Highlander Happenings
September 6, 2024
Thomas McKean High School
Principal's Corner
Off and Running...
Literally, since the school year started, we have been off and running. While it is not a sprint, things are certainly moving forward quickly! As we start this new school year, we are thrilled to reunite with returning students and welcome new Highlanders to our school community. The Highlander Happenings will have key information to keep you updated bi-weekly. Additionally, we encourage you to stay engaged and connected with us by reading our newsletters, attending school events, and communicating with teachers and administration. Finally, this is a reminder we will be celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month for the remainder of the month.
Let's make it a great September. We A.R.E. McKean!
Important Dates
September 2024
- Saturday, September 7th: Red Clay Block Party 10am-1pm @ Stanton Middle School
- Tuesday, September 10th: No School for students - Staff In-service
- Tuesday, September 17th: Information Meeting for Spring Break in Spain on Zoom
- Friday, September 20th: Last Day to change your classes
- Thursday, September 26th: Back to School Night @ McKean 6-8pm
- Thursday, September 26th: PTO Meeting @ McKean Library 7pm
October 2024
- Wednesday, October 2nd: Picture day for 9th-11th grade students
- Thursday, October 3rd: School Closed
- Friday, October 11th: No School For Students- Staff In-service
- Friday, October 18 - Senior Picture Opportunity
- October 21-25th: Launch Your Future Week for 12th grade students
- Thursday October 24th: The Red Clay College Fair will be held @ AI High School from 6-8p
Friday, October 31- Senior Picture Opportunity
Friday October 31- End of Marking Period One
McKean PTO Invitation
Attention McKean Parents and Guardians
The McKean PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of students at Thomas McKean High School by fostering relationships among the school, parents/guardians, and building-level faculty. The organization also strives to promote community engagement. Fundraising efforts go towards supporting the staff, assisting with or donating towards school events for students, and building level projects per administrative request.
Next Meeting: 9/26 @ 7pm *special time-directly after open house*
Join Red Clay Saturday, September 7th from 10 am-1 pm at the Red Clay Block Party~
Hygiene Kit Drive
McKean High School is teaming up with the Bellefonte Lions Club, Wilmington United Lions Club and Wilmington United Youth Coalition for a hygiene Drive. It’s running from August 28 through September 29, 2024. Items needed, toothpaste, toothbrush, wipes, dry shampoo, feminine products, and deodorants. Drop off at Bellevue community center 510 Dunkin Road Wilmington, Delaware.
Explore Spain with Us! Barcelona & Madrid Trip
Parents, Students, and Teachers – Join us for an exciting educational trip to Barcelona & Madrid! Experience the culture, history, and beauty of Spain's most iconic cities.
Reserve Your Spot Now!
Don't miss this amazing opportunity. Register for the info session and secure your spot on the trip.
Contact Information:
For more details, please contact Ms. Molina by email: adrianac.molinahurtado@redclay.k12.de.us
Highlander Counselors Updates
Students can sign-up for an appointment with their school counselor in their "Class of 202_" page on Schoology. If a student does not have a Class of 202_ page, please see the front desk to be added.
The last day to change classes is Friday, September 20th. Please complete a Schedule Change Request Form on Schoology prior to September 18th if you need to change one of your classes.
Launch Your Future Week for 12th grade students will be October 21st-25th.
The Red Clay College Fair will be held at AI DuPont High School from 6-8pm on October 24th. CLICK HERE for more information.
This year’s FAFSA for students attending college next year will open on December 1st.
Class Advisor Information
Class of 2025
Senior Pictures
10/18, 10/31, 11/1, 12/3
October 21-25th: Launch Your Future Week for 12th-grade students
See Mrs. Dukes for Class of 2025 Information
Class of 2026
Welcome to Junior Year
See Mrs. Marchak for Class of 2026 Information
Class of 2027
Welcome to Sophomore Year
See Ms. E Carroll for Class of 2027 Information
Class of 2025
Academic Updates
AVID Corner!
"AVID stands for 'Advancement via Individual Determination.' AVID is a comprehensive program that assists underrepresented students in applying to, and prepares them for, the rigors of four-year colleges and is available to 9th through 12th graders at McKean. Students in AVID live by the WICOR strategies; WICOR stands for Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. Students are assisted in their high-level classes through tutorials, given help with organization by keeping a binder, and supported in their time management. Additionally, the program provides opportunities for personal growth through guest speakers, college field trips, tutoring, and community service, all of which contribute to building a competitive college application. AVID graduates enroll in college at higher rates than the national average and persist into year 2 of college at higher rates. In 2016, 88% of AVID seniors applied to and were accepted to a four-year college. Why is this important? According to a study completed by the Economic Policy Institute, college graduates annually earned 56% more than someone with only a high school diploma.
Here is a link to a video clip that was created when our AVID program earned a SuperStars in Education Award from the DE Chamber of Commerce in the spring of 2018. The video shows our students and teachers in action and offers their perspectives about the program.
Highlander Athletics
Fall Sports 2024-25
Football - Avery McMullin
Boys Soccer - Mike Freccia
Cheerleading - Anya McKenzie
Cross Country - Gavin Coates
Field Hockey- Layla Marchak
Unified Flag Football - Jaxon Brown
Volleyball- Nettie Choice
Marching Band - Kevin Reeves
Please visit HighlandersSports.com for information about Highlander Athletics!
Athletic Eligibility at McKean High School
1) McKean Sportsmanship Policy
- Students must attend a presentation on Sportsmanship with Ms. Dukuray
- All students must sign McKean Sportsmanship Contract prior to competing in games/practices. Form can be found on the bottom left of the Highlanderssports.com page under Forms.
2) DIAA Physical
- Students must have a DIAA physical on file with the school to be eligible for practices, scrimmages, and games.
- Physicals must be completed on the approved DIAA Physical Forms.
- Physicals must be completed after April 1st of the year that the school year begins.
- Physicals may be uploaded to Family ID or submitted to the school nurse.
3) Academic Eligibility
- Academic eligibility is determined each marking period.
- Students must be passing 5 classes to be eligible to participate in athletic activities.
- 2 of the 5 classes must be in the core subject areas: Math, Science, English, or Social Studies.
- Seniors must also be passing all classes needed for graduation.
Athletic Director Updates
- After-school buses are reserved for active roster student-athletes only. NO STUDENT FANS PERMITTED
- Highlander Sportsmanship is expected from all athletes, student fans, and family fans at all sporting events. All Highlanders are expected to adhere to the codes of conduct set forth by Thomas McKean High School, Red Clay Consolidated School District, and the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association.
Climate and Culture
Hello Highlander Nation!
As we embark on the 2024-2025 school year, I’d like to share some important information that is essential to maintaining our school’s positive environment and culture.
Safety and security are our top priorities. When students and staff feel safe, everyone can focus on what matters most – providing your child with the best possible education. Below are key areas of focus to help us continue fostering a safe and positive learning atmosphere:
- School Hours: The school day begins at 7:10am and ends at 2:10pm. Students arriving late must check in at the front office to receive a pass. Please ensure your child arrives by 11:00am to be marked present for the day. Students arriving after 11:00am will be marked absent and won’t be allowed into the building.
- Leaving Campus: McKean is a closed campus. Students may not leave during the day without proper documentation from a parent or guardian. Early dismissals will not be granted after 1:50pm – no exceptions.
- Punctuality: Students must arrive at class on time. With five minutes between periods, there is ample time to get to the next class. Students should not be late.
- Door Usage: For safety reasons, students should only use the main office doors during school hours. Keeping all other doors closed and locked is essential for maintaining a secure environment.
- Speak Up: We encourage everyone – students and staff alike – to report anything unusual. We believe in the importance of looking out for one another.
At McKean, we have three dedicated student advisors – Mr. Taylor, Mr. Coates, and our newest addition, Dr. Dukuray – who are here to support your child’s success. Our advisors work closely with students, parents, teachers, and administration to maintain a safe and productive school experience. Below are additional guidelines from our student advisor team to help your child have a successful year:
- All student drivers must display a rearview mirror hang tag on their vehicles.
- Parking is limited to the upper lot by the track and tennis courts.
- Any student who parks in the wrong lot or fails to register their vehicle with the school is subject to towing at their own expense. For questions or to purchase a parking tag, please see Mr. Coates.
Dress Code
- Students must wear shirts that fully cover the torso, with no visible undergarments.
- Hats, hoods, and ski masks are not allowed for security reasons, except for medical or religious purposes.
- We ask that clothing reflect our school’s positive values, with appropriate messages and images.
- To ensure equity, minimize disruptions, and enhance school safety, external food delivery services (such as Uber Eats, Door Dash, and Grub Hub) are no longer allowed during school hours. This policy helps maintain a focused and fair learning environment for all.
- During class time, cell phones should be turned off and put away to maximize learning opportunities.
Our climate and culture team is committed to supporting every student, every day. We wish all students, staff, and parents a safe and successful 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Quig at the school or send him an email at Cody.Quig@redclay.k12.de.us
We A.R.E. On Time
We would like to stress the importance of on time arrival to both school and every class this year. As a team, we are ramping up interventions and supports, as well as consequences and celebrations, for students around on time arrival to class. Attendance interventions have been designed to help all students maximize their learning time by incentivizing being on time, and we have a team dedicated to addressing any challenges students face with tardiness to school and class. Students that arrive to class late will not be eligible for hall/bathroom passes during the period.
Highlander Highlights
Highlander Band at the Labor Day Parade
The Highlander Band represented McKean at the annual Labor Day Parade in Wilmington. The parade stepped off from 4th and King Streets at 10:00 a.m. and proceeded north along King Street where union members and their families gathered to commemorate the day. Happy Labor Day to all.
Highlander Hospitality Night
The halls of McKean were BUZZING with excitement, energy and enthusiasm at our Back to School Night! We thoroughly enjoyed seeing new Highlanders and returning Highlanders. Excited for school year 2024-25. Push Forward McKean!
McKean Cheer and Drumline
McKean Cheerleaders and Drumline went to Cooke Elementary School on September 4th to celebrate a decade of Excellence!