Bulletin Board December 2024

The North Penn School Board welcomes questions and feedback from the community. To that end, community members may email the entire board at _npschoolboard@npenn.org. If you would like to contact a specific board member via email, please visit our website to find contact information.
Board Members
Cathy McMurtrie, President
Juliane Ramić, Vice President
Christian D. Fusco
Elisha K. Gee, Ed.D.
Jonathan M. Kassa
Timothy MacBain
Al Roesch
Kunbi Rudnick
Tina Stoll
Letter to the Community
Dear North Penn Community,
As we look forward to 2025, the Safe Schools Committee (SSC) remains dedicated to ensuring safety and well-being in our schools. A safe school environment requires year-round planning, training, and the implementation of proven strategies. A successful approach includes community-wide programs and initiatives involving parents, students, staff, school administrators, law enforcement, mental health professionals, social services, and elected officials. Reflecting this approach is the successful anonymous reporting Safe2Say Something reporting system that has increased meaningful interventions for North Penn students in crisis.
The U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education found that 93% of school shooters planned an attack in advance and their behavior provided evidence prior to an attack. When people see the warning signs and have the confidence to report, they help to prevent school shootings. Equally important to making a report is what happens to properly review and act on such info. This is why NPSD continues to focus resources on assessing threats, providing care, and preventing violence.
Dr. Nicholson, NPSD Administrator of Secondary Education and Renovations, recently presented insights and quarterly discipline data at our November 25 Safe Schools Committee. At the same meeting, as a result of the board’s request for an independent investigation following a violent incident earlier in the year, Dr. Bauer and Mr. Somers presented to the community a summary and recommendations. It is well worth the time to hear and view so many details, along with the knowledgeable context provided in both of the presentations.
Here’s what else we’ve been up to these past few months regarding school safety across North Penn School District:
- Cell Phone Policy Update: A new cell phone use policy has been enacted this school year, and while detentions are up for misuse of phones, we have heard promising feedback from staff regarding student engagement.
- School Safety Community Advisory Committee: This group of NPSD community members has dedicated their time since May to exploring the strengths and areas of improvements regarding school safety. The final report and next steps will be coming soon.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS): PBIS is an evidence-based framework of practices shown to improve student accountability and outcomes. PBIS is now implemented in all elementary schools and will soon be expanded to middle schools, with Pennbrook already started.
Youth Aid Panel Training (YAP): Training for the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office YAP program at the middle school level has begun, following last school year’s successful pilot at NPHS. The program offers more efficient and effective options with the goal to hold certain low-level offenders accountable and reduce recidivism.
Bus Patrol Success: The program, at no cost to district taxpayers and with camera technology improvements across all district buses, issued over 1,400 tickets for school bus stop arm violations in less than two full months of the school year.
School Climate Survey: Thanks to all who participated in this best practice in school and campus safety. The results help us improve by identifying district-wide, as well as school-level, strengths and areas of improvement. Results will be presented to the community following analysis.
On behalf of my fellow directors on the school board, thank you for your continued support in keeping our schools safe. Have a joyous holiday season and a peaceful New Year!
Jonathan M. Kassa, MPA
Meeting Information
Unless otherwise noted, meetings of the whole board (action, worksession, finance) will be held in-person at the Educational Services Center (401 E Hancock Street, Lansdale). All other meetings will be held virtually via Zoom and streamed on NPTV.
Residents can watch live on the NPTV YouTube Channel, North Penn News, or NPTV local Comcast 28 and Verizon 29. A recording of this meeting will be available on the NPTV YouTube Channel, and will air on North Penn Television Comcast 28 and Verizon 29 for the next three business days at 12:30 pm and 7:30 pm.
Meeting agendas are published the week of the meeting and can be viewed online on BoardDocs.
For all information regarding school board meetings, please visit our website.
Upcoming Meetings
- Worksession- January 7, 2025, 7:00 PM, ESC
- Action- January 23, 7:00 PM, ESC
- Education/Curriculum/Instruction- January 14, 2025, 5:30 PM, virtual
- Facilities and Operations- December 16, 2024, 6:00 PM, virtual
- Finance- January 7, 2025, 6:00 PM, ESC
- Policy- January 27, 2025, 5:00 PM, virtual
- Safe Schools- January 27, 2025, 5:45 PM, virtual
Committee Reports
Education/Curriculum/Instruction Committee
The ECI Committee met on November 6, 2024. On the agenda were several student overnight travel items that were recommended to be moved to the full Board for approval. Also, the results of the PAYS Survey that was conducted in 2023 and how that data compared with the data from the 2021 PAYS Survey was shared with the committee. The committee also received an update regarding the recently revised STEELS standards that will be fully integrated into the curriculum for the 2025-26 school year.
Facilities and Operations Committee
The Facilities and Operations Committee met on Monday, November 25, 2024 in a virtual format.
The Committee reviewed the following items to be moved to the December 2 Action Meeting for the Board’s consideration and ultimate approval:
- Approval for permission to advertise Bid Package 1 for the High School project.
- Approval of the NPDES permit renewal and Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for the closeout of the Knapp ES project.
- Approval of contract to GEM Mechanical, Inc. for Mechanical Construction, in the amount of $365,000.00 and Clipper Pipe & Service, Inc. for Plumbing Construction in the amount of $63,500.00 for the Penndale boiler, domestic water heater replacement and auditorium air conditioning repairs.
The Committee was presented and discussed informational items, including:
- High School project update
- High School project phasing schedule
- Update on the 10 year Capital Project Plan
Finance Committee
At the November 12, 2024, Finance Committee meeting the financial reports were reviewed in addition to the following items:
- Representatives from Zelenkofske Axelrod LLC presented the 2023-2024 draft audit report. There were no findings with the audit.
- Mr. Skrocki reviewed a recommendation regarding fund balance designation.
- Mr. Skrocki reviewed the proposed budget calendar for the next fiscal year.
- Mr. Skrocki reviewed the agreement of sale amendment for the movie lot property which allows for an extention of the due diligence period for the movie lots.
- The district has submitted the 2024-2025 budget book to ASBO for meritorious budget award consideration. If the district receives the award this will be the 10th consecutive year for NPSD.
- The district has received an EPA 2023 Clean School Bus Rebate for $125,000 to offset the purchase of 5 propane buses. With this grant, NPSD has received $939,000 in grant money for the propane school bus initiative.
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee met on October 28, 2024 and November 25, 2024. At the meetings, the committee reviewed recommended updates for several policies that had already been approved. Those policies are Policy 113.2 - Behavior Support, Policy #218 - Student Discipline, Policy #218.1 - Weapons, Policy #218.2 - Terroristic Threats, Policy 236.1 - Threat Assessment, and Policy 341 - Benefits for Employees.
Safe Schools Committee
At the November 25 Safe Schools Committee meeting, Dr. Nicholson provided an discipline update for the first marking period of the 2024-2025 school year. Dr. Bauer and Mr. Somer provided a report out of recommendations from the Pennbrook incident.
NPSD Educational Foundation
The Foundation met last on October 15th at North Penn High School where Trustees toured the new Spatial Computing Classroom. The new location at NPHS and its modern equipment and furniture were needed for the growing program which the Foundation has supported since its inception three years ago.
The month of October was very successful in terms of fundraising. Our annual golf outing was our best year yet raising $38,000. And the U-Knight to Inspire Staff Giving Campaign brought in an additional $18,000. The generosity of our community, families and staff is truly amazing. Up next is our end of year annual campaign.
The mid-year grant applicaton process closed last week and we will be reviewing 41 new proposals in December for implementation in January. I look forward to what our educators have dreamed up!
Any questions related to the Foundation can be directed to Christine Liberaski at the ESC, or you can learn more at npennedfoundation.org.