Rebel Review
November 9, 2024
Principal Message
South Families,
We have many events going on over the next few weeks that I have included in this edition of the "Rebel Review" I am also always reminded of the great things our students are doing in the 'South Happenings" section -- Enjoy!
I send "The Rebel Review" every two weeks to keep you informed and to celebrate the great things our students and staff are doing. I would also encourage you to visit our school website anytime to view our latest updates. As always though, If you have any questions that you need answered directly, please feel free to call our main office for assistance (440-975-3648).
Andy Suttell
Important Calendar Date/Events
Mark your calendar for these important events during the first few weeks of school:
November 11: South Veterans Day Breakfast
November 12: National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 7:00pm
November 13: Key Club Blood Drive
November 20: 2nd Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30pm
November 20: Financial Aid Night - 6:30pm
November 28-December 2: Thanksgiving Break - No School
December 3: School Resumes
December 13: Excel TECC Application Window Opens
December 18, 19, 20: Mid Term Exams
December 20: End of Second Quarter
December 21 - January 5: Winter Break - No School - Happy Holidays
January 6: School Resumes - Start of 2nd Semester
January 10: Excel TECC Application Window Closes
News and Information
Veterans Day Breakfast - November 11
On Veterans Day, Monday, November 11, South is providing a small breakfast to honor and thank any Veterans in our school community. The breakfast is from 8:30am - 9:30am on Monday, November 11. If any of our students who have a family member who has served and would like to join us for breakfast on Monday, please fill out this form: South High School Veterans Day Breakfast. We look forward to honoring and thanking those in our community who have served our country.
Excel TECC Presentations - November 11
On Monday November 11th, Excel TECC staff will be visiting our building to deliver presentations to all of our 10th Grade students about the variety of programs offered. Excel TECC has many incredible programs that prepare our students for careers in a variety different fields. Students who graduate from South High School who have been involved in Excel TECC are set up for career success in these fields. 10th Grade parents, please encourage your child to pay close attention to these presentations on November 11 as the application windows will open on December 10. Please contact your child's counselor if you have any questions about entering the Excel TECC Program. To begin to learn about options, please see our Excel TECC website link.
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony - November 12
We look forward to recognizing students who were accepted into the National Honor Society. Our National Honor Society Induction Ceremony is November 12 at 7:00pm in the LGI.
Key Club - Blood Drive - November 13
On November 13, Key Club will be hosting their second Red Cross Blood Drive. Please consider being a blood donor to help save a life! Appointments are available from 8:00-12:45 in the competition gym on November 13; sign up by emailing Mrs. Sinkovic (jessica.sinkovic@weschools.org) for available time slos! You must be at least 16 years old with parent permission to donate.
SOS Program - November 14
Our school is dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and teaching students how to seek help when they’re worried about themselves or a friend. To support this, we are implementing the SOS Signs of Suicide program, a proven initiative that educates students on this sensitive but important topic and encourages them to reach out for support. On November 14, South High School will present the Signs of Suicide program to our students. This program is required in all Ohio schools by House Bill 123. For specific information about the program, please see the Signs of Suicide Parent Information Letter. Included in the letter is an Opt-Out form. If you have any questions about this information, please contact your child's guidance counselor.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Wednesday, November 20 - 4:30pm - 7:30pm
On Wednesday, November 20, We will host Second Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss progress up to this point in the year. We have scheduled conferences in the middle of the Second Quarter in order for discussions to occur that may help increase student achievement prior to the end of the Second Quarter (December 20). You do not need to have an appointment to attend conferences, teachers will be available in their classrooms anytime from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm to meet with you and discuss any questions you may have. We look forward to working with you and hope to see you for conferences on Wednesday, November 20.
Mid Term Exam Information - December 18-20
South High School will administer mid-term exams prior to the end of the Second Quarter and prior to the Winter Break (December 21 to January 5). For your early planning, I did want to provide you with the 24-25 Midterm Exam Schedule. As we get closer, I will provide specific details to answer any questions you may have.
Check PowerSchool - First Quarter Grades
First Quarter grades have been posted to PowerSchool. I told our students in Class Meetings earlier this week that the First Quarter grades provide an opportunity for reflection. If your child's First Quarter grades indicate a struggle, encourage them to discuss with their teachers how they may be able to improve as we enter the Second Quarter of the year. If you have any questions, please email your child's teachers for suggestions.
Picture Retakes - Now Available
Make up day photos have been updated in the online galleries and It is now time to view and order your students' school day portraits for the 24-25 school year.
You may currently view and order your school portraits from the October 17 Make-Up Day as well as the August 30 Picture Day in the Cirino Photography Online Viewing/Ordering Gallery. You will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in PowerSchool to log in - if you have any questions Cirino Photography can help just give them a call at 440 953-8200. The photo link can be found here: South Picture Link (https://my.photoday.com/gallery/willoughby-south)
Senior Cap and Gown Information
10th Grade Class Rings
Sophomores - It is time to order your Class Ring! Your ring is a symbol that you are a part of South HS and your graduating class. It is also a reminder of all of the great moments and accomplishments you will have while you are here. See the attached flyer for all of the information you need to design and order your Ring.
Staff Member Shout-Outs
There is nothing more meaningful to an educator than to know the impact they are making on students and community. We have great staff here at South that I want to recognize as much as I can. Parents, would you like to nominate a school staff member for a shout out? The Staff Shout Out Form can be used anytime you want to report a staff member being awesome!
Message from our Guidance Department
Guidance Department Information
We are moving in a wonderful direction as far as getting schedules fixed for our students. Please
continue to reach out to your student’s guidance counselor, if need assistance:
Mrs. Grant – Alison.grant@weschools.org, 440.975.3653 Serving students A-G
Mrs. Scripp – Lindsay.scripp@weschools.org 440.975.3624 Serving students H-O
Ms. Joyce – Virginia.joyce@weschools.org 440.975.3657 Serving students P-Z
As we move forward, we would like to invite you to save the dates and mark your calendar for the
following events:
November 11: EXCEL TECC Presentations
EXCEL TECC presentation for 10th grade students. 10th Grade students will participate in a presentation about our EXCEL TECC programs. Guidance counselors will be available for question and answer periods from our students during the week.
November 20: Parent/Guardian Conferences and FINANCIAL AID NIGHT beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Parents and Guardians are invited to participate in Financial Aid Night in the LGI. LEAF
(Lakeland Educational Assistance Foundation) will have a representative there to present
the timeline and process for applying to colleges, FAFSA and ways to use Naviance to help
your student find colleges and help with career choices.
What else is going on in Guidance?
a. Credit checks – 12th , and 11th graders are meeting with guidance counselors to go over credits
and graduation pathways to make sure that they are moving toward graduation readiness.
b. Group Guidance: guidance counselors are going into the classrooms to speak with the students
about Naviance. Naviance will help the students find a career path, apply to colleges and create
resumes and activity sheets.
Need Tutoring Help?
First quarter is completed and if your student needs academic support, please reach out to guidance or Ms. Laura Albertone (National Honor Society moderator) for tutoring help. Ms. Albertone can be reached at laura.albertone@weschools.org
Cardnial Credit Union
Cardinal Credit Union provides South Students with a free checking account. They put the first $20 into an account for you. An ongoing bonus is that they add a dollar to the account for every dollar you earn throughout your entire high school experience. Cardinal also wants to reward you for you’re A’s at our Kiosk during lunchtime at South HS! IF you have one of their FREE CARDINAL ACCOUNTS, Cardinal will give you a $1 for every A. Just see us at our Kiosk at lunch with any documentation from your student records and your High School Mascot Debit Card so we have your account number, and Cardinal will add the bucks to your account!!!!
IF you do not yet have an account, see us at our Kiosk and we’ll help you get started!
Calamity Day Information
With the cold weather months approaching, it's important that everyone is aware of the district's calamity day policy. Please see the Willoughby-Eastlake Letter for info about how and why the decision to close school is made, and how you will be notified.
Drive to Succeed Scholarships Available
In partnership with the Educational Service Center of the Western Reserve, our district is excited to offer a limited number of "Drive to Succeed" scholarships, thanks to a grant from the Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO). These scholarships provide free driver training scholarships to low-income high school students.
If your child meets the income requirements and has a temporary permit, they may be eligible for a scholarship. Please note that only 20 spots are available for the year. To learn more or to apply, please contact your child's guidance counselor. We encourage eligible families to apply!
Join Our Booster Organizations!
Willoughby South High School has 3 phenomenal Booster Organizations that support the students!
- Our BAND BOOSTERS support our Rebel music and band programs
- Our REBEL FAMILIES support our Rebel academic programs and provide scholarships
- Our ATHLETIC BOOSTERS support our Rebel athletics teams
Please support these fine organizations! They volunteer their time to give back to our kids in so many ways!
Rebel Family News
Supported homecoming through constructing the balloon arch for the dance
Supporting our student section providing spirit items to go with the Friday night football theme (last week, white pom poms, this week camo clappers!)
Bringing in new concession stand offerings with different treats, as well those things you might need at games like ponchos and hand warmers!
SPECIAL THANKS TO SOUTH ATHLETIC BOOSTERS for their monetary donation to Rebel Families that have helped us upgrade physical items in the concession stand to help us prep food and keep things warm!
SENIOR FAMILIES: Your help will be needed to plan and organize prom related activities! Be sure to fill in the PARENT/GUARDIAN CLASS OF 2025 SURVEY if you haven’t done so already!
Find out more about us at the DTW Chili Cook-Off (or come march with us in the parade!)
Join us at our Monthly Meeting (Third Wednesday of the Month). Our next meeting is October 16 @7pm in the Commons!
Work the concession stand - AND GET PAID (funds earned toward your child’s sport or school club/activity). SIGN UP TO WORK HERE: https://tinyurl.com/RebelFamsSUG
The only way we can continue to provide things for our students is through raising money! (Our annual goal is $25,000), so please GET INVOLVED!
facebook.com/southrebelfamilies Instagram @rebelfamilies
Rebel Express - South High Spirit Shop
Rebels Express, the South High Spirit Shop, would like to welcome everyone back to school!
Our store is now open for business online.
You can place an online order and pickup in the main office from 7-3. We can also send your order home with your student. The online website is : https://rebelexpress.square.site/
Please follow us on social media to stay updated on new items, special promotions and store hours.
Instagram: @rebels_express
X (Twitter) : @RebsSchoolStore
Facebook : Rebels Express Spirit Shop
2025 Yearbook Information
Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools Produce Market
The Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools and the Cleveland Food Bank will provide monthly produce for any family in the community. Our first market will be open on Thursday, September 5th from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. at North High School. Service will not begin prior to 10 a.m. See the posting for more dates and information.
South Happenings
Enjoy some pictures and information of some of the great things happening at South over the last two weeks.
Rebel Recognition - Students of the Week!
Each week, our teachers nominate students who are consistently positive in their approach to school both academically and behaviorally. At the end of each month, each nominated student will have a chance to earn Student of the Month.
The following students have earned Rebel Student of the Week during the past 2 weeks. Congratulations!
Marching Band - Superior Ratings at State Competition
Congratulations to our incredible Rebel Marching Band. South finished the state competition with an overall 1 Rating - one of only two schools in Northeast Ohio to receive that distinction! Great job Mr. Primavera and all our Marching Band Students - you make us proud!
Great Performance of "Dracula" by South Drama
Our Drama club performed "Dracula" as their Fall play. I am always blown away by the talent of our students! Great Job South Drama!
October Students of the Month
Our Students of the Month winners receive a pizza from Pizza Booyah during their lunch period to share with friends!
Congratulations to 9th Grade Miriam Woodie, 10th Grade Stacy Hallum, 11th Grade Casey Heil, and 12th Grade Annie Neighbors for being our October Students of the Month!
Pumpkin Chunkin First Place!
A combined team of North and South students worked together during the first quarter to build a Trebuchet to compete in the Willoughby Parks and Recreation Pumpkin Chunkin competition. The team was sponsored and supported by our friends at Marous Brothers Construction. The group met weekly to plan, design, build, test, and finally - compete! The competition took place at Osborne Park, and the North/South team took first place in the High School Division! These are the types of learning experiences we need to strive to provide for our kids. During this project, these students focused on many of the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies (Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Resiliency, Empathy), and took pride in the work they did! Congratulations to South Students Zach Mog and Ian Speros for representing South High School!
Key Club - Halloween Volunteers!
Several South High School Key Club members attended the city’s Trick or Treat Trail to pass out candy
What an awesome experience for the trick or treaters to see some of South High School's best role models out serving our community!
South Halloween Fun!
Our students have a great time during Halloween! Enjoy some photos from the day and our "Great Inflatable Race"!
Repeated Announcements/Reminders
District Reminders
Bussing Information: The radius for school transportation widens from Middle School to High School. Transportation information is now available in PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please call Transportation Department at (440) 975-3736 if you have any transportation questions.
Food Services Flyer
Please see the following for information about our Food Services - Food Services Flyer
School Fees, Lunch Accounts & Free/Reduced Lunch Application: Manage student meal accounts & Apply for free and reduced meals at https://www.weschools.org/PayForIt.aspx
Open Positions at W-E Schools
Check out the Employment page to find opportunities for joining the Willoughby-Eastlake team: https://www.weschools.org/AssistantSuperintendent.aspx