North Plains Elementary Newsletter
We love serving your child(ren) at NPES!
Principal Message
I sit in AWE of our community and YOUR KIDS! Our garden work party (see photos below) was a joyful success and the efforts around our rebound from summer vandalism came from donations (https://www.gofundme.com/f/repair-north-plains-elemetarys-community-garden), physical labor, and/or spreading the word! THANK YOU! Our Eagle Scout lead is still welcoming donations to cover garden project expenses and feel free to share in other communication platforms!
We also have our Fall Scholastic Book Fair to look forward to next week! Come check out options after school until 4pm Monday through Thursday! Your child can also access the Book Fair during morning recess on Monday and Thursday as well as during their regularly scheduled library class on Wed.! Proceeds help buy new and interesting books for our school library! Thank you in advance for supporting your child(ren)'s enthusiasm for reading and writing! Strong readers build a path for strong writers!
Upcoming Events for Families
BOOK Fair : Oct. 23rd-26th
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures ENJOY 10% OFF your order! CODE: F202310OFF EXPIRES: May 1, 2024 Redeem Now.
NOTE: School retakes are scheduled on November 6th!
Conferences will be held Monday Evening from 3:15pm -7:15pm
Tuesday : 7:15am - 7:15pm
Wednesday: No Conferences: Enjoy your long Holiday Weekend!!!!
If you have a 5th or 6th grader, conferences will be student led in a drop in format. Your child needs to attend as they are leading the conference. Mrs. Chronister, Ms. Elliott, & Mrs. Schwartz will be available to support and answer any questions. Ms. Elliott will be available on Monday evening only. Conferences will be a block schedule. Monday evening times are: 3:00-4:00, 4:00-5:00, 5:30-6:30. Tuesday times are: 8:00-9:00, 10:00-11:00, 1:00-2:00, 3:00-4:00, 4:00-5:00, 5:30-6:30. Please keep in mind, you will be sharing the space with other families, but tables will be spaced out to provide room to share. We have a very limited amount of openings for a private student-led conference time. Please email your student’s homeroom teacher if you are interested in this option. If you have multiple students in 5th & 6th grade, you only need to sign up for one time. You can run your student-led conferences back to back. Please be on the lookout for a Sign Up Genius invite to register for your student-led conference.
* There will be a sign- up link for conferences for all families to access the first week of November.
Our 6th graders are headed off to outdoor school next week. We wish them well on their adventure beginning on Tuesday October 24th - 27th.
Trunk or Treat on Oct. 27th in our school parking lot!
Come Host a Trunk! Sign up HERE!
BOO Bash on Oct 26th
Knights of Pythias Auxiliary community fundraiser!
2nd graders working on multiples of 10!
Place Value is a schoolwide math goal!
Our 5th grade girls volleyball team!
Ways to be involved!
It is time to log in to ParentVUE to update our information. This is critical to ensure we have updated phone numbers, emergency contacts, addresses, etc. Please take 10 minutes to log in and update your information here.
Chromebook Agreement- HSD is not covering all damages this school year!
All parents need to park in the student pick up and drop off parking lot by the undercover. Parking in the staff parking lot in front of the school is not an option as it causes safety concerns.
- School grounds are only accessible by families AFTER students have completed dismissal. This is closer to 2:10pm. School grounds open to all with adult supervision until 3:15pm; after 3:15pm, schools grounds accessible and up to discretion of parent/guardian for supervision.
- Please call the office by 1:30pm M,T, TH, F and by 1:00pm on Wednesdays for any pick up changes. Notify the office if someone will pick up your student other than their primary adults who come on a regular basis. If not notified the adult will be asked to go into the office while the parent is contacted and the adult picking up ID can be verified
When a Lunch account surpasses $50 as a negative balance, a letter notification and a free and reduced application are mailed to the household address (monthly). The letter includes contact information and the offer of establishing a repayment plan to bring the account(s) current. Sign-up for Free and Reduced Lunch (this is NOT automatic for 2022-23 school year) - Nutrition Services / Apply for Meal Benefits / More information
- Health and Safety: Please report absences on our attendance line 503-844-1633 or if calling the school number select option #2. Please do not call the office directly for absence reporting. It greatly helps us to ensure accurate records when reported on attendance line. Remember to state all your child's symptoms when reporting an absence.
Medications at school & Health Management Plans If your child will need to take any medications at school or have items on hand for emergencies, you will need to fill out this form and return it to the office. Our nurse and/or health room staff will review and accept medications. Please note that cough drops are considered a medication and needs to be checked in to the office - please do not send these to school with your child.
If your child has a medical or health condition that requires specific accommodations, supports, or changes to their schedule, please reach out to our office so we can connect you to our school nurse. Some students may require a Health Management Plan
North Plains Elementary
M, T, Th, & F = 7:25am to 2:05pm
W = 7:25am to 1:35pm
Office hours are from 7:30am - 3:15pm for our office team to help you with any needs. Students should arrive no earlier than 7:25 am.
FOLLOW US on Instagram @npsoar
Email: petrickk@hsd.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/northplains
Location: 32030 Northwest North Avenue, North Plains, OR, USA
Phone: 5038441630