The Wednesday MESSAGE!
Edition #37 May 15, 2024
Field Day is Almost Here! May 17, 2024
Many volunteers are still needed. Please consider spending some time at Field Day!
Click the picture below for more information about Field Day
It's Time for Open House
Please Join us for Our Spring Open House!
Our Open House will be Thursday May 16th from 5:30-7:00pm
Suggested: Last Names A-L (5:30-6:15) and Last Names M-Z (6:15-7:00)
While you're here, please visit:
The Book Fair (Gym)
See Student Artwork (Displayed all around Salford Hills)
Visit Appreciation Alley (Gym Lobby)
Visit Student Classrooms
Volunteer Appreciation (volunteers come pick up your carnation)
Visit the Lost and Found
Additional parking on the playground and at the church. Bus shuttle available
Book Fair Volunteers Needed!!!
Playground Campaign
We are SO close! Thanks to generous family donations in addition to our Dine & Donate fundraisers, we are only $2,000 from our slide goal. Help us reach $10K by the end of the year so we can have our new slide ready for the fall! If you are interested in making a donation, please reach out to board@salfordhillshsa.org or simply send a check to “Salford Hills HSA” and note “Playground Campaign.” We are so thankful for the generosity of our Salford Hills community!
5th Grade Moving Up Celebration, June 6th from 12:15-1:15pm
Help us Celebrate Our 5th Grade Students' Accomplishments!
We will be having a 5th Grade Moving Up Celebration on June 6th from 12:15-1:15 in the Salford Hills gym. This celebration will take the place of our Drive Through Celebration. 5th grade parents are welcome to attend with a limit of 4 people per family because of space limitations. The celebration will include 5th graders telling about their accomplishments, and some time for pictures at the end. Parents may take their child home at the end of the celebration.
End of Year Blast is June 3rd!
Volunteers Needed for Check-In!
We only need a few volunteers to help with check-in and then you are free to go enjoy the event!
Player of the Week
Team of the Week
New Grand Champion
BMX Assembly Presented by Dialed Action Sports
Dialed Action Sports visited Salford Hills this week to present a BMX bike show with a theme of making good choices and bike safety. This event was sponsored by our Home and School Association.
The Indian Valley WEB Team Visits Salford Hills
The Indian Valley WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) Team visited Salford Hills to talk to our 5th grade students about their transition to Indian Valley.
2nd Grade Nature Trail Visit
2nd grade started their last science unit with a visit to the nature trail at Salford Hills.
3rd Grade Board Game Club
3rd Grade had their last Board Game Club session of the school year. It was great to see all of these students learning new board games or revisiting old board games.
Kindergarten Visits Center Point Pond
Kindergarten students put on their rain coats and headed to Center Point Pond to learn about nature and do some fishing.
3rd Grade Weather Unit
3rd grade students learned about weather by making weather instruments such as anemometers.
No Home & School Meeting in May -- See you in the Fall!
Please reach out to us any time at board@salfordhillshsa.org with questions, concerns, or suggestions. Enjoy the rest of the school year!
Flexible Instruction Day (FID) Information
Souderton Area School District will occasionally use Flexible Instructional Days (FID) rather than traditional “snow days.” Here is a brief reminder of FID expectations:
- A FID is considered a school day. To be counted as attending school, students must respond to the Schoology discussion post/question posted by their teacher. Students must respond to the post by 10:00AM. If a child is unable to access the Internet, then the parent should call the school office at 610-287-9197 to leave a message on the attendance line indicating that the student was unable to access Schoology to answer the discussion post/question.
- Students must complete schoolwork via Schoology. There will be no live sessions. Children may complete schoolwork at a time that is convenient for their family. Your child’s teacher is available, via e-mail, throughout the school day to answer any questions that you or your child have regarding their schoolwork.
- Students or families experiencing technology problems may contact the Student Help Desk for technology support. A link to the Student Help Desk is available by clicking here. Before submitting a support request, please follow the three steps below:
1. Restart your device (power off and power back on).
2. Check that your device is not in airplane mode.
3. Check that the wireless connection is enabled.
Mobile Device Use Agreement for 2023-2024
In preparation for your child's use of a 1-to-1 device in the 2023-2024 school year, please complete the Mobile Device Use Agreement and pay the device protection fee. Please see the details below.
Each year, the student/parent mobile device use agreement must be completed, and the device protection fee must be paid, via one of the methods below.
- Option 1 - Complete agreement and pay fee online.
*Note: If you have never paid through Pay Online/RevTrak, you will need to create an account.
- Option 2 - Print agreement and make payment in-person: Complete and sign the Student/Parent Agreement (English | Spanish | Vietnamese). Please send the signed agreement and payment for the device fee to school with your child.
***Student ID's can be found in your Home Access Center Account***
Devices will be distributed to students during the first week of school.
If you have any questions, please contact the Salford Hills Elementary School office at 610-287-9197.
Birthday Snacks and Socials District Wide Food Guidelines (Click Below)
Arrival / Dismissal
Paying for Your Child's Lunch
May Calendar
Salford Hills Home and School Association (HSA) Volunteer Registration Form 2023-2024
In order to be contacted regarding these opportunities, you must join our volunteer list by filling out the form below. There is no commitment by joining our volunteer list. By signing up, you will simply join our list to be notified of events needing volunteers and other opportunities to get involved. Thank you for helping serve our students, families, teachers, and staff at Salford Hills!
Questions for Home and School?
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can reach out via board@salfordhillshsa.org to contact all board members: president (Heather Zeigler), vice-president/secretary (Desiree Bonkoski), treasurer (Adria Zane).
A Message from the Attendance Secretary
2023-2024 School Calendar
Elementary CYCLE DAY Calendar
Salford Hills Elementary School
Fundamentally committed to each other, we at Salford Hills are a caring community of learners who value each individual’s intrinsic worth and potential.
In our supportive environment, learners are encouraged to achieve high standards by developing responsibility for their learning through authentic experiences that require hard work, critical thinking and reflection.
Learning is a process that positively impacts the future.
Website: http://salfordhills.soudertonsd.org/
Location: 2721 Barndt Road, Harleysville, PA, United States
Phone: 610-287-9197
Twitter: @SASD_SalfordHil