Career Center Newsletter
September 2019
A note from the Principal
Career Center is open for business and is excited to start the new school year. Career Center has set a new attendance record with 400 plus students in attendance. Yes, we are packed.
Career Center is one of 8 designated Career Technical Education programs in the State of Colorado. We offer 9 programs: Culinary Arts, Construction Technologies, Small Engine Repair, Early Childhood Professions, Horticulture, Small Animal Care, Health Care Occupations and IN-STEPS. The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) is here to assist students with employment opportunities.
Career Center is a student centered, hands-on project based learning environment that focuses on the development of soft and hard skill sets needed for the workforce of today. We pride ourselves in being… Prepared-Polite-Productive-Professional, as these are the pillars to getting a job and keeping it!
Career Center is the best school in D51 because we believe in Pride through Accomplishment and our students are Rock Stars!
Together we are going to have an excellent year celebrating students and their achievements. Please come along for the journey as we create opportunities to educate the “Whole Person”.
Cam Wyatt
Career Center