The Gator Gazette
January 13 - 17
Raylie Horton made Glenview and the East Moline Community PROUD
...as she sang the National Anthem on Saturday at The Bend.
Ms. Schimmel's Gator Time has a 5 week winning streak on the Lexia leaderboard!
Hello Gators!
QTR #3 begins today. Students will pick-up there new schedule in the following locations based on grade level:
Grade 5 - North Gym
Grade 6 - South Gym
Grade 7 - East Gym
Grade 8 - South Gym
Schedules can be picked up 7:20am -7:55am. Students arriving after these designated times will collect their schedule at the GMS Main Office. If you have any questions or need assistance please reach out, we are happy to assist.
Viewing Student Grades and Reports:
Please see the information below on how to view your student's grades within the OTUS Platform. You will need to follow the directions to create a family account. If you are needing your "Student Code" please ask your student to log-in to OTUS and it is a # along with a series of numbers and letters and please note that the "Student Code" is Case sensitive.
Rebecca Caudill Young Readers’ Award: The students who have opted into participation in the award process have approximately a month left to read three (3) of the titles to get to vote on the award winner. Voting will take place February 24-27. If they have set the challenge for themselves to read all twenty (20) titles, the deadline in Feb 28, 2025. The party for reading all 20 will be held in May.
Did you know: The library has a number of books available for free that students can keep and use to build their own personal library!
CONGRATULATIONS to the GMS Wrestling Team on a successful tournament this weekend in Geneseo. Take a minute to look through the pictures and wish them well.
Have a GATOR Week!
Mrs. Hawley
Viewing GRADES and REPORTS...
Please use the tutorials below on how to view your student's grades within the OTUS Platform. Families will need to follow the directions to create a Family Account. If you are needing your "Student Code" please ask your student to log-in to OTUS, it is a # along with a series of numbers and letters - please note that the "Student Code" is case sensitive. If you have questions please let us know, we are happy to assist.
From the Nurse's Clinic
From the Nurses Clinic: When a student is suspected of having a viral illness causing vomiting or diarrhea, such as the Norovirus, the ill person should stay home for 24 hours after the last vomiting/diarrhea episode to reduce exposure to others. Students may “vomit” for reasons that are not contagious. It is the school nurse’s assessment that determines whether a student can return before 24 hours or stay in school.
Activities and Athletics THIS WEEK...
- Monday, January 13 - QTR 3 Begins
- Tuesday, January 14 - Girls Basketball v Hampton @ 4pm
- Wednesday, January 15 - Wrestling @ Edison @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 16 - Girls Basketball v Washington @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 16 - Band Parent Meeting @ 7pm
- Friday, January 17 - Great Gator Breakfast for Grades 5-8 by Invitation
See you in the SWAMP!
ACTIVITIES and ATHLETIC PICK-UP: Families picking up athletes after practice, please be at GMS by 4pm to ensure prompt supervision and safety of your student. Thank you!
Grade 8 Washington DC Trip
Are you an 8th grader interested in attending the DC trip next Summer 2025 - Check out the following link using Tour Code TTSPCS5 or contact Ms. Shimmel at eschimmel@emsd37.org, if you have any questions.
Earbuds are available in the GMS Library - 50 cents - get yours today!
Mark your Calendars
- Monday, January 20 - MLK Jr Day - NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, January 21 - Friday, January 24 - UTHS 9th grade Registration and Tours
- Tuesday, January 21 - Girls Basketball v Edison @ 4pm
- Wednesday, January 22 - Wrestling v Geneseo Jr. Pioneers @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 23 - Girls Basketball v Jordan @ 4pm
- Monday, January 27 - Girls Basketball v Seton @ 4pm
- Tuesday, January 28 - Girls Basketball v John Deere @ 4pm
- Wednesday, January 29 - Girls Basketball v Wilson @ 4pm
- Thursday, January 30 and Friday, January 31 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- Thursday, January 30 from 3:00pm - 7:00pm
- Friday, January 31 from 7:15am - 11:00am
The Glenview Band - Mariachi - Choir - Gator Guild
The Glenview Band
Select this link for the complete Bands Calendar Glenview Bands 2024-25 Calendar
Congratulations to Jay and Xander for practicing after school for a month and braving the ice storm so they could perform in Quad Cities Tuba Christmas on Saturday, December 14 at Southpark Mall! Xander won a $25 gift card for being the youngest student participating and Mrs. Hill also won a gift card for winning the “Decorate your Instrument” contest. There were also UTHS students performing with us and the 70 other musicians!
Select this link for the updated Mariachi Calendar Glenview Mariachi 2024-25 Calendar
Glenview Choir
Congratulations to all the Mariachi and Choir students who did an amazing job performing in their Winter Concert on December 19th!
Glenview Gator Guild
THANK YOU to everyone who stepped out to support us for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Despite the multiple inconveniences along the way the show was a HIT! A huge SHOUT OUT to everyone who helped out along the way offering assistance where they could. THANK YOU!
Gator Athletics and Activities
ATTENTION PARENTS - The YEARBOOK NEEDS YOU! Calling all Photographers! Please share pictures of GMS events with Mrs. Hawley - khawley@emsd37.org AND Mrs. Roselieb - jroselieb@emsd37.org - We Appreciate YOU!
Let’s cheer on our Gators and make this week unforgettable!
GMS Counselor's Corner
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213
Grade 8 Transition to UTHS
The big day is almost here! Our 8th grade students will be heading to United Township High School for an exclusive visit January 21 - 24. This is their chance to explore high school life firsthand and get a chance to see what is to come for the next few years.
Each student will attend one day of tours, based on their first-period class. Students will meet UT counselors and look into courses that are available to them. Students will also be able to ask questions and take their Student ID photo. It’s going to be a fun and informative adventure - perfect for preparing for their next educational chapter!
We can't wait for our 8th graders to get a sneak peek at life at UT! Ask your student for their registration papers as they will be sent home with them.
GMS Menus
Scan the QR Code for Glenview Breakfast and Lunch Menus!
Need Assistance? We can help!
GMS Main Office...
- Mrs. Hawley, GMS Principal - 309.755.1919 x207
- Mr. Ryan, Associate Principal of Curriculum and Instruction - 309.755.1919 x208
- Mrs. Christensen, Associate Principal - Grade 5/6 - 309.755.1919 x209
- Mr. Evans, Associate Principal Grade 7/8 - 309.755.1919 x210
- Mrs. Keim, Attendance Secretary - 309.755.1919 x201
- Mrs. Gryp, Registrar - 309.755.1919 x222
- Ms. Carson, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x220
- Mrs. Martinez, Nurse - 309.755.1919 x221
- Tracy Greer, Special Education Facilitator - 309.755.1919 x216
- Mr. Singleton, Athletic Director - 309.755.1919 x160
- Mrs. Debaene - 5th Grade - 309.755.1919 x232
- Mrs. Gallagher - 6th Grade - 309.755.1919 x231
- Mr. Palmer - 7th Grade - 309.755.1919 x214
- Mrs. Wieland - 8th Grade - 309.755.1919 x213