placement.
Space is limited. We recommend that families consider other options in case space is not available at Early Risers or ASAP. A list of area programs can be found on our web page.
For program information, tuition, registration instructions, FAQs and more visit us online at: natickps.org/programs/asap
Wishing you all a wonderful summer.
Teresa Carney
Instagram: wmsnatick
Points of Pride
Massachusetts ELKS Drug Awareness Essay Contest
Congratulations to 8th graders Nathaniel Jacques and Sienna Beville who were winners from the Natick Lodge of ELKS in the annual Massachusetts ELKS Drug Awareness Essay Contest! Their Essays then moved on to the State Contest where Sienna placed 3rd in the Girls' Division. The photo shows Natick ELKS" Committee Chair, John Hughes, Nathaniel Jacques, Sienna Beville and their English Teacher, Kristine Campagna
8th Grade Social
6th Grade Homeroom Palooza
5th Grade Math Projects
5th Grade Field Day
8th Grade Last Lap
9th Grade Orientation
All students must RSVP for orientation using this link. See you there!
Four Things You Need to Know This Week
August 22: Find Your Way Day 12:00 pm (for incoming 5th grade students and any new student to Wilson)
August 28: First Day of School
Please click here: Library News for important information. There is A LOT of new information, so please click on the link to read it.
3. Directions to view grade reports and ROSPs:
Below are the links to directions to access grade reports and ROSPs in PowerSchool.
PowerSchool Instructions to view Grade 5 ROSP and Grade 6-8 Report Cards
Parent Medication Consent Form
Paper - On-Demand Tutoring
Natick Public Schools is excited to announce our partnership with Paper for on-demand tutoring for NHS students. Paper is a secure, online tutoring service that provides students with unlimited, 24/7 academic support. Whether they’re stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to read and make suggestions to their essays, there will always be experts available online to assist students in over 200 subjects and more than 4 languages.
Paper tutors have been specially trained to conduct expert, academic support in a secure, chat-based platform. With a commitment to helping students learn, they’ll never give students answers, but rather interact with them in an encouraging tone to lead them forward.
This is a free service that we’re providing, so students are encouraged to use it as much as they need, whenever they need. Our teachers also have accounts and will be able to review all student activity to see what they’re working on and provide more targeted instruction as needed.
If you’d like to learn more about Paper you can sign up for a Paper hosted Parent Info Session, available in both English and Spanish.
To see Paper and the help it offers firsthand, we encourage you to login with your students. To get started, simply visit PAPER’s student login page, type your school’s name, and log in via Google using your school credentials.
We’re thrilled to offer our students the unlimited, 24/7 support that Paper provides and we can’t wait to see what we’re able to accomplish together.
Email Blast
Do you know of any Wilson parents that don't receive our blasts? Feel free to forward this email and have them join our mailing list.
If you have any questions, please contact the Wilson PTO at wilsonmspto@gmail.com.
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