HHH January 31, 2024

Jamuary 31, 2025
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
It has been a wonderful week of celebrating Lunar New Year in our classrooms! Happy Lunar New Year to those celebrating! Teachers dedicated time to educating all students about what Lunar New Year is and how it is celebrated. We were fortunate to have parents join us in these discussions, supporting their children in sharing their culture and traditions with classmates.
Our fifth graders had a special visit from Wayland High School Mandarin students, who shared insights about their world language classes and the benefits of studying Mandarin as a language selection. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn from older peers and gain a deeper appreciation for language learning.
Next week, we will hold an All-School Assembly to kick off our Black History Month celebration. If your student would like to incorporate their culture and identity into their classroom experience, please reach out to me. As part of our commitment to diversity, equity, and belonging, we want to ensure that all students and families feel seen, valued, and heard within our Happy Hollow community.
A friendly reminder that all students should exit their cars by our main entrance door. This process has significantly helped minimize traffic congestion on Pequot Road, improving both arrival and dismissal. We truly appreciate your cooperation in keeping this routine smooth and efficient.
Nicolette Foundas, Happy Hollow Principal
Wayland Kindergarten Pre-Registration
February 1 - 14, 2025
Families with children that will be 5 years of age by August 31, 2025 may pre-register their child(ren) for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year.
The pre-registration link will be accessible on the Kindergarten Information website starting February 1, 2025. We request that you pre-register your child by February 14, 2025 so that we may start to determine school placement, class size, and transportation needs for the incoming Kindergarteners. NO registration documents are needed at this time.
Families interested in the Spanish Immersion Kindergarten program still need to pre-register their Kindergarteners.
Families unsure of their Kindergarten enrollment decision at this time may still pre-register.
ESchool Home Access Center
Please be sure you have a Home Access Center account set up in ESchool. This will enable you to see your child's report cards when they are released next week.
- Sign in Home Access Center
- If you are new to Wayland Public Schools, you will need to create a HAC account. If you already have a HAC account from an older child, you will be able to access your Kindergarten student by clicking on the 'Change Student' button in the top right corner in HAC. There is no need to create another account.
- We suggest that you follow our naming convention of firstname_lastname for your User name. If you have any questions, email Leslie_Corner@waylandps.org.
HH Bathroom Beautification: Let’s make HH beautiful! This could be US, but it can’t happen
without you. Even a few hours would be a huge help! Happy Hollow Bathroom Beautification
STEAM Fair and Discovery Night
February 28 th 6 PM Anyone want to do a baking soda volcano? A few more
student run tables would be AWERSOME: STEAM FAIR DETAILS
PTO Coffee - Technology
February 7 th 8:15. Come to discuss technology use at home and at
school! PTO COFFEE Link
3rd (March 14th) and 4th ( March 10th) grade
“Just Like Me” Program: This is an exceptional program to educate and increase disability awareness and a great chance to be IN the classroom, but we can’t do it without you: Just Like Me Sign Upt sign up genius
5th Grade Related Links
1) Launch Sign Up: Wufoo Permission Slip
2) Complete the Launch online waiver: Online Liability Waiver (centeredgeonline.com)
3) Parents Volunteers: 5th grade: Wed. 2/12 - Volunteer for 5th grade Launch outing
4) Pictures to HappyHollow2025@gmail.com
5) Payment, Name and T-shirt Size: 5th Grade Payment Name and T- Shirt Link
It’s Tax Time
Those of you who donated to GYC, should’ve received an email from happyhollowpto@gmail.com subject HUGE Thank You From the PTO - GYC Tax ID Information. This contains relevant tax information. Please check your spam/junk and let me know if you have any questions.
Save the Date March Events
Talent Show: March 23rd Last week to sign up: Talent Show Sign Up
Book Fair: March 18-21th
Art Show: March 26 th
GRADE 3: English Language Arts - April 7, 11. Math - May 12, 16
GRADE 4:: English Language Arts - April 10, 15 Math - May 5, 13
GRADE 5: English Language Arts - April 3, 8. Math - May 6, 8 Sci/Tech/Eng - May 14, 15
Student Council: Penny War
The Happy Hollow Student Council has organized a Classroom Penny War! Starting next week, Tuesday, January 21st, Student Council will be collecting spare change to help raise funds for students in California impacted by wildfires through SupplyBank Disaster Relief Fund.
Each classroom will have a collection jar, and the class that collects the most money will win a special prize! We appreciate your support in making this fundraiser a success and helping those in need.
Thank you for your generosity and involvement! Every little bit counts!
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification
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For information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below.
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