The Middle School Minute
St. Johns Middle School Newsletter- March 21, 2025
Important Dates
- March 24-26- Reproductive Health Lessons for 6th Graders (see letter emailed from Mrs. Hallead and sent home with students)
- March 28-April 6- Spring Break! No School for Students and Staff
- April 11- Fun Night!
- April 14- Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
- April 17- PSAT 8 (Please Avoid Absences)
- April 18- No School for Students and Staff
- April 23-28-M-STEP for 6th and 7th Grade (Please Avoid Absences)
- April 24- RCADS-25 Mental Health Screening
- April 25, 26, 27- Musical- Finding Nemo Jr.
- April 30-May 5- M-STEP for 8th Grade (Please Avoid Absences)
- May 6- 7th Grade Vision Testing
- May 8- 8th Grade Band Concert 7:15 p.m.
- May 9- Fun Night! 5th, 6th and 7th Grades Only
- May 12-23- i-Ready Testing
- May 14- Choir Pops Concert 7:00 p.m.
- May 22- Academic Intervention Day
- May 26- Memorial Day- No School for Students and Staff
- May 27- 6th Grade (8:50 a.m.) and 7th Grade (9:50 a.m.) Honors Assemblies
- May 27- 8th Grade Visit to the High School
- May 27- 8th Grade Honors Night
- May 28- 6th Grade and Jazz Band Concert
- May 30- 8th Grade Farewell Dance
- June 3- Orchestra Concert 7:00 p.m.
- June 4- 7th Grade Band Concert 7:00 p.m.
- June 6- 8th Grade Michigan Adventure Trip
- June 9- Exams Early Release 12:06 p.m.
- June 10- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL- Exams Early Release 12:06 p.m.
SJMS Office Hours: School days from 7:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m.
In This Edition...
New Topics
- Spring Break
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Trimester 2 Honor Roll
- Finding Nemo Jr. Musical Tickets
- 8th Grade Michigan Adventure Field Trip
Old Topics
- SJMS and SJHS Bond Proposal Projects
- Yearbook Orders
- Hygiene and Spring Clothing
- Spring Testing Schedule
- Track Season
- March is Reading Month
Spring Break
The SJMS staff wishes you and your family a fun and relaxing spring break. We all know the school year tends to fly by after spring break, but there is still a lot of learning to be done and tons of fun end of year events! SJMS will be closed for spring break between Friday, March 28th and Sunday, April 6th. We look forward to welcoming our students back on Monday, April 7th. The next edition of The Middle School Minute will hit your inboxes on Friday, April 11th.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Spring Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Monday, April 14th from 3:30-6:30. Conferences will be held via Zoom by appointment only. Click on the bar below for the link to sign up.
Trimester 2 Honor Roll
We are so proud of our students! Students who earned Honor Roll for the second trimester earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Finding Nemo Jr. Musical Tickets
Tickets are now on sale for this year's spring musical, Finding Nemo Jr, and can be purchased at sjdrama.ludus.com. Show dates are as follows:
Friday, April 25 @ 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 26 @ 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 26 @ 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 27 @ 2:00 p.m.
8th Grade Michigan Adventure Field Trip
Planning is underway for the 8th grade to take a day trip to Michigan's Adventure on Friday, June 6th! The cost will be $45 per student and will include a park ticket, lunch, class t-shirt, and transportation. We have enough staff going to chaperone, but families are welcome to purchase their own tickets and meet us there if they wish.
Students must meet the following criteria during 3rd trimester to participate:
- No suspensions
- 36 or fewer class period missed
- 2 or fewer office referrals
- Passing all classes (D- or higher)
Details, permission slips, and payment information will be sent to 8th grade families as we get closer to the trip, although we do know we will be back by 6:00 p.m. If your family is in need of financial assistance, please contact your child's counselor to discuss options.
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook Distribution Day is coming up this Spring and we don't want your student to miss out on all the fun! If you haven't ordered a yearbook yet, snag one while supplies last at jostensyearbooks.com. Payment plans are available! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Swab at swabs@sjredwings.org.
Hygiene and Spring Clothing
Spring is here...well kind of...the weather is bound to get warm soon! In preparation for the upcoming weather, we strongly suggest having your students try on their warm weather clothes to ensure a proper fit. Middle school is a time of rapid growth so clothes that fit last year might not fit now. Changing bodies also require more frequent bathing and deodorant as the weather warms up. Middle schoolers often need a bath or shower each day. We thank you in advance for your support at home.
Spring Testing Schedule
M-STEP: 6th and 7th grade students will take M-STEP tests in ELA and math in their math and ELA classes April 23, 24, 25, and 28. 8th grade students will take the M-STEP tests in science and social studies in their science and social studies classes on April 30, May 1, 2, 5.
PSAT 8: On Thursday, April 17th, all 8th grade students will take the PSAT 8 as part of the required State of Michigan testing. Testing will run from the start of school (7:50 a.m.) to approximately 11:00 a.m. 8th grade students will not be required to stay the remainder of the school day. Parents may fill out the excusal form to pick up their child at the conclusion of PSAT 8 testing. The excusal form will be emailed directly to 8th grade parents after spring break. 8th grade teachers will not present any new content in classes the afternoon of PSAT 8 testing. Those students who stay at school will have time to catch up on missing work and read.
We need your help! We respectfully request that students not be excused from school during testing days. If at all possible, please refrain from scheduling appointments and other events and activities. Students who miss the M-STEP and/or PSAT 8 will be required to make them up which means they will miss class time to do so as we are required by the State of Michigan to test all of our students. Thanks in advance for your help as we look to minimize disruption to instruction that standardized testing creates.
Track Season
Track sign ups start 3/17/25 in the Athletic Office. Athletes must have a current year physical (4/15/24 and after) to participate. The first practice is 4/9/25 from 3 to 4:30pm. Contact Mrs. Montle with any questions.
March is Reading Month
Contact Information
Email: taborp@sjredwing.org
Website: www.sjredwings.org/middleschool
Meet Our Staff: www.sjredwings.org/our-schools/middleschool/meet-our-sjms-staff
Location: 900 West Townsend Road, Saint Johns, MI, USA
Phone: (989) 227-4300
Facebook: facebook.com/StJohnsMiddleSchool