Quarter 3
Welcome to Quarter 3
Reminiscing on the past months
Progression of Discipline
Did your child receive a DR?
Number of DRs:
1st DR - meeting with Joyner & Meade, 1 day mentor room, restorative circle, parent contact by principal and staff
2nd DR - 2 days mentor room, restorative circle, mandatory parent meeting
3rd DR - Reassigned to night school or Emmett Remote Academy (ERA), parent contact by principal and staff, principal contacts superintendent
4th DR - If students return to day school or earn in night school: recommendation for expulsion sent to the superintendent
Black Canyon Policies on Foul Language
Foul language and swearing will not be tolerated. In order to foster a school environment that we can all be proud of, the use of such language, which is deemed inappropriate, will result in a Major Disciplinary Referral (DR).
Phone Policies Refresh
Disciplinary Procedures
If a student’s device is visible, stored on their person (e.g. in their pocket), or is found to make a
notification, during the school day, the device will be confiscated by a District employee and
may be retrieved from the schools front office at the end of the school day by the student on the
first offense. For all following offenses, the student’s parent/guardian must pick up the devices
from the front office. Administrators may utilize Policy 3340 and Procedure 3340P Corrective
Action and Discipline to address repeat offenders.
Secondary Building Discipline Progression
1st Offense Student device is confiscated and taken to the office. Student may retrieve
phone at the end of the day. Parent is contacted by administration. Coaches and
advisors are contacted.
2nd Offense Student device is confiscate and must be picked up by parent. Student will be
placed in ISS for 1 day and ineligible to practice or participate in afterschool
activities or athletics the day of ISS. Parents, advisors, and coaches are
3 rd Offense Student device is confiscated and may only be picked up by parent or legal
guardian. Student is assigned out of school suspension and ineligible to practice
or participate in afterschool activities or athletics during OSS dates
4 th Offense Student is referred to disciplinary review team for possible alternative
Student is not eligible to practice or participate in athletics or activities until the
review hearing is complete.
Discipline and consequences are throughout the school year and do not reset at the end of the
semester at all grade levels.
Academic Progression Dates
January 23:
Students/guardians will be notified on January 23 that they have until February 6 to make progress. If they haven’t made progress students will be moved to *Night School only”, on February 10.
April 17:
Students/guardians will be notified on April 17 that they have until May 8 to make progress. If they haven’t made progress students will be moved to *Night School only”, on May 12.
Night School
Black Canyon Night School
Days & Times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Location: Black Canyon Junior Senior High - Rm. 23 and 25
****Bring Chromebook****