Pearl R. Miller Middle School
Weekly Update 10/25/24
Scheduling Parent/Teacher Conferences
The Parent/Teacher Conference Scheduler will open this evening at 6:00 PM. Please read this notice for full details about scheduling parent/teacher conferences. All conferences must be scheduled online, and the conference scheduler will be available from 6:00 PM on October 25th through 11:59 PM on Friday, November 1st, for this purpose. The parent/teacher conference meetings will take place on Monday, November 4th, from 1:30-3:30 and 6:00-8:00 PM, and on Tuesday, November 5th, from 1:30-3:30 PM.
PRM Winter Sports-Registration Due November 1st
The PRM winter sports season is almost here! We are pleased to offer boys and girls basketball, girls volleyball, and wrestling. Registration and medical paperwork are due no later than November 1st. Please see this notice for more details.
Pillars of Character
Annabelle W. has been nominated by the 8th grade team for the Pillar of Caring. Annabelle has a kind heart and always goes out of her way to help others. Her thoughtfulness shines through in her actions. She makes others feel valued and supported. It's really inspiring to see someone Annabelle’s age be so considerate and compassionate. John F. has been nominated by the 8th grade team for the Pillar of Respectfulness. John shows a great deal of respect to everyone around him, whether it’s classmates, teachers, or other staff members. John understands the importance of being polite and is mindful of others' feelings and perspectives. John is a role model for his peers. Cole M. has been nominated by the 8th grade team for the Pillar of Responsibility. Cole consistently demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility, whether it's keeping up with his schoolwork or following through on commitments. He takes ownership of his actions, makes thoughtful decisions, and understands the importance of being reliable. Cole sets a great example for his peers. Chris G. has been nominated by the 7th grade team for the Pillar of of Citizenship. His kindness shines through in every interaction, whether with peers or teachers. Chris is always polite, respectful, and sincere. As a new student to our school, Chris embodies what it means to be a true citizen here at PRM. Anushka M. has been nominated by the 7th grade team for the Pillar of of Responsibility. Her dedication to her work and thoughtful actions show her strong sense of responsibility. Anushka consistently goes above and beyond, setting a great example for her peers. We’re thrilled to recognize her commitment and hard work! Jack E. has been nominated by the 7th grade team for the Pillar of of Respect. Jack consistently shows respect to both teachers and peers, and his conscientious attitude towards his schoolwork is impressive. With his strong work ethic, Jack sets a positive example for everyone around him. His teachers are proud to recognize his respectful leadership! Catalina C. has been nominated by the 7th grade team for the Pillar of Trustworthiness. Catalina is always on track and doing what’s expected of her. She consistently makes the right choices and works well with all students and peers. Reliable and trustworthy, Catalina sets a shining example for others to follow.
Points for Parents
PRM Principal's Forum
This past week, Mr. Mongon and Mrs. Yosifides presented the PRM Principal's Forum. You can see a recording of the forum here and the slide presentation from the meeting here. Please note that the dates in the slide presentation are accurate (slide #14); the ones mentioned in the video needed to be updated.
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 25th-Friday, November 1st-PRM Conference Scheduler is open from 6:00 PM on 10/25 through 11:59 PM on 11/1.
Friday, November 1st-winter sports registration and paperwork due
Monday, November 4th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*, PRM parent/teacher conferences
Tuesday, November 5th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*, PRM parent/teacher conferences
Wednesday, November 6th-Early dismissal (12:55 for PRM)*
Thursday-Friday, November 7th-8th-Schools closed for Teachers Convention
*Please note that lunch is not served in the cafeteria on early dismissal days. Students may bring a small, peanut-free snack to eat in the cafeteria during their lunch period if they would like.
Please click here to see the announcements for the week of October 28th, 2024. These announcements are also posted on the PRM Website.
Have a great weekend,
Mark P. Mongon