Hornet Headlines
September 2024 Handy School Newsletter
Principal's Message
We are off to a great start this school year! The students are happy to be back, and our staff is excited to teach them.
Thank you for attending Back to School night to learn all about your child's classroom. The staff and I value your partnership and cooperation to ensure your child's success. Thanks to Toyota of Orange, we were able to give out over 200 backpacks stuffed with supplies to families at Back to School Night!
Start With Hello Week was a great way to kick off the year! Students wore nametags so they could say hello to everyone. They played Mingle Bingo so they could meet new friends to play with at recess. They wrote kind notes to their classmates on Post-Its and added them to the Smile Wall. On Friday, we all wore green to promote Unity and Inclusion. It is my hope that the spirit of Start With Hello lasts all year!
Every class is focused on Beginning of the Year Assessments to see each child's level in both reading and math. From there, teachers set typical and stretch goals with each child. We want our students to continually improve their academic achievement.
During September, we will be focusing on the core value of Responsibility-an important skill for school and life! Here are some great tips for reinforcing Responsibility at home:
- Treat your child with respect and care.
- Reinforce the positive.
- Share household tasks and chores.
- Teach money management skills.
- Allow your child to face natural consequences and learn from mistakes.
- When teaching your child a new behavior, give clear, simple instructions.
Follow Handy Elementary school on Facebook, Instagram and X for weekly happenings at Handy! Please scroll down to see a complete list of September events.
I encourage every Handy scholar to give their best effort each and every day because: Learning today makes a brighter tomorrow!
With gratitude,
Erika A. Krohn, Principal
Welcome to these New Handy Hornets!
Community Lead Message
My name is Estela Jauregui, I am the Community Site Lead. I support our families to meet their needs and provide resources.
- Welcome back Handy parents! It was AWESOME to see the happy smiles from all the students!
- ESL course will start September 3, Room 63. Everyone is welcome. Let your family members and neighbors know about it.
- If you are in need with some assistance for school uniforms, there are applications in the front office for School Bell (free uniforms.) The applications are due September 5.
Any questions you can call 714-997-6183
Estela Jauregui, Handy Community Lead
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Chronic absence has more than doubled since the start of the pandemic, from 8 million to an estimated 16 million students nationwide. That’s one out of three students. Absenteeism has risen among all student groups, at every economic level. Black, Latino and Native American students, students living in poverty, students with disabilities and English language learners have been especially affected.
Monitoring chronic absence — and tracking whether absences are excused, unexcused or due to suspension — is key to responding strategically to the academic and social losses experienced by millions of students, including the development of skills such as listening, paying attention, problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn.
The good news is that efforts to improve engagement and attendance can benefit our entire society. We all prosper when children and youth, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, neighborhood, economic status or family income, have the opportunity to gain skills and abilities that prepare them for success in school, work and life.
Please call the office or send a note when your child is sick or will be out. Schedule all medical and dental appointments outside of the school day. Wednesday afternoons are ideal for appointments due to modified day. Thank you for your cooperation!
Drop Off and Pick Up Dos and Don'ts
- Pull all the way forward in the Drive Through Lane so that traffic does not get backed up.
- Have your child exit from the right hand lane and the right hand side of the car only.
- Absolutely no parking in the Drive Through Lane. It is marked Red.
- Once your child has exited, merge into left lane and exit.
- As sign clearly states, during school drop-off and pick up hours-only right hand turns out of our front parking lot.
- No walking through Drive Through Lane. Please use sidewalks to enter school.
- Parents are not allowed through the front gates. All visitors must check in through office and provide an ID to be scanned in our Raptor System.
Thank you for your cooperation to keep our students safe as they come and leave from school!
Spirit Days
Handy is a uniform school, and we have AVID Wednesdays and Spirit Day Fridays every week.
- On Wednesdays, we encourage all students and staff to wear a Handy AVID shirt OR a college shirt of your choice along with uniform bottoms.
- On Fridays, we encourage all students and staff to wear a Handy T-shirt or our school colors: red and black. Jeans are allowed on Fridays only! They must not be ripped or torn.
Help us show school spirit each week!
Also, we have lots of fun themed Spirit Days for throughout the school year:
Friday Spirit-Spirit Shirt, jeans allowed
AVID Wednesdays-AVID T-shirt or College T-shirt
AVID Wednesdays-AVID T-shirt or College T-shirt
Handy is a Title I School
What is Title I?
A federally Funded Program-we get money from the federal government. The money is generated by having 75% or more of students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch. This year, Handy is proudly offering Free Breakfast and Lunch for ALL students!! Please still fill out the income portion of Data Confirmation so we continue to receive Title I funds.
Ways we use Title I funds:
- Classroom technology
- Instructional Software: iReady, iXL Reading and Math and more!
- AVID student supplies such as binders, pencil pouches, agendas, and highlighters
- After School Intervention
- Resource Teacher to provide small group leveled instruction throughout the school day
- Community Aide to translate for families
- Professional Development for teachers
Ways to be involved at our school:
- School Site Council-This elected council comprised of 5 parents, 3 teachers, the principal and 1 classified staff member, is focused on learning more about our school curriculum, how we allocate resources and safety. We have 1 parent opening this year. Please fill out application in the office if you would like to be a candidate.
- English Language Advisory Committee-All parents of English Learners and Redesignated students are invited to be part of ELAC. You can learn more about how we educate our English Learners and give feedback to the school site council about the needs of English Learners. Also-our wonderful GRIP (Gang Reduction Intervention Program) officers come present at many of our ELAC Meetings. ELAC meetings will be advertised through the Weekly News (by phone and email.
- GRIP Greeter-Wear and orange safety vest and greet our students out at the front gate each morning to increase safety, supervision, and contribute to a welcoming environment.
- Classroom Volunteer-Ask your child's teacher if there are opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. *must apply and be approved through the district
Free and Appropriate Education
Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
As a parent of a student in the Orange Unified School District, under the Every Student Succeeds Act, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the teachers who instruct your child. The Every Student Succeeds Act gives you the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teachers:
Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive any of this information, please contact Mrs. Krohn at 714-997-6183.
September Events
- September 2-Labor Day Holiday, No School
- September 3-5-iReady Math Diagnostic Assessment (grades 1-6)
- September 4-Parent English Classes begin: M, T, W & F 8:00-10:00 AM in Room 63
- September 6--Responsibility Talking Circles
- September 9-VAPA begins (4th-6th grades)
- September 9-13-Art Masters (TK-4th grades)
- September 10-School Picture Day (wear school uniform)
- September 11- Patriot Day, wear red, white and blue
- September 20-Spirit Assembly (3rd and 3/4 combo performs)
- September 26-ELAC: Parents Supporting Parents Workshop-8:30 in Room 63
- September 26-School Site Council Meeting, 2:45 in Room 63
Handy Elementary School
Website: https://www.orangeusd.org/handy-elementary-school
Location: 860 N. Handy St. Orange, California 92867
Phone: (714) 997-6183
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Handyelementary/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Twitter: @handyelementary