Peek At The Week
Week of 12/16 - 12/20

Holiday Spirit Week
MONDAY 12/16 - PJ Day
- Late Start Monday students entry is 9:35 a.m. (check your bus schedule)
- Makers Club 3:45-5:00 p.m., (Mrs. Metallo)
- Homework Club 3:45-5:00 p.m. (Mrs. Andrews)
- Holiday Winter Concert 7:00-8:00 p.m. Cafeteria
- Cheer City of Lights @ East Aurora HS
TUESDAY 12/17 - Holiday Hat Day
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Harmonix (Dr. Glogowski)
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- Ukulele Club 3:45-5:00 (Dr. Glogowski)
- Photo/Solvers Club - (Puzzle Fun) 3:45-5:00 (Mrs. Metallo)
- Flipped Movie! 3:45-5:15 LMC
- 7th and 8th Bball City of Lights
WEDNESDAY 12/18 - Holiday Colors
- 7:30-8:00 a.m. 8th Grade Woodwind and Percussion Early Band
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- Musical Auditions 4005, 3:45-5:15 (Dr. Glogowski)
- Anime Club 3:45-5:00 (Mr. Burger)
THURSDAY 12/19 - Grinch Day
- 7:30 a.m. 8th Grade Brass Early Band
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- 2:15 p.m. WAHS A Cappella Choir visits HMS
- Adventure Club 3:45-5:00 (Mr. Stancati)
- Musical Callbacks 4005, 3:45-5:15 (Dr. Glogowski)
- 7th and 8th Bball City of Lights Finals
FRIDAY 12/20 - Ugly Sweater Day
- Regular Bell Schedule, arrive on time
- 7:30-8:30 a.m. Early Morning Choir (Dr. Glogowski)
WINTER BREAK Dec. 21 - Jan. 05
All guests must present a valid photo ID upon entry.
Parents/Guardians: It is District Policy if a student arrives to school late or from an appointment, they have to be signed in by an adult. Please notify the main office, if a contact person other than parent/guardian is picking up your student for an early dismissal.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Herget Main Office
The Huskies won a barnburner at Rotolo to finish their dual season with an 11-2 record. Ryan K. got things started with a last-second tech fall. Damian G. ran up the score on his opponent as well, winning by major decision. Soon after, Ayden C. fought tooth and nail for his victory by decision. When the Bulldogs saw Max P. approach the check-in table, the chose to hold back their wrestler and forfeit instead of face him. Logan Britton kept the momentum going by scoring a much-needed pin for his first varsity match of the season, while Maren M. and Edgar M. added forfeits to the team score, setting the stage for a come-from-behind victory. A crucial decision scored by Michael S. and a crushing pin by earned by Andre B. put the Huskies back in the lead. Finally, Felix C. accepted a forfeit to end the night amid the ruckus cheers and revelry of his teammates and fans. Meanwhile, on the next mat over, the exhibition wrestlers only dropped one match all night! Edgar M., Gavin A., Logan B., Maren M., Damian G., and Gabe B. picked up pins. Michael K. earned the only tech fall. Ayden C. and Max R. each won by major decision, while Iliana M. and Hunter P. earned decisions. Wish the Huskies luck as they prepare for an uphill battle at this weekend’s City of Lights Tournament!
Winter registration is now open for 6th girls basketball, 7th girls basketball, 8th girls basketball, and 6th/7th/8th dance team. You must be registered online at https://schools.snap.app/herget, and have an up-to-date sports physical on file in order to participate. First days of practice can be found below, all practice/game schedules will be posted as we get closer to the start of the season on the athletic website under resources.
If you have any questions, please email Mr. White (awhite@sd129.org) or the head coach below.
6th Girls Basketball – Coach Beetham (jbeetham@sd129.org) First practice 1/8 6-7:30 PM
7th Girls Basketball – Coach White (awhite@sd129.org) First practices 1/8-1/10 7-8:30 AM
8th Girls Basketball – Coach Vernon (rvernon@sd129.org) First practices 1/8-1/10 3:45-5:15 PM
Dance Team – Coach Casanas (jcasanas@sd129.org) First practices 1/13-1/17 3:45-5:15