RHHS Wildcats News You Can Use
News and Notes
On this Veterans Day, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the brave men and women who have served and sacrificed for our freedom. Your courage, dedication, and selflessness inspire us all. Thank you for your service to our country. We are forever grateful for the sacrifices you've made to protect the values and liberties we hold dear. May we always honor and remember the tremendous contributions of our veterans.
With the semester coming quickly to an end, I am hopeful that you have noticed the growth in your own personal students as we have certainly taken note here at RHHS. One major positive that we have noted is that student attendance has shown vast improvements over the past few years (ever Pre-COVID); when students are in school learning happens and growth occurs. Please continue to check in on your students progress via PS as we round out the semester and set our sights on a successful ending!
In an effort to gain your feedback and perspective with regards to RHHS, the GADOE annually sends out a survey to collect parent perspective (additional information below on the scheduled student survey). Please help RHHS out by completing this quick snapshot of your experience as it relates to RHHS. Click here for the Georgia Parent Survey, this survey was developed to measure parent perceptions of school climate and your voice matters.
Be sure to take a close read at the remaining items, reminders and scheduled events. Enjoy the weekend ahead!
See ya, Love ya, Bye
Important Upcoming Dates
- Monday, November 20 - Friday, November 24; Thanksgiving Break
- Monday, December 18 - Tuesday, December 19; Final Exams
Winter Wonderland
Winter Formal
Georgia Student Health Survey
For the 2023/2024 school year, all Bryan County schools must administer the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Student Health Survey. Our schoolwide survey completion date is November 30, 2023.
Link to the survey can be accessed below:
Georgia Student Health Survey - HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) gives you the right to opt your child out of participating in the survey. If you do not wish for your child to participate in the Georgia Student Health Survey, please fill out THIS form by November 28, 2023.
Miracle on Wildcat Drive
Bass Fishing Team Raffle
Travel Club
See Mrs. Dixon in room 513 or email at cdixon@bryan.k12.ga.us
Spread the Good News! #ouRHouse
We know staff members at RHHS go the extra mile - we want to hear about it! When a staff member makes you/your student feel special or does something exceptional, YOU can give them a shoutout and in return, the PBIS team will send them a treat!
Check out the newest edition of information that will be communicated via Richmond Hill High School's Athletic Department!
- Amber Crews: A- Carter
- Emily Neff: Cartwright-Gelly
- Tam Daniels: Gentle- Langridge
- Debbie Kilpatrick: LaQuay- Odell
- Megan McDonough: Offringa- Slaughter
- Amber Miles: Slusarski- Z
- Deanna Appleton: Dual Enrollment Counselor
For additional information regarding the Richmond Hill High School Counseling Team, please click here!
RHHS Essential Information
School times
7:30am-2:25pm/Buildings open at 7am
Office Hours
Certificates of Enrollment
Car-rider/parent drop-off information
Bus rider information- Bryan County Transportation Services
School nutrition information-
MySchoolBucks - Online Payment Portal
- Breakfast - $2.25
- Lunch - $3.25
Questions regarding remaining lunch balances should be directed to Alisa Vallbracht (School Nutrition Director) avallbracht@bryan.k12.ga.us/912-459-5121
Nurse/Clinic information-
Nurses: Taryn Parker (tparker@bryan.k12.ga.us) and Caitlyn Matias (cmatias@bryan.k12.ga.us)
If you should need to discuss health information at length, please call to schedule a meeting. All clinic forms are available HERE. Inhalers and epi pens that are carried by the student must have forms completed by their physician.
Richmond Hill High School
Website: https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/o/RHHS
Location: 1 Wildcat Drive, Richmond Hill, GA, USA
Phone: 912-459-5151
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/richmondhillhigh
Twitter: @RichmondHill_HS