Hiawatha Elementary
Week of March 2nd
Hello Husky Families-
It is hard to believe that March is here and spring is right around the corner. The Huskies are looking forward to the warm days ahead and spending time with friends getting fresh air!
A couple of things for the week ahead, just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday, 3/3 for Pulaski Day. We also have a PTO meeting set up for Thursday, 3/6 at 4:00 p.m. Please join us in our new library space for the meeting.
3rd-5th grade parents: Please remember the inspirational letters from home are due Thursday, March 6th!
Our students will be taking the state assessment (IAR) beginning the week of March 10th. As in years past we like to have an inspirational letter from home for each of our students. Please look for a more detailed letter and envelope to come home on Monday. We would love for each student to have a letter from home to kick off our testing week.
Have a great week!
Jodi Meyer jmeyer@bsd100.org
5 Essentials
The 5 Essentials survey is now open across the state of Illinois. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect and predict school success are:
· Effective Leaders
· Collaborative Teachers
· Involved Families
· Supportive Environments
· Ambitious Instruction
If at least 20 percent of Hiawatha School parents complete this survey, a parent supplement report will also be generated. The parent data will not be reported on the State Report Card.
Your participation in the parent portion of the survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and guide improvement. Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected to you or your child.
To take the survey, please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ and select the appropriate survey to begin.
Show Up to Glow Up
Congratulations to the following classrooms that had 95% or better attendance this week:
Mrs. Dorrance's Pre-K 95%
Ms. Suzanne's AM Pre-School 96%
Ms. Morales and Mrs. Gage's Kindergarten 97%
Ms. Diaz de Leon and Mrs. Waszak's 1st grade 96%
Ms. Custodio's 2nd grade 95%
Mrs. Gonzalez and Mrs. Waszak 2nd grade 98%
Ms. Castillo's 2nd grade 96%
Ms. Rios' 3rd grade 95%
Mrs. Scott's 4th grade 98%
Mrs. Horne's 4th grade 96%
Mr. Palafox's 5th grade 95%
Ms. Antos' 5th grade 95%
3rd grade Tutoring Club
Tuesday, 3/4 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Thursday, 3/6 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, 3/4 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Video Game Club
Tuesday, 3/4 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 3/5 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Volleyball Club
Wednesday, 3/5 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Girls Basketball
Wednesday, 3/5 7:30 a.m.
GAME 3:00 Wednesday, 3/5 @ Komensky School
2515 Cuyler
*All student must be picked up from Komensky at 4:00 p.m.
Friday, 3/7 7:30 a.m.
Thursday, 3/6 7:30 a.m.
Thursday, 3/6 3:00-4:00 p.m
Playground Safety
The Hiawatha Huskies LOVE our 4 legged friends, however this is a reminder that we can not have dogs on playgrounds at arrival and dismissal. If you bring your dog to school, the dog needs to be on a leash and remain outside of the fence. Thank you for understanding and helping to keep everyone safe on our playground.
From Nurse Cindy:
Dear Parents / Guardian:
Children who come to school with symptoms of illness are not in the best frame of mind for learning. Please do not send your child to school if any of the following symptoms are present:
“Runny” nose, especially with green mucous
Rashes or any scratching for unknown reasons, with or without fever
Red, watery, itchy eyes that were crusted shut upon awakening
Chills or fever of 100.4 or higher
Diarrhea or vomiting
Constant coughing
Continue to keep your child home until all elevated temperatures have return to a normal temperature for 24 hours without the use of anti-fever medicine (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, Advil). Please call the school each day your child is sick to report their absence. Upon returning to school, a physician’s note is required in order to be excused from P.E./gym or recess.
Every time your child misses school to see a doctor, have the doctor write a note. Bring the note to school when the child returns.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter. Together we can keep all of the staff and students healthy and ready to participate in school feeling their very best! If you have any questions please call me at any time.
Nurse Cindy
As a reminder, the State of Illinois requires the following:
All students entering preschool, kindergarten, sixth grade and any students new to District 100 must turn in a current school physical (Certificate of Child Health Examination and Immunization record) with up-to-date immunizations. To avoid exclusion from school, the records are needed by October 15.
All kindergarteners and students new to the state must submit a professional eye examination (State of Illinois Eye Examination Form).
All kindergarteners, 2nd graders, and sixth graders must submit a dental examination (Proof of Dental Examination Form). The Children’s Clinic for an on-site dental visit that will fulfill this requirement will be assisting the school, stay tuned for more details. Exam needed by May 15.
Before/After School Care
Here is some information on after-school care providers that operate in the community.
PAV YMCA – before and after-school program on school grounds – 708-749-0606
Berwyn Rec Department - after school program - transportation provided - 708-788-2010
Husky Spirit Wear
Purchase your custom school spirit wear apparel and Spiritwear Direct will ship the products right to your door.
We are excited that our learning will continue to be enhanced through our iPads. This year all kindergarten-5th grade students will be receiving a new iPad! We are very excited to have these brand new devices in the hands of our students. With the excitement of the new devices comes a responsibility. We ask that you go through our Student Digital Guide with your child and stress the importance of caring for the iPad and making responsible choices.
Our iPads will be coming home soon and we ask you to fill out this completion form with your child once you have read through the guide together.
Birthday Celebrations
We love birthday celebrations at Hiawatha and want everyone to feel special on their day. However this is a reminder that our school and district has a policy about bringing in baked goods for celebrations. Please help us to promote wellness and keep everyone healthy by not sending in edible treats. Non-edible treats such as pencils, erasers, stickers, etc can be brought in if you wish to send.
“Schools will support and promote good nutrition for students. In the event of celebrations, no food items (baked or purchased) are allowed for students due to food allergies and nutritional school policies.”
School Safety/Visitors
Please remember if you need to enter the building, you need to enter through door 1W on East Ave to gain a visitors pass.
Entry into our schools during school hours is restricted using access control and security vestibules, and security cameras are utilized to monitor building security throughout the district. Parents and other visitors coming into schools must check in at the main office. Visitors will be asked to identify themselves and the reason for their visit before gaining access to our buildings. Only one person will be allowed entry into the building at a time. Please do not hold the door open for other visitors behind you or allow others through the door when leaving. We ask for your support and cooperation in communicating with our front office staff and complying with all visitor security protocols.
Students begin entering the building promptly at 8:25. Please arrive by 8:20 to find your child’s classroom line and be ready to enter. Dismissal is at 3:00 and students will be dismissed on the playground. Please meet your child on the playground.
Please remember there is NO PARKING in our fire lane on East Ave or in the alley. If you are parking you will need to find street parking around the school and walk to the playground to pick up your child.
Apple Success Story
We are beyond honored to share that Berwyn South and Hiawatha School were featured as a K-12 Apple Education Success Story. Last spring we had the honor of opening our school to representatives from Apple to show them what learning looks like at Hiawatha School. Watching this success story video gives us an immense sense of pride to see many of our teachers and students shine in this video for the world to see. I couldn’t be more proud to be the principal of this amazing school in Berwyn South. Our students are inspiring others each and every day and showing others what is possible. You can access the videos and story on the Apple Education Website.
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
Community Flyers
Click the below image to see events taking place in the community.
Mark Your Calendar
Hiawatha Elementary
Email: jmeyer@bsd100.org
Website: hiawatha.bsd100.org
Location: 6539 W 26th St, Berwyn, IL, United States
Phone: (708)795-2327
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hiawatha-School/111901462228001
Twitter: @HiawathaSchool