Northwest High News
Week of January 19, 2024
Recent updates...
NO School tomorrow, 1/20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Coming to NWHS January 23, 2025
Smile on Wheels offers children's dental hygiene services at no cost to you!
- Dental Assessments, Cleanings and Education
- Sealants
- Floride Treatments
A referral note will be sent home after the visit explaining services provided and information to hlep find a dental home.
COMPLETE THE CONSENT FORM that will be given to your student in focus time (additional forms available in the HS office). If you have dental insurance, it will be billed for the services provided. If you don't have dental insurance, services will be provided at no cost to you.
Kelly Express Mart Pump for A Cause
Kelly Express Mart, County Farm Road Location, chose NW Athletics & NW Touchdown Club to receive donation money. USE PUMP #6!!!!
Pump for a Cause Timeframe: 11/1/2024 – 1/31/2025
Where: Pump #6 at Kelly Express Mart – County Farm Rd
3151 County Farm Road, Jackson 49201
Benefitting: Northwest Athletics & Northwest Touchdown Club
How it works: Kelly Express Mart will donate 1 cent per gallon for all gallons pumped on pump #6 during the timeframe. We also have a prompt turned on inside that is asking customers if they would like to round up or make a donation to Northwest.
Thank you all for your help! Please pass it on!
The Moxie Mountie - Journalism students
Check out the new articles at The Moxie Mountie News!
Mountie Nation Station - Broadcasting students
College & Career
Ways to stay connected
NWHS Daily Announcements
Athletic Events Calendar: https://nwmounties.com/events
Athletic Events GoFan Tickets and Athletic Passes: https://gofan.co/app/school/MI3393
Download athletic Events through our Scheduler App:
Apple Users: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/activity-scheduler/id877988259
Android Users: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rschooltoday.activityscheduler&hl=en_US&pli=1
Follow us on FaceBook: Northwest High School Athletics