December Monthly Newsletter
🎄Glen Avenue Elementary🎄

🔔 Principal's Message 🔔
A Message from Mrs. McGoogan
As we approach the end of the year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and involvement in our school community. December is a time for reflection and appreciation, and we are incredibly thankful for the partnership we share with you. Your dedication to your children’s education, whether through volunteering, attending school events, or supporting learning at home, has made a significant impact on their growth and success. Together, we have created a nurturing and inspiring environment where every student can thrive.
This month, we are excited to announce our Spirit Days for the month of December, which will be filled with fun activities and themed days to boost school spirit and unity. Additionally, we will be emphasizing the importance of being present every day is crucial for your child’s academic progress.
Our character education focus for the month of December is Gratitude. We will be engaging in activities that highlight the importance of being thankful, forgiving others, having an open mind and being authentic. Take time to talk with your scholar about these important character traits at home each day.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school family, we look forward to continuing the journey with you into the new year.
Best wishes for a healthy and happy winter break,
Mrs. McGoogan
🎄Holiday Spirit Weeks🕎
🎁Teacher of the Year Nominees🎁
Congratulations to the following Gator staff members for being nominated for Glen Avenue's Teacher of the Year and a possible candidate for Wicomico County Teacher of the Year!
📕Kids Read Now Celebration📗
Congratulations to the following students for completing the Kids Read Now Challenge over the summer!
📸Picture Day Information📸
Dear Families,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/ or create an account using your child's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here (https://lifetouch.com/smilesafe/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=PPD_F23_Po1_US&utm_content=safecard
Thank you!
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
ENJOY 10% OFF your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an online account. Don't forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Happy December! 🎄☃️ This month in PE, we’re embracing the holiday season while staying active and learning new skills. Here’s what we have planned:
Holiday Fitness Challenge 🎅: Students will earn points by completing fitness activities at home. Let’s keep everyone moving over winter break!
Winter-Themed Games: Look forward to activities like “Snowball Toss” (foam balls) and reindeer relays!
A quick reminder that for safety and comfort, students are required to wear closed-toe athletic shoes for PE class. Proper shoes help prevent injuries and ensure your child can fully participate in activities.
Please note:
No sandals, flip-flops, or boots are allowed for PE class.
Shoes with proper grip are important for running, jumping, and other activities.
Thank you for helping us keep our students safe and active!
With the holiday season quickly approaching, we have begun reading books and doing research on many traditions around the world. For the month of December, we will expand on that and research different holidays around the world. Students will use Pebble Go to learn about various holidays and winter activities! 🎿❄🎄🕎🏑. They will then use the Wixie platform to create a presentation on what they’ve learned.
As STEM is also an important part of Media, students will have an opportunity to collaborate with other students to complete exciting STEM challenges, such as build igloos out of toothpicks and marshmallows, and build bridges to get to the Polar Express 🚂! Looking forward to a great month!
A few reminders:
Overdue notices will be sent home in the month of December, as we have quite a few books that are still out and need to be returned. Please remind your Gator to return their Media books on time!
Please take a look at the Media Grading Rubric. Remind your child to follow the Daily 5 Media expectations every time they visit.
It’s the holiday season!! Our gator students will be participating in art lessons dealing with winter fun. Whether it’s making mugs, gingerbread houses or snowmen, our students will have cool fun that will warm their spirits. 😀
Our Band & Strings students will record a virtual concert, recorded in the music room during school. Recording will take place during classes in December. Parents keep an eye out, we will post the concert video before winter break! 🙂
Our Third Grade students will perform their concert, titled “A Motown Holiday,” on the evening of Thursday, December 19th. Students will arrive at 5:00 pm, Concert will start at 5:30 pm. Student dress is festive or 60’s/70’s Motown-inspired.
December Band & Strings Calendar
Recording Day Checklist (Band & Strings Students)
🔔Grade 2 News🔔
Happy December families. This month is going to be filled with a lot of learning and tons of fun. Scholars are working hard in ELA as they continue to learn how text features helped the readers understand what they are reading and how they can use these text features as writers. Students are going to write their own non-fiction book to teach us what they learned about habits. We will continue to work on vowel teams and fluency. In math our students will continue to work on addition and subtraction within 100. We will focus on solving number stories and strategies. In Social Studies students will learn about different December holidays and traditions. In science students will work on ways plants grow and survive in different environments. We will have a visit from the mobile science lab this month where students will learn about food fiber and you. Students should continue to read at home nightly and practice basic math facts with you.
🔔Grade 3 News🔔
Happy December! We have an exciting month ahead! In ELA, we will be continuing decoding and reading multisyllabic words, and working on our nonfiction unit, Ancient Rome. We have been working on writing stronger sentences and adding more details. Continue reading at home every night! In Math, we will be on Topic 5: Fluently Multiply and Divide within 100 and beginning Topic 6: Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition. Continue practicing multiplication and division facts at home and completing all math homework. In Science, we will be ending our Life Cycle Unit and beginning our Animal Adaptation unit. We also will be visiting the Mobile Science Lab to learn about Food, Fiber, & You. In Social Studies, we will be learning about different Holidays around the world. Join us on December 19 at 5:30 for our 3rd Grade Choir Concert: A Motown Holiday.
Starting on December 2nd, we are doing two community service events. The first one is “Socks for Seniors” in which we are asking students to bring in a new pair of socks to donate to the Wicomico Nursing Home. The second event will be “Hustling for the Homeless.” We would like for each student to bring in one canned food item to donate to the homeless shelter.
Our Third Grade students will perform their concert, titled “A Motown Holiday,” on the evening of Thursday, December 19th. Students will arrive at 5:00 pm, Concert will start at 5:30 pm. Student dress is festive or 60’s/70’s Motown-inspired. If students want to practice the choir music at home, click the link below.
🔔Grade 4 News🔔
Welcome to December! In ELA we will continue to read non-fiction texts about Natural Disasters. We will also work on writing well structured paragraphs to describe how and why the disasters occur. Please continue to encourage your child to read each night at home for at least 20 minutes. In Math, we are learning strategies to divide by one-digit numbers. Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication and division facts at home to help them solve the larger equations more efficiently. Math homework will come home on Monday’s and will be due the following Monday. In Science, we will be investigating why Volcanoes form in different places around the world. In Social Studies, we will be comparing the three different colonial regions.
🔔Grade 5 News🔔
It’s already December and we are really moving in fifth grade. In reading we have been exploring human rights with the story “The Breadwinner” and the book “Kids of Kabul”. The students have been getting a different perspective about growing up and how hard it is in a war torn country. In math we have wrapped up multiplying decimals and are moving into dividing whole numbers. In science we continue to look into the systems of the Earth and our interactions with them. Finally, in social studies, we are moving west with the explorers and discovering the hardships found in the long journey and the growing pains of a new nation. We are doing great things here at Glen and in fifth grade!
🔔Mrs. Krider's Class🔔
Everyone in our class is a gift! We are so grateful for everything our scholars share daily. In this unit, students learn about the gift of giving. In the first book of the unit scholars are introduced to different ways people can give to help others. Scholars learn that people can give to friends, family or their communities. They can also give their time to help people, animals or the Earth. Throughout the unit, encourage scholars to think about ways they have given to help others or what they can do to help their communities. Our scholars will be using scenarios and manipulatives that reflect giving and helping others and practice math skills. For reading, we will look at the following books: Kindness in the Community and One Good. We will read about Mr. H's class as they complete a service project for their community. Students learn how to plan and prepare a project by following Mr. H's class as they plan, prepare and complete greeting cards for older people at a community center. Then students will make their own greeting cards for others as a way to show kindness. Please continue to check “talking points” for updates on school events and contact Mrs. Krider with any questions or concerns.
🎁A Message from Our PPW🎁
Hello Gator Families,
Wow, time is flying by fast. Can you all believe it is almost 2025!!!
Attendance is a vital part of your scholar's education, and we want to ensure all our Gators are here learning, growing, and being able to participate in the fun activities we have planned.
Here are a few reminders in addition to the flyer:
Families only get 5 parent/guardian notes for the entire school year.
Once students reach 10 unexcused absences without any notes or communication with the school in a term, they are referred to Truancy Court.
October/November Incentives: Our monthly incentive in October was for students who got 95% or higher and received a cupcake, a cookie, and a pencil. Our quarterly incentive for November was for the scholars who had 100% attendance to have a game party with freshly popped popcorn to celebrate their accomplishments. Gator Families, we will add the names of parents/guardians whose student(s) were here 100% of the time for a gift card to Food Lion. Mrs. Beebe or I will call you directly to let you know you won, and you can come in to sign for and pick up your gift card. Unfortunately, we can not send it home with your student.
If you are moving, please call me to let me know so I can make the transition smooth and, in some cases, set up transportation so your scholar can remain at Glen Ave. This will also avoid any unnecessary absences or tardies.
Please contact me if you have any questions or need help, and I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season.
With a Grateful Heart
Mrs. J - Glen Ave’s PPW
⛄Nurse's Notes⛄
Just a quick note to all of our parents, Chesapeake Health Dental visited during the month of November and those students whose parents signed up for the dental screening should have received feedback from the dental staff in your student’s book bags. They provided just a general examination of your students' teeth and made recommendations on the form. Remember, that it is important that each student brush their teeth thoroughly, twice a day and visit a dentist on a regular basis to keep them healthy. If it has been a while since your student has had a dental exam, the month of December is a perfect time to consider scheduling your student for routine oral care. Remember, that a student does not need to have a cavity or have tooth pain just to go to the dentist. Even if a student's teeth are in good shape, the dental staff can provide screening and education for your students to keep their teeth strong and healthy for a long time and identify conditions such as overcrowded teeth which may cause cavities overtime. Poor dental conditions can lead to other health diseases such as heart disease and systemic infection. So as stated before, consider making an appointment soon so your student will continue to have shiny, healthy teeth.
🎅Community School Coordinator🎅
There are many partners to thank this month. Tidal Health, Santa’s Angels and the Salisbury Jaycees are just 3 amazing agencies we would like to highlight and thank. These agencies have been a large part of serving families in our community with holiday cheer. Also, we would like to thank Delmarva Power for providing 30 energy saving kits to our Gator families. If you came to the Mad Hatter Title 1 event we hope you picked up your kit.
Families… your student may be sharing that our student “Holiday Shoppe” will be FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20TH. The holiday shoppe allows all our scholars a chance to shop for family and friends. Make sure your Gator is in school that day to enjoy their free shopping spree!!! It is a favorite event of the year.
😇Counselor's Corner😇
🏂November Students of the Month🏂
Grateful, Gratitude & Manners
Students of the month for November were nominated by their teachers for displaying gratitude for every day interactions, using good manners, and apologizing easily. Students were celebrated with a t-shirt, a book from the book vending machine, and a turkey snack craft. Congratulations to these students!
Grade 2
Ms. Ryan- Alfonso Avalos-Medina
Ms. Greenan- Elancia Remelus
Ms. Sutton- Tiana Chester
Ms. Beetler- Marin Schaller
Ms. Glading- Tayonna Russell
Ms. Krider- Ray Colas
Grade 3
Ms. George- Lucas Carey
Ms. Branyon- Dama Remy
Ms. Steele- Noah Tredwell
Ms. Wise- Wensley Jules
Ms. Shue- Blens Brissault
Grade 4
Ms. Manchin- Ashley Corado-Reyes
Ms. Evans- Noah Benoit
Ms. Bradley- Kimberly Alvarez Gramajo
Ms. Eichhorn- Samirah Saint-Hillien
Ms. Moziek- Kailani Macer
Grade 5
Ms. Smith- Journee Everett
Ms. Lovely- Lyana Abreu
Ms. Kelly- Marquis Waters
Ms. Auvil- Cortrell McCleese
Mr. Field- Cristian Rivera
🎿November Positive Referrals🎿
SNAP & Roll Expectations
These students were recognized for demonstrating our Safe, Noble, Able, and Prepared (SNAP) behaviors and being extraordinary Gators! Thank you teachers for recognizing and appreciating these positive behaviors!
Grade 2
WilSamuel Pierre-Louis - Ms. Felesky/Ms. Greenan
Grade 3
Kevin Armstrong - Ms. Felesky/Ms. Branyon
Grade 4
Bernardo Phimerlus - Ms. Evans
A'Mara Hammond - Ms. Parr/Ms. Mozeik
Vivyanna Hammond - Ms. Eichhorn
Zareiah Vessels - Ms. Evans
Grade 5
Keandra Mondestin - Ms. Lovely
⭐Teacher Who Makes A Difference⭐
Teachers Who Make a Difference is a monthly honor designed to recognize local teachers who make a difference in the lives of their students. Each month a winning teacher is chosen by selection committee from all submitted nominations. Teacher nominations are open to any person on the Delmarva Peninsula, including students, parents, teachers, friends, and acquaintances of nominees. To nominate a teacher, complete and submit the form found on the Contest page of wmdt.com. The nomination period is open from September 24, 2024 through May 31, 2025. Each month (October 2024 through May 2025), a teacher is selected from all 2024-2025 entries and is recognized by WMDT as a “Teachers Who Make a Difference” award winner.
🧇Breakfast & Lunch Menus🍕
📝Testing Information📝
General Education Plans
Last week, teachers reached out to families of students in Grades 3-5 and sent home papers to be signed to allow your child to have a General Education Plan. A general education plan is offered to students in Grades 3-5 who have scored significantly below grade level on their Fall reading assessment (iReady). This plan will allow students to have their math, science, and social studies assessments read to them. This accommodation will assist your scholar in showing what they know, without being hindered by reading. A General Education Plan is NOT part of Special Education. This plan would not only increase your scholar’s testing scores but also help build their confidence academically. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Parr or your child’s teacher at your earliest convenience. Please make sure you sign and return the form ASAP!
🏂Lunch Payment System - LINQ🏂
Whether this is your first school year, or your last, Wicomico County Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services Department welcomes everyone to a new school year. For several years, we have used MyPaymentsPlus as an online meal payment system. We have transitioned to a new payment system beginning this school year called LINQ Connect. You can conquer the upcoming school year with ease, thanks to our new system, LINQConnect.com and the all-new LINQ Connect app. With LINQ Connect, you can simplify the payment process for meal accounts. To get started, download the LINQ Connect app from the Google Play or Apple Store or visit LINQConnect.com.
Click the link below for more information.
⛄Community Events & Resources⛄
Student and Family Resources
The mission of the Division of Student and Family Services is to support the total educational experience, thus assuring all students the opportunity to develop skills essential for successful learning, healthy physical/emotional/social growth and gainful employment. Please click the link to view the available resources.
STEM Education
FREE to Wicomico County Students 4th—8th Grade
Time 10 am — 12 noon @ Salisbury Middle
Register Early — Space is sometimes LIMITED Pre-Registration is Required
Essay Contests
Young Author' Contest - Grades 1-5
The Eastern Shore Literacy Association is thrilled to unveil the 2024-2025 Young Authors' Contest, presented in collaboration with various State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA) local chapters. This exciting competition is open to students from grades 1 to 12, encouraging them to showcase their creativity and talent through original short stories and poetry. As an important note, the use of artificial intelligence (Al) in supporting student work is strictly prohibited. Local contests will be hosted by the respective SoMLA chapters, with the top winners progressing to the state level competition. Join us in celebrating the budding authors of Maryland and their remarkable literary endeavors!
Americanism Essay Contest - Grade 5 Only
Each year the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Grand Lodge hosts an essay contest for school children in each lodge area nationwide to demonstrate Americanism at its best. I am pleased to announce this year's essay theme is "What Does Patriotism Mean To Me" This important Patriotic Contest gives school children in grades 5-8 the opportunity to express views on their pride of America, and how to demonstrate it.
🎅Title 1 Information🎅
Right to Know
This is Michele McGoogan, principal of Glen Avenue. As a Title 1 school, we are required to inform you of your right to request information on the qualifications of the teacher and/or the instructional assistant who will be working with your child. Please rest assured that we have worked diligently to ensure that staff members meet the Maryland State Department of Education requirements. If you would like to exercise your right to request this information, you may email or send a letter using US mail to the Director of Human Resources to my attention. You will receive a response from the Director of Human Resources within 30 days of the original request. We look forward to serving you and your student this year.
Partners in Learning Compact
School-Family-Scholar Agreement for Improving Student Achievement
This agreement is a pledge to work together to share responsibility for student learning, high achievement, and student success in school and in life. This compact is aligned with our School Improvement Plan to promote student learning, student attendance, a positive school climate and with our grade level learning outcomes. Upon request, interpreters and transportation can be provided so families can attend school functions.
Family Engagement Plan Brochure
The Wicomico County Board of Education recognizes that families are their child’s first teachers and that they function as educators throughout their child’s life. More than thirty years of research show that student academic success and high self esteem are closely related to family engagement in education from prekindergarten through high school. Glen Avenue Elementary School also believes that the education of children is a shared responsibility. Involvement by the school, the family and the community creates a stronger educational system and improves the quality of life for the students, their families and the entire community of Wicomico County. The school system as well as individual schools make the commitment to establish programs and practices that create a climate of mutual trust and respect and that support family engagement.
🔔Parent Family Engagement/Title 1 Events🔔
Thank you to all our families who made our Mad Hatter Math Night a success! Families got to spend time together playing card-based math games while practicing their multiplication and place value skills! Thank you to Mrs. Fitzgerald and Ms. Branyon for leading these engaging activities!
🎄Maryland Blueprint Implementation🎄
The Blueprint: A Vision for Maryland’s Future
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a once in a lifetime opportunity to transform Maryland’s education system for all students, regardless of where they live. When the Blueprint passed in 2021, a set of policies and dedicated funding were established for the next ten years to improve outcomes across the state. The investment and partnership across Maryland provides opportunity for change, growth, and success for our students for many years to come.
🎿Transportation & Pick Up Reminders🎿
🎄Cell Phone & Toy Policy🎄
WCPS Code of Conduct states that students in elementary school are not to have cell phones in school. Please assist us with enforcing this by checking your scholar’s bookbag and making sure they are not bringing the phone to school. This includes smart watches, iPads, tablets, iPods, electronic games, etc. If you need to speak with your scholar during the day, please call the school, and we will bring your student to the office to speak privately with you.
Inappropriate items will be confiscated until the end of the day or retained by the administration until a parent/guardian can reclaim the item.
*The school will not be responsible for these items and will not investigate if they are lost or stolen.
Please assist us in keeping the focus on school by not allowing your child to bring toys, football, trading cards, etc. to school.
⭐ESSA Star Rating⭐
2024 Maryland School Report Card
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) has published the state, district, and school-level results for the 2024 Maryland School Report Card. These results offer a comprehensive view of school performance under the Maryland Accountability System for the 2023-24 academic year, highlighting key factors that influence school success and student achievement.
Key Features of the Maryland School Report Card - The Maryland School Report Card evaluates schools based on multiple indicators, including both academic and non-academic measures. Schools earn between one and five stars, determined by the percentage of points earned across the evaluated indicators.
Elementary and Middle School Indicators:
Academic Achievement
Academic Progress
Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency
School Quality and Student Success
Schools are awarded stars based on their total points earned across all indicators:
5 Stars: 75% or more of the total possible points
4 Stars: 60% to 74% of the total possible points
3 Stars: 45% to 59% of the total possible points
2 Stars: 30% to 44% of the total possible points
1 Star: Less than 30% of the total possible points
New for 2024: Primary schools are now paired with their intermediate schools, receiving the same star rating as their paired campus.
For 2024, we received a 3 Star rating, which is the same rating as last year. We did show improvements in academic progress, English Language Proficiency, and School Quality and Student Success.
Below are sample report cards for each school level:
The complete report card for our school is available at WCPS REPORT CARD. For questions or concerns about the 2024 Star Ratings, please feel free to reach out to Michele McGoogan or Karen Hitch, Supervisor of Assessments and Accountability, Phone: 410-677-4477, Email: khitch@mywcps.org
🎄School Closure Flyers🎄
🎁Mission & Vision Statements🎁
Mission Statement
Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners.
Vision Statement
Glen Avenue Elementary School will be:
- the school where all teachers want to teach,
- Students want to learn, and
- Families wish their children could attend