Quincy Elementary School
September 6, 2024
Pioneer (Pre K - 2nd) & Alder (3rd - 6th)
Upcoming Events
September 10th - Back To School Night Pioneer
September 30th - School Site Council Meeting
September 30th-October 4th - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Pioneer News:
Back to School Night
We are excited to welcome back students and families during our back to school event! We will be offering two different classroom sessions for families to accommodate those that have children in more than one class or schedules so you can attend BOTH session if needed. Children are welcome to attend with you, but please do not leave them unsupervised.
Cougar Assembly! 🐾
Ms Bianca's Class
Fun class activities!
Getting to enjoy some library time!
Bell Schedule
Alder News:
Back to School Night
Thank you to all of the families who made Back to School Night a success! You filled the multipurpose room and asked great questions. Plus, everyone did an amazing job making "strong social connections" as you introduced yourself to new folks in attendance.
Mrs. Blanton is making a "one-pager" of all of the info that she presented and will send home in next week's Cougar Folder.
Parent Teacher Conferences: September 30-October 4
Meet the Alder Staff
Cell Phones at School
Check out the Cell Phone and Devices: Guide for Parents and Families from Common Sense Media
Cell Phones shall be turned off in class, except when being used for a valid instructional or other school-related purpose as determined by the teacher or other district employee, and at any other time directed by a district employee.
Any device with camera, video, or voice recording function shall not be used in any manner which infringes on the privacy rights of any other person.
Please see the PCOE/PUSD Board Policy (5131) and Student Behavior Expectations Guidelines regarding cell phones
Riding the Bus this Year?
Let's work together to ensure that all students have a safe route to/from school...
Make sure you complete the Ridership Application for the 24-25 SY. This form can be completed and printed, then turned into the school office. Or completed and emailed to the Transportation Staff (see form for email addresses).
Please note that the Bus Rules are critical for safety (listed below and click here to enlarge). Students are expected to follow the expectations each time they ride the bus. We will be teaching these to students during the first weeks of school, but please ask that you review the rules and consequences as a family before completing the application.
Looking for Great Candidates!
Check out some of the open positions below and share with your friends & family!
Community Information
Below are links to some helpful resources
Contact Us!
Pioneer: bolsen@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6550
Alder: bsteward@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6557