Grange Middle School Family Updates
June 11, 2021
Important Reminders!
- This is our LAST Family Update for the 2020-2021 school year!
- 7th grade students are REQUIRED to have a TDAP vaccination prior to returning in August if they haven't already done so. Please forward proof of vaccination to our office.
- Please remember that ALL students KEEP their chrome books over the summer if they are returning to GMS or another FSUSD school. This includes 8th graders attending any FSUSD High School (Armijo, Early College, Fairfield, Public Safety Academy or Rodriguez High School) in the Fall of 2021. Keep your chrome book!
- Please remember that all Science, History and library books are due BEFORE June 8 or the bill will be added to your student number!
- Please remember to plan your 2021-2022 vacations with the school calendar in mind! Click HERE for the FSUSD 2021-2022 School Calendar!
We are Returning In-Person for the 2021-2022 School Year
- 7th grade students are REQUIRED to have a TDAP vaccination prior to returning in August if they haven't already done so. Please forward proof of vaccination(s) to our office.
If families are interested in virtual school opportunities please consider learning more about the Virtual Academy of Fairfield Suisun. Applications are linked HERE.
Another virtual learning opportunity is Long Term Independent Study (LTIS). Information and applications can be found here... English & Spanish.
Dates to Remember
Summer School: There will be two different summer school sessions at Grange this summer. June 14th- July 1st = Session 1. and July 6th - July 22nd = Session 2. If you have questions about summer school please call the office at 707-438-1900 or email Assistant Principal Williams at kenw@fsusd.org.
Selecting Your Elective Classes at Grange for the 2021-2022 School Year
8th Grade Promotion - We Still Have Signs to Be Picked Up!
Girls on the Run!
We finished another amazing season of empowerment with 321 young girls across Napa & Solano thanks to 76 volunteer life coaches who lead over the past eight weeks in 36 small groups! But this is just the beginning for the girls to use these social, emotional & physical health strategies over a lifetime!
Our Spring 2021 girls gathered a life skill tool kit and completed 2 BIG goals: Community Impact Project & 5K Fun Run in small groups and individual runners! We are grateful all the family & friends who supported us in making the 5K & program a success!
I am hopeful that you would like to support girl empowerment at your school this Fall, and if there are teachers, staff or parents interested in joining us for our 10 week season as volunteer life coaches:
* 2 days a week
* for an hour and 15 minutes per day
* with a team of up to 15 girls
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer life coach please apply online at https://www.raceplanner.com/volunteer/signup/fall-2021-life-coach
Thanks again for all your support of girl empowerment in Solano!!
Are you Interested in taking Band Next School Year?
You can join the Grange band program and learn how to play a musical instrument and read music. My name is Mr. Fry and I am the current Band Director at Grange Middle School. During the 2020-2021 school year, I still taught instrumental music to students currently at Grange Middle School and all of my students learned how to play instruments and read music even during distance learning. If you are interested in joining the band program at Grange Middle School please fill out the google form that I have provided a link below. I have also provided information below about the band classes with descriptions that are offered at Grange Middle School. If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at robertf@fsusd.org or by phone at 707-410-3610. I look forward to hearing from you and have a great day!
Band Classes Offered at Grange Middle School
- Beginning Band - This class is for students who have no experience playing an instrument and reading music.
- Intermediate Band - This class is for students who have one year experience playing an instrument and reading music.
- Advanced Band - This class is for students who have two years experience playing an instrument and reading music.
- Jazz Band - This class is for students who have one year experience playing an instrument and reading music and want to learn how to play jazz music.
Please fill out the Google form linked --> HERE <-- if you are interested in taking band during the 2021/2022 school year!
The GATE test request form is open for families and teachers to request testing for the 21/22 school year. The GATE magnet program at KI Jones runs through grades 3-5. FSUSD will be testing all 2nd graders in the 21/22 school year.
Here is the form link to request testing - https://forms.gle/sdPpLGheENERA8jWA
Armijo High School International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
Fairfield High School Athletics Info
Fairfield High School Athletic Practice Begins...
Cross Country - Boys/Girls: August 2, 2021
Golf - Girls: August 2, 2021
Tennis - Girls: August 2, 2021
Volleyball - Girls: August 2, 2021
Water Polo - Boys/Girls: August 16, 2021
Football: July 26, 2020
Summer workouts for FHS Football begin on Monday, June 14 at 10:00am and the schedule will run throughout the summer: Mon-Thurs 10:00am-12:30pm
If you are interested in playing sports at Fairfield High School please complete the athletic clearance process by following the instructions in the document linked HERE.
Trying to “MAKEUP” your mind about your future?
The PAL Career Café can help!
Getting BLOWN away trying to decide about your future? SHAVE out some time and check out the Funtology Summer Camps offered at the PAL Career Café this summer! The first series will run from June 28-July 1 from 11am-1pm.
Funtology is career readiness program that uses the cosmetology field to help students develop and explore their entrepreneurship skills and career readiness. Students will learn about the fundamentals of hair, beauty, barbering, nails and skin care as they explore the history and standards of the industry, work on personal branding, interpersonal skills, develop study skills, practice time management, problem solving and more. Participants will also be able to take the CliftonStrenghts talent assessment to discover what they naturally do best and learn how to develop their greatest talents to succeed in any career field.
A FREE Fairfield PAL Membership is required to sign up. Fairfield PAL is open to Fairfield, Suisun, and Travis teens ages 13-18 who are enrolled in school. Get yours at the Fairfield Community Center (1000 Kentucky Street) with a student ID and parent / guardian signature. Space is limited due to COVID restrictions and advanced signs up are required. Call 422-6288 for more information or to sign up. Masks and social distancing will be required. Participants will receive a lunch to take home with them.
The Fairfield PAL Teen Center uses the fun of traditional recreational programs to engage underserved teens and help build great qualities in members. PAL uses traditional recreational programming as a gateway to engage teens in programming and activities that support the development of the social and emotional skills required to develop a positive self-identity and become productive and active members of our community.
For more information about these PAL activities, please call 707-422-6288 or visit the program’s webpage at https://www.fairfield.ca.gov under the Quick Links or follow us in real time by visiting the program’s Facebook page at @Fairfieldpal1, Twitter at @pal-fairfield, and Instagram at ff_pal_center.
Meal Information - Only a Few Distribution Days in June!
Only a few days left in June of meal box distribution! Students can receive a box of food that will contain five breakfasts and five lunches. The box will be FREE of charge for any students in FSUSD! Any student or parent (with student ID #)
Wednesday June 9th, Friday June 18th & Friday June 25th ONLY
Grange Middle School
Green Valley Middle School
Crystal Middle School
Student ID numbers will be required to receive a box and students can only receive one box per week. Students can not receive boxes from more than one location in the same week. If you need assistance with getting your meal box please complete this form and we will work to find a way for you to pick up your box from the office after 1pm or find a way to get your box to you.
Job Openings at Grange
-->Two Crossing Guards Needed <--
-->Campus Monitor <--
-->Paraeducator <--
Summer School Attendance Information
If you notice an error, please email YOUR TEACHER and our office at crystalm@fsusd.org. If your Aeries APP is not showing anything, please delete it and reload it to your phone!
Please be sure to email your TEACHER and ATTENDANCE together! If you have additional concerns please call the office at 707-438-1900.
Care Solace Social Emotional Supports for our Families
Social-emotional support has been identified by staff, students, and families as one of the top priorities. Our district has partnered with Care Solace to provide these supports.
With Care Solace, families and staff gain access to a dedicated Care Concierge team, with experts available around-the-clock to guide users through processes related to insurance, provider availability, wait times and scheduling. Care Solace's care navigation system uses proprietary technology and a vast database of behavioral and mental healthcare resources to find carefully vetted therapists and programs in minutes.
Care Solace is now available to Fairfield-Suisun families and staff.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Rental Assistance Information in English
Rental Assistance Information in Spanish
The application period closes on July 31st at 5pm
Please reach our to Community Outreach Liaison Lorena Ledesma
at lorenale@fsusd.org or 707-438-1900 for assistance.
Internet Issues?
GMS has available workspace for students who do not have reliable internet service at home. This is currently limited to 20 students per day. If there is more need, we will adjust. All students WILL be supervised by our Campus Monitors and working at desks that are socially distanced. Instructional support and guidance will not be available from Certificated staff, and remember that students are coming to campus to work, not to socialize.
Students must follow all school rules, social distancing guidelines and bring their own snack/water. Masks must be worn and all times, upon arrival students will need to check in at the main office and respond to the COVID-19 Screening questions.
Please complete this form to request the opportunity to work on site, at GMS and utilize our Internet between the hours of 8:45am-1:00pm during the school week. Your spot will be reserved for you and, if we are full, we will reach out to let you know!
How do I receive current information?
Weekly smore Newsletter
Emails, texts and phone calls - please make sure your email address and cell phone number are current in our system. You can update it yourself through the Aeries portal. Please follow the instructions that have been mailed to your home as you will need your student's unique verification code.
Remind - Text @2021gms to 81010
Twitter - Please follow us @GMSgrizzlies
Facebook - Please like us https://www.facebook.com/GrangeGrizzlies/
Grange website - https://www.fsusd.org/grange
Grange YouTube - GMS Grizzlies
Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District website - www.fsusd.org
Grange Resources
Grange Virtual Wellness Center
Grange English Department Website
Our weekly announcements are linked --> HERE <--
Pesticide Notifications are linked --> HERE <--
GMS Cal/OSHA COVID Plan linked here ---> English <--- --->Spanish<---
Resources for Families of Students with IEPs linked ---> HERE <---
FSUSD Student Resources by Grade Level English | Spanish
Grange 21/22 Family Engagement Policy linked here --> English <-- --> Spanish <--
Grange 21/22 School-Parent Compact linked --> HERE<--
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns!
Holly Whitworth, Ed.D
Ken Williams
Assistant Principal
Maria Macias Saavedra
Assistant Principal
Grange Middle School
Email: hollyw@fsusd.org
Website: https://www.fsusd.org/grange
Location: 1975 Blossom Avenue, Fairfield, CA, USA
Phone: 707-438-1900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrangeGrizzlies/
Twitter: @GMSgrizzlies