Trailblazer News
August 2024, Newsletter
Important Dates
8/9-Meet and Greet for 1st-6th Grade
8/12-1st - 6th Grade Students Return
8/15-Kindergarten Begins
8/16-Early Release Day @1:15pm
8/19-VPK Begins
8/23-Early Release Day @1:15pm
8/28-Dominos Pizza Night
8/30-Early Release Day @1:15pm
9/19-Parent Information Night
Welcome Back!
Dear Trailblazer Families,
We are very excited to kick off the 2024-2025 school year with our theme "Peace, Love & Trailblazers!" Our Groovy School is turning 60 this year! Our students have the ability to make a huge impact in our school and community as we make an effort to spread kindness like confetti. Our teachers and staff will continue our mission to serve every student with excellence as our standard as we motivate, encourage, and inspire our students to strive towards their personal best. We will spend the first few weeks learning new routines and procedures, but most importantly, we will connect and build community as a class and school family. We are looking forward to a wonderful year as we partner with you to help your child learn and grow both socially and academically. Welcome back to school!
With Trailblazer Pride,
Mrs. Trosset
School Procedures
Arrival to School
- Gates will be open from 7:30-8:00 for student arrival.
- All students must be in classrooms ready to learn by 8:00 am.
- We do not have supervision on campus until 7:30. Please do not drop your child off before the gates are open. If you require before school child care, please email our Brevard After School Coordinator; Kim Klein at klein.kim@brevardschools.org.
- Tardy students must be signed in by parent/guardian at the office. Please do not drop them off without accompanying them inside.
- No student check out after 2:00pm Monday-Thursday and 12:45pm on Fridays.
Car loop:
- All vehicles are required to have a 2024-2025 car tag. If you need one please stop in the front office prior to 2:00. If you do not have a car tag you will be asked to park your car and go to the office to provide identification.
- Please keep car tags visible until your child has entered the car.
- Parents, please remain in your vehicle. Sabal staff will assist your child getting into the car.
- Students may only enter and exit the car on the passenger side of the vehicle. If your child requires assistance getting in and out of the car please pull forward to the pedestrian crossing beyond the covered carline.
- Please do not drop off or pick up children in the bus loop at anytime.
- Make sure you stay in your car and do not walk through the car loop. This is a safety concern.
- Please be patient as we teach routines and procedures. Our system does get better with time, but everyone is learning.
Visitors on Campus
- Visitors are only permitted for scheduled, supervised events.
- You must reach out to your child's teacher or Title 1 coordinator to coordinate any volunteering.
- Friday Family Lunches will be returning in the fall.
Friday Early Release Days
Don't forget, every Friday is early release day. All students will be dismissed beginning at 1:15 p.m. Please make the necessary arrangements for your child to be picked up on time. Consider taking advantage of services offered through our School Age Child Care program.
Meet and Greet
Our meet and greet will be Friday, August 9th. See times below by your child's last name. Come, meet the teacher, visit the classroom and drop off school supplies. Teacher assignments will be sent out via text message on Monday, August 5th for 1st-6th grade students that have already completed the enrollment process. If you have not completed the enrollment process you will not receive a teacher assignment.
Review our Dress Code Policy Below
Help us teach our kindergarteners their colors. See the picture below and have your child wear the color on the day assigned to show school wide spirit!
Attendance and Tardies
Attendance is extremely important! Campus opens at 7:30 and our cafeteria offers free breakfast to all students. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00am and all students are expected to be in class ready to learn. We will be working with the district and reaching out to families that have excessive absences or tardies to see how to assist getting to school. If your child is late 3 or more times a meeting with administration will be scheduled. Your child is more likely to succeed in academics when they attend.
We love our Volunteers!
We love having volunteers to help in classrooms, the office, etc. Per district policy, no visitors are allowed on campus unless you are a registered volunteer and on campus for a planned and purposeful reason. Volunteers will be scheduled through your child's teacher, volunteer coordinator or administration. We had an AMAZING response to our call for Sabal Volunteers this year!!! If you would like to join our school please click the link to sign up. https://forms.gle/PC1d4y6dxDgT7ysg9
Student Accident Insurance
In collaboration with an A+rated insurance provider, Brevard Schools is recommending a LOW COST, NO DEDUCTIBLE Student Accident Insurance option that is a one-time payment, per child, per school year. See the attached flyer below for more information.
Parents Right To Know
Each parent of a student at Sabal Elementary has the right to request information about professional qualifications of the student’s teacher(s). This information will be provided upon request.