Middle School East
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review and A Look Ahead
November 22, 2024
Notes from the Principal
The second trimester is under way. Congratulations to our students for their hard work to start the year. The Thanksgiving Break provides a good opportunity for students to reset and refocus as gradebooks are cleared and all begin with a fresh start! On Monday, November 25, all students will report back to Homeroom for period 10 so that we may have a "Locker Clean Out." Students will be able to discard trash and reorganize their locker to start the new trimester during this time.
We will have three days of Early Dismissal this coming week. The bell schedule is copied below for your reference.
Fall Teacher Conferences
Fall conferences are set for Monday, November 25 from 1:00-3:00PM and again 4:30-7:30PM as well as Tuesday, November 26 from 1:00-3:00PM. The link to sign up for conferences has now been closed. If you missed the opportunity to connect with a teacher, feel free to send an email with questions or concerns that you may have.
During the conferences, we ask that parents/guardians are punctual whether it be in-person or online. This includes the end time so that neither you or the teacher are delayed for the next meeting.
Those who signed up for a virtual conference should expect a link from the teacher prior to noon on Monday.
Lost and Found
Middle School East 50th Anniversary Open House
We are hard at work planning a special celebration for our community this spring. MSE has been a great place to be for 50 years and we will be recognizing our school, students, and staff with an Open House celeration in April. Stay tuned as more plans details are finalized for this evening community event.
Turkey Day Food Drive
The Turkey Day Food Drive ended on Wednesday of this past week. THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the event. All items were delivered to Preston’s Pantry at the Boyertown Area Multi-Service on Wednesday. In total, we collected 894 items which was 820 pounds! Here is the result of the contest:
- In 3rd place, with 70 donations, was Mr. Agatone.
- In 2nd place, with 158 donations, was Mrs. Bennett.
- In 1st place, with 332 donations, was Mr. Covington.
We are looking forward to seeing Mr. Agatone and Mrs. Bennett in turkey hats and Mr. Covington in the turkey costume on Wednesday, November 27th!
Special thanks to…
- Mrs. Mento and Mrs. Sugita for hosting the food drive in the library.
- Mrs. Monzo and Mrs. Bennett for delivering donations to Preston’s Pantry.
- Colin Dieser, Jacob Canning, Brooklyn Buscher, and Clara Jackson for counting and collecting donations during homeroom.
- Student Council for organizing the donations during 10th period each day.
Pictured below are the Student Council Officers (Dara Barnshaw, Vivien O’Donnell, Colin Dieser, and Lily Ritter).
MSE Book Fair
The East Book Fair will be open for conferences on November 25!
We accept the following forms of payment.
credit cards
debit cards
Apple Pay
Google Pay
checks (made out to BMSE Activity Fund)
cash (small bills appreciated)
Scholastic eWallet
We are unable to take money from student’s lunch accounts or accept Venmo. Students who need their phone for payment will be allowed to stop at their lockers before visiting the fair.
Students will be able to donate their unwanted change to buy books that will be donated to the United Way.
If you are unable to attend the book fair in person, visit our online fair. The online fair will be available on November 15. Email our librarian, Mrs. Mento, at kmento@boyertownasd.org if you would like to pick up your books in the office. This is perfect if you plan on giving books later as gifts.
Gently Loved Books
We also have two carts of gently loved books available for kids who don’t have money for the book fair. www.scholastic.com/bf/beast
Email our librarian, Mrs. Mento, with any questions. kmento@boyertownasd.org
Yearbooks on Sale!
Early Dismissal Schedule (Nov 25-Nov 27)
BMSE- Behind the Scenes Podcast
Click the image or HERE to listent to the Podcast.
Student Council Suggestion Box
Click the image above or HERE to submit your suggestions/ideas about
Bear-A-Thon, dances, spirit days and more!
Upcoming Events
Click HERE for quick access to our Student Handbook/Code of Conduct
School Counselor Contact Information
MSE School Counselors Contact Information:
Mrs. Charlee Malfaro (Class of 2029/Grade 8 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3987
Mrs. Beth Shive (Class of 2030/Grade 7 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3990
Mrs. Allison Thomson (Class of 2031/Grade 6 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3991
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and
is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter were purchased through canstockphoto.com before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout this newsletter
will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Middle School East
2020 Big Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
(610) 754-9550