St. Christopher
September 2024
Principal - I. Sauve
Vice Principal - C. Fernandes
Secretary -T. Lanceta
Trustee - Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2)
Superintendent - D. Radic
Parish - St. Christopher's Parish
Priest-Fr. Steven Kwon
St. Christopher School Hours
Supervision Begins 8:00 a.m.
School Begins 8:15 a.m.
Recess (a.m.) 9:38-9:53
Recess (p.m.)1:39-1:54
Dismissal 2:45 p.m.
1171 Clarkson Road North
Mississauga, ON
L5J 2W1
t: 905.822.1171
e: stchristophersmi@archtoronto.org
New School Year Prayer
Good and Gracious God, as a new school year begins,
Fill the hearts of our students with an eagerness to learn:
About the world You have created,
About themselves and
Most of all about You!
Bless our teachers with the gifts of wisdom and patience,
That they may help students find the truth.
Give our parents generous hearts,
To encourage and support their sons and daughters.
Help us all work together to form a community of learning
That teaches not only skill for material success,
but all that we need
To live our faith fully in this world.
Administrator's Message
St. Christopher Elementary School is truly an outstanding and welcoming school. Our School Council continues to make a very positive contribution on behalf of all our students to ensure that our school is a remarkable place to work, to learn and to play.
A special thank you is extended to the teaching staff who have been working diligently over the past few weeks preparing classrooms and curriculum for students. A heartfelt thank you is extended to our office staff, Ms. T Lanceta and our custodian Mr. J. Yeboah, who have spent endless hours preparing our school for the new year.
As with every new year there are always changes. Please join me in welcoming our newest staff members:
- Ms. Christine Fernandes, Vice-Principal
- Mrs. Tijana Kopic, Grade 6/7 (LTO for Mrs. Jessica Jones)
- Mrs. Ann Marie McKenna Grade 4 (LTO for Mrs. Buday)
- Mrs. Valerie Gorgatti, Planning Time
- Mrs. Anna Jankowski, Educational Resource Worker
- Mrs. Lisa Liang, Social Worker
- Ms. Deanna O'Dea, Planning
Welcome Back!
- Mrs. Kristyn Comi, Grade 1/2 (LTO for Mrs. McMenemy)
- Ms. Nancy Marie Formusa, Grade 5/6
- Mlle Julia Panasiewicz, Grade 6/7EF (LTO for Mme Saldanha)
- Ms. Trisha Lanceta, Acting Head Secretary
The School Board will be centrally emailing your child’s class placement and teacher some time during the weekend. On the morning of Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, children are asked to meet at the corresponding grade signs posted outside the school.
We look forward to the opportunity to continue working with the students and parents of our community. Together with a dedicated staff, we will do our very best to help all students experience spiritual, academic, social and emotional growth throughout the school year.
To all, our best wishes for a very successful school year!
I. Sauve & C. Fernandes
In September, we celebrate the virtue of faith.
A Faithful person…
prays whenever they can
learns from Scripture stories
assumes that there is good in everyone
knows that we are all loved by God
Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope / L’éducation catholique: Pèlerins de l’espérance
“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us.”
(Letter on the Jubilee Year of Hope, February 11, 2022)
Morning and School Dismissal Procedures
School starts at 8:15am and all late arrivals have to sign in at the Main Office. Just a reminder teacher supervision begins at 8:00 am to 8:15 am. School finishes at 2:45pm
Kiss & Ride, School and Visitor Parking
- When arriving by car, please enter the school grounds by the entrance on Clarkson Road (adjacent to the church, where the school sign is located). Drive up the driveway and left at the stop sign (Please DO NOT drop off your child here)
- Continue driving to the Kiss & Ride lane, following the direction of Staff on duty. Three vehicles can fit safely in the Kiss & Ride lane. All others vehicles, please wait patiently until you are signaled by the staff member on duty to pull up to the Kiss & Ride area to drop off your child.
- Once in the Kiss & Ride lane, your child (ren) MUST be able exit the vehicle independently from the passenger side of the vehicle. Please note that parents/guardians cannot park in the Kiss & Ride lane or exit their vehicle to assist their child (ren) out of vehicle. If you child cannot exit the vehicle independently, then kindly park your vehicle in the church parking lot and assist your child there, then walk to the school crosswalk by the Kiss & Ride and release your child there.
If you are intending to walk your child from your parked car, please follow the following procedures:
· Enter the parking lot of the church or the school driveway and park in the designated parking spots in the church parking lot.
· Do not park in any spots with a pylon.
· Walk your child to the Crosswalk area that joins the church and the school. You will see a staff member on duty with a stop sign and wearing a safety vest. Please follow the directions of the staff member at this crosswalk.
· Parents/Guardians are not to cross in the middle of the live Kiss & Ride lane or Drive Thru lane as it is unsafe.
· Walk your child to the crosswalk and they can independently cross under the supervision of the staff member on duty.
· If you do decide to accompany your child across the crosswalk to the school side, please note you can only go as far as the Kiss & Ride sidewalk area. All other areas are for buses, students and staff only.
Picking up your child at Dismissal:
· Follow the same procedures for Kiss & Ride arrivals.
· If parking your car, then follow the same procedures and then after exiting your vehicle, parents/guardians can wait where the pylons are until students are dismissed by a staff member to cross the crosswalk area.
· To avoid congestion, please do not cross the crosswalk to the school side. Your child’s teacher will ensure that your child is released to you once they see you waiting on the pylon side of the parking lot.
Dogs on School Property
Please remember that from 8:00a.m to 3:00pm dogs are not allowed on school property. This includes small dogs being carried. Please be respectful of the fact that some of our students have a fear of dogs. We thank you for your continued understanding and support.
MEDICAL ALERT– Sabrina’s Law (Anaphylaxis)
Sabrina’s Law is an Act to protect anaphylactic pupils in publicly funded schools in Ontario. Named “Sabrina’s Law” in honour of an Ontario student who died following an anaphylactic reaction in 2003, this law requires that every school board establish and maintain an anaphylaxis policy.
If your child has a severe allergic reaction to peanuts, peanut by-products, bee/wasp stings etc., please let the school know as soon as possible. It is essential that the information you provide us with is accurate and up-to-date. There are various forms which need to be completed by you and your family doctor if it is necessary to store and dispense an EPI-pen or any other medication at school.
We continue to have both students and staff with severe, life threatening allergy to certain foods, such as peanuts and nuts. This is a medical condition that may cause severe and life threatening reactions to certain allergens within minutes. Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we require your continued cooperation in sending foods to school with your child that are free from peanuts, nuts or their by-products.
Please do not send food products to be shared in your child’s classroom. If you would like your child to share their special day/birthday with their classmates, we suggest that you consider non-food items such as pencils or stickers.
Letters have been sent home with the students whose classroom members have specific allergies. Please check with your child, and in their backpack, for letters regarding the type of allergy and products to avoid in your child’s classroom. Please pay careful consideration to school lunches and snacks while continuing to refrain from sending in items that are made of, or contain, nuts or peanuts. We offer our heartfelt thanks for your support in making our school a safer environment for all.
Asthma Friendly School Ryan's Law
Ryan’s Law is an Act to protect Asthmatic pupils in publicly funded schools in Ontario. If your child has asthma please let the school know immediately. It is essential that the information you provide us with is accurate and up-to-date.
Ryan’s Law introduced policies and procedures that:
Allow your child to carry his/her asthma reliever (rescue) inhaler (with your permission).
Reduce your child’s contact with asthma triggers.
Develop an individual plan for every student with asthma, including recommendations from their health-care providers and current emergency contacts. This will be kept on file at the school.
If you have more questions about
Ryan’s Law?
Call The Lung Association Lung Health Information Line at 1-888-344-LUNG (5864), email info@on.lung.ca, or visit www.RyansLaw.ca.
Storage/Administration of Medication
If a child is required to bring medication to school, procedures regarding the administration of medication shall only be adopted:
· when requested by the parents/guardians; and
· when authorized by a physician; and
· when medication must be provided during school hours
A designated staff member must administer medication; hence, a signed request/authorization form from the parents/guardians and the supervising physician, must be obtained. These forms are available through the school office. Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually. If your child requires medication please have all pertinent forms completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible
All medication will be housed in a safe location. Medication must not be kept in the child’s possession or in the classroom except for EpiPens and asthma inhalers.
It is highly encouraged that students who have an anaphylactic allergy or who have asthma, keep their epi-pen and/or inhaler on their person at all times. If able, it is recommended that your child bring two epipens and/or two asthma inhaler to the school. This would allow your child to keep this medication on their person as well as ensuring that the school office has an additional set of medication.
Please note that school staff cannot dispense medication of any kind without the proper physician authorization and a properly labeled container, (i.e. prescription bottle or original over the counter container).
First Communion & Confirmation 2024-2025
If you child is in Grade 2 and Grade 7 this year and would like to receive their Sacrament of First Communion (Grade 2) and Sacrament of Confirmation (Grade 7), please contact the St. Christopher's Parish.
The Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
Vision of the Learner
The Graduate is expected to be:
- A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living.
- An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.
- A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good.
- A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential.
- A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good.
- A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community.
- A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.
PA Day Reminder
Just a reminder that will be no classes on Monday September 16th for reorganization.
Picture Day
Picture day will be on Tuesday October 22, 2024. Picture Retake Day will be on Monday November 18, 2024.
Orange Shirt Day
We will be participating in Orange Shirt Day on Monday September 30th to honour our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.
Catholic School Council
Communication between home and school is greatly enhanced by parental involvement with the Catholic School Council. Please note that our Council is comprised of parents, school staff as well as community and parish representatives. The aim of the Catholic School Council is to support school activities and students through involvement and fund raising. The School Council also provides a forum for parents to meet and share information and ideas concerning the school community.
A reminder that if you are interested in volunteering within the school in any capacity, a Valid Criminal Reference Check (CRC), with Vulnerable Sector and Local Records Check completed by Peel Regional Police is required. The cost is $35. Please note that there may be some time required to process a CRC, thus waiting for an announced volunteer opportunity to obtain your CRC may not provide sufficient time for processing. Once the school has a valid CRC on file, we will not need a new CRC yearly, rather, a yearly Offence Declaration will suffice.
Thank you,
St. Christopher Catholic School Council
2023/2024 St. Christopher Elementary Catholic School Council:
Welcome back to the dedicated and hardworking members of our Catholic School Council!
Please consider joining our Catholic School Council for the 2024-2025 year.
Please see below for self nomination information and form Catholic School Council dates will be shared in the near future.
September 20, 2024 Nomination Forms due in the office by 3:00pm, please see the form below
If you would like to attend our School Council Meeting on Wednesday October 2, 2024 at 6:00pm in the library. All parents / guardians are always most welcome to attend.
Concussion Protocol
As per Ministry of Education direction, our Board has a Concussion Protocol in place. Again this school year, ALL students who sustain a head injury during the school day, however minor, will receive a Concussions Are Serious pamphlet to take home. We ask parents/guardians to review this pamphlet and seek medical attention for your son/daughter if you feel it is required. As in previous years, all head injuries will be logged and reported to parents/guardians directly. We ask that you please inform the school as soon as possible if and when your son/daughter sustains a concussion as a result of a school incident or as a result of an activity outside of school. Questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to the Main Office. Your cooperation and assistance in this regard are appreciated.
Emergency Protocol
Emergency response procedures in the event of a fire, bomb threat, serious accident/injury or an intruder have been established and are revised on an ongoing basis. Each school within the DPCDSB is required to hold 9 emergency procedure drills over the course of the year.
These drills consist of three fire drills per term, one lockdown drill per term, and 1 hold and secure drill per year. During these drills staff review all emergency procedures with students to ensure all children are safe in the event of a real emergency.
In the event that it is necessary to evacuate the school, our site for relocation is St. Christopher Church: 1171 Clarkson Road North
Student Handbook for Elementary
This is a reminder that the updated Student Handbook for Elementary is now available on the DPCDSB main website. Please click the link below:
EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments
All grade 3 and 6 students will have completed EQAO in May. We would like to thank the staff and students for their work before and during this provincial EQAO testing. Thank you also to the parents for their efforts in assisting with their EQAO preparation and ensuring their child’s attendance during the assessment. Results of these assessments will be used to define school goals and refine improvement strategies. Results will be available at the school in the fall 2024. We, again, would like to congratulate our grade 3 and 6 students for persevering and trying their best!
Elementary Organization Plans: Combined Grades
Attached is a letter from Marianne Mazzorato, Director of Education, DPCDSB regarding the Elementary School Organization Plans for 2024/ 2025. Below is also a brochure for your reference.
International and Indigenous Languages Elementary Program
Please see below for a flyer from our International and Indigenous Education Team as well as a chart with locations
Welcome Back to School! Sept 2024 School Health
Dear families,
Road safety is an important topic, especially coming back to school. To ensure a safe arrival, remember to:
· Choose active transportation (e.g., walking or cycling) whenever possible. This helps the environment too! If you live too far to walk the whole way to school, consider parking 5 minutes away to avoid traffic and get some bonus exercise into your day.
· Follow all road signs when driving and obey the school drop-off and pick-up rules.
· Stay clear of fire hydrants, driveways, crosswalks or the Kiss and Ride areas when parking.
· For those who ride a school bus, visit www.STOPR.ca for more information.
Please visit these links to learn more:
· Safe school travel info sheet
· Walk and Roll to School Guide
· Peel Region’s Active Transportation website
· Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)’s website has activities, videos, and an ArcGIS Storymap with information about active transportation in Peel Schools.
If you have any questions about the resources above, or would like more information, reach out to walkandroll@peelregion.ca.
We look forward to another excellent year of learning!
Kindergarten Registration
The DPCDSB offers the Kindergarten program in 125 Catholic elementary schools in Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville.
Parents/guardians can register online at dpcdsb.org.
Registration is open to Catholic children and children of Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least four (4) years of age by December 31, 2024.
The following documents are required to complete the registration process:
- Proof of age of the child
- Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (for child and/or parent/guardian) or original baptismal certificate from a church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome or an Eastern Catholic Church.
- Immunization Reference #’s from the local Public Health Unit
- Proof of Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status
- Proof of home address
- Proof of English Separate School Support
Please refer to the Register for School webpage for accepted forms of documentation.
Inquiries about home school locations/boundary areas should be directed to the DPCDSB Planning Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24440.
For more information, parents/guardians should contact their local Catholic school, visit the DPCDSB website at dpcdsb.org, or call DPCDSB’s Admissions Department at 905-890-1221.
By directing your tax support to the Separate (Catholic) School System:
- You may vote for Catholic School Trustees in Municipal elections
- Your children may attend Catholic elementary schools
- You show your support for the Catholic school system
To verify that you are registered as an English Separate (Catholic) school supporter:
- Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
- Check your Voter Information Card received during an election year (2022)
Have you moved?
Even if you have been an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter in the past, the designation DOES NOT follow you when you relocate. By default, your property taxes support your municipality's English public school board. Every time you move or if there is a change of ownership, it is essential that you register yourself as an English Separate (Catholic) school supporter.
To register as an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter or change your Direction of School Support, please contact the DPCDSB Admissions Department by phone at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512 or by email at admissions@dpcdsb.org.
Learn More:- Visit the Direction of School Support webpage
- Watch our Direction of School Support video
Password Reset Tools
You can now reset your password remotely by registering for the Password Reset Tool. You must know your old password to create a new one.
To reset your password remotely you must first register with the “Password Reset Tool”, which you can do by following one of these two steps:
Students: students.dpcdsb.org and select Password Reset
Staff: https://account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com/PasswordReset/Register.aspx
**Access to personal email/cell phone is required for registration.
Once you are registered, please follow the Password Reset Instruction
Important Dates
2 Labour Day
3 First Day of School
16 PA DAY (School Reorganization Day)
20 Catholic School Council Nominations due in the office by 3:00pm
23-27 Truth and Reconciliation Week
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Also open to parents on the evening of September 26
26 Curriculum Evening and School BBQ (Courtesy of St. Christopher Parish Knights of Columbus) on September 26, 2024. More info and details forthcoming.
30: Orange Shirt Day. All students and staff are invited to wear orange to raise awareness and recognize National Truth and Reconciliation Week across Canada.
2 Catholic School Council Meeting at 6pm in the library
3 Rosary Apostolate Visit #1
4 Terry Fox Walk/Run
5 World Teachers Day. Theme is “Empowering Educators, Strengthening Resilience, Building Sustainability.”
10 Alectra Presentation
14 Thanksgiving Day
25 Vaccination Clinic in the library for Grades 7 & 8: Hepatitis B, Meningococcal Men-C. ACYW-135, HPV-9.
- Children’s Aid Society’s Dress Purple Day
31 Halloween Dance
7 – Dental Screening
- Rosary Apostolate Visit #2
12 Progress Reports sent home
14Parent-Teacher Interview Evening
18 Photo Retake Day
18 – 22: Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
22 PA Day, No school for students.
25, 26, 27 – Cricket Clinics for Grades 1 - 8
**All images are taken from Freepik**