KES Newsletter #5
September 14th, 2024
Curriculum Night is September 19!
Curriculum Night!
Thursday, September 19, 6:00 - 8:00 PMPlease review the schedule. If you signed up for child care using the forms sent home last week or the digital form, please drop your child at the gym before proceeding to classrooms.
In addition to visiting your child's class, please take the time to visit the PTA bake sale, specials teachers, related service providers, our school counseling team, and more!
Curriculum Night Schedule
Use this link for a complete Curriculum Night schedule:
Curriculum Night Childcare
Use this link to request childcare if you have not done so already:
Half-Day Wednesday, September 18
Wednesday, September 18 is a half-day for students
(afternoon professional development for staff)
Students dismiss at 12:30 PM!
Lunch will be served to students on all half-days.
KES - Featured at the Board of Education Meeting September 10
At the BOE meeting on September 10, KES was featured along with one of our teachers, a staff member, and student. We were pleased to honor these amazing individuals for their contributions to our school!
Shannon VanNorman, Reading Teacher
Mrs. VanNorman contributes to our school in so many ways. She is an instructional leader and mentor. She is also our PBIS Coach, a parent of three, and our PTA Vice President. Some of the initiatives we’d like to thank her for:
UFli and related training
Secret Stories
Literacy / STEAM Night
…and more!
Veronica Schwenk, School Crisis Counselor
Mrs. Schwenk is a valued member of our school.
She is poised, flexible, kind, and supportive. Staff and students are receptive to her suggestions.
We can thank Mrs. Schwenk for modeling the best ways to assist students in crisis, and for her support of Restorative Practices and Zones of Regulation.
Mary Charlotte Miedema-Haynes, Student
When we think about a student who goes the extra mile for our school, Mary Charlotte stands out. It's easy for Mary Charlotte to fly beneath the radar. She does not seek attention. She just does what is expected each day.
When we think of Mary Charlotte, we think of a child who is consistently respectful and responsible.
She is a good friend to all, and a student who gets things done.
We are happy to welcome Mary Charlotte back to our No Place for Hate team this year, and can’t wait to see all the great things in store in third grade!
Our monthly Theme: "Getting to Know You"
September's PBIS theme is "Getting to Know You".
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."
Students are listening to the story Have You FIlled a Bucket Today? in library class with Mrs. Turner.
When each grade level has filled 10 classroom Gander Buckets with Gander tickets, they will earn their first grade level reward - Pajama Day and Popsicles!
Grade 1 has filled 2 buckets so far, and third grade has filled 1.
Students earn Gander tickets for demonstrating safe, responsible, respectful behavior.
What Does it Mean to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible?
PBIS programs stress the importance of telling students what safe, respectful, and responsible behavior looks like and sounds like. Each year teachers set these guidelines in their classrooms. We also teach students what is expected in other school locations. We begin with hallway expectations, then cafeteria, bus, and recess.
Currently, we are working on hallway and cafeteria expectations.
In the hallway:
Safe = Walking in the hall
Respectful = Voice level 0
Responsible = Going directly to your destination
In the cafeteria:
Safe = Walking and not sharing food (some students have allergies, and we do not want to spread germs that make us sick.)
Respectful = Voice level 1-3, or conversation with the people at your table. It also means going to voice level 0 and listening for directions when the teachers give the signal, which is typcally turning down the lights, clap for attention, or call-response.
Responsible = Cleaning up after yourself.
Our students are masters of the hallway! We are working on mastering cafeteria expectations, specifically coming to voice level 0 when it's time to give instructions.
Peaceful School Bus
On September 26, we will hold out first Peaceful School Bus meeting of the year with drivers and students. We will go over their safe. respectful, responsible bus behavior.
Students can earn Gander tickets on the bus. If they do, they get bonus tickets if they turn them in at school!
How can I Help at Home?
Please remind your child of the expectations shown in this newsletter. You can also read or watch a video read-aloud of our books of the month!
Our PBIS Books of the Month and video links can be found using this link:
Upcoming Events, September 16 - January 1
Use this link to check out upcoming events through January 1!