A collaborative partnership of
school districts, staff, students, parents/families,
and community agencies
Supporting Equitable Learning, Programs and Access
for ALL students.
You Are Invited To The Next CAC Executive Board meeting:
CAC Meeting
Monday, November 4, 2024
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Followed by
Executive Board Meeting
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Members of the public are always welcome to attend CAC meetings and give pubic comments.
To receive Meeting Notices Click Here.
Please welcome our newly elected Executive Board:
Amanda Alfred, Chair
Lee Ann Holland, Vice Chair
Jasmine Duron, Membership Secretary
Ashley Pope, Treasurer
Denise Benic, Parliamentarian
Flavia Seawright, Public Information Officer
Vacant, Secretary
ADHD Awareness Month’s goal is to provide reliable information and resources to help people thrive with ADHD. Although the month of October is designated as ADHD Awareness Month, learning and sharing information about ADHD is beneficial all year long!
In keeping with our 2024 theme, Awareness is Key!, we encourage the ADHD community to increase awareness and understanding by sharing ADHD information and supports with all who could benefit.
What is Down Syndrome Awareness Month?
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It is celebrated every year. This is a time to raise awareness and celebrate people with Down syndrome.
People all around the world join together to speak up. They want everyone with Down syndrome to be included.
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS)
The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) Education Program works to develop a continuum of systems-level supports for students with Down syndrome and their families. We believe access to an education is a civil right, and the opportunity to learn is the key to a fulfilling life and the foundation of an equitable society.
In pursuit of our mission to advance inclusive education across the country, the NDSS education team provides resources, programming, and supports for families, educators, and advocates. We work to influence policy at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure that people with Down syndrome can access the education to which they are entitled and that the quality of that education is continually improved.
NDSS celebrates October in a different way each year and we invite you to get involved and spread the word. Use #DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth to post on social media, and don’t forget to tag NDSS so we can share your post!
Local Events & Resources
Down Syndrome Awareness Walk 2024
💙💛 NEW DATE 💙💛
DATE: Saturday, October 26th
TIME: 11AM — 2PM
NO COST: Event is FREE, however, Participants must pay for Parking.
WHERE: 'olołk'oy Beach Park
OXNARD, CA 93035
(formally known as Oxnard Beach Park)
SCAN the QR code or Register HERE!
There will be Resource Booths, Food, T-Shirts and Raffles!!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month!
A month long event to prevent childhood bullying and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Every day, thousands of young people experience bullying from their peers at school, after school in their neighborhoods, and even when they are at home, through social media and texts. There are many ways to support bullying prevention as an individual or with friends, family, your school, or your entire community.
What is Unity Day?
An event created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, to come together in one giant ORANGE message of hope and support.
WEAR AND SHARE ORANGE to color our nation, and even the world, to visibly show that our society believes no child should ever experience bullying.
Observed each October, during National Disability Employment Awareness Month, or “NDEAM,” we celebrate the value and talent workers with disabilities add to America’s workplaces and economy. NDEAM’s purpose is to confirm our commitment to ensuring disabled workers have access to good jobs, every month of every year. That’s the spirit behind this year’s official theme: “Access to Good Jobs for All.”
Watch ODEP Assistant Secretary Taryn Williams announce the NDEAM theme for 2024.
Local Resources and Programs
WorkAbility I Program
The WorkAbility I (WAI) program is funded and administered by the California Department of Education (CDE). The WAI program provides comprehensive pre-employment skills training, employment placement and follow-up for high school and post-secondary program students in Special Education who are making the transition from K12 school to work, independent living, and postsecondary education or training. Programs and services are appropriate to individual student needs, abilities, and interests.
The WAI program offers students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) the opportunity to complete their secondary education while also obtaining marketable job skills. WAI provides secondary students with an understanding of job-seeking and job-keeping skills. The employability of students improves through occupational class training and on-the-job subsidized or unsubsidized work experience.
The WAI program seeks employers in the business community who will give students with disabilities a chance to prove themselves in a competitive integrated employment setting. Local WAI program staff will coordinate with participating businesses to ensure a successful work-based learning experience for both the student and the employer.
To learn more about this program click below.
Department of Rehabilitation
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities.
Date: OCTOBER 16, 2024
Time: 4:00PM – 6:00PM
VCOE Conference and Educational Services Center
CONEJO Conference Room (in-person)
Cost is Free. Registration required. Click here.
This engaging and informative workshop delves into the latest evidence-based practices designed to support the mental health and well-being of students with autism Understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by these students is crucial for fostering an inclusive and supportive educational environment. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the best practices and innovative strategies that have proven effective in improving mental health outcomes
for students with autism.
VIRTUAL | CAPTAIN & Rainbow Center Collaboration Training
How to Handle the Hectic Holidays: Tips and Strategies for Supporting Youth with Autism During Unstructured Breaks.
The Holidays - everyone’s favorite time of the year! Or is it? Are you concerned with how your child will
handle the unstructured time? This practical and engaging workshop will offer strategies tools for not just surviving the holidays, but possibly enjoying them as well!
DATE: November 13, 2024
TIME: 6PM - 7:30PM
Click HERE to Register. There is No Cost. Workshop is FREE.
A workshop for Parents, Caregivers, Community Agency Members and School Staff.
VIRTUAL Fall Transition Fair 2024
(Virtual) Transition Fair Adult Life Plan Ahead
Help young adults with disabilities prepare for the quality adult lives they envision. Students, parents, teachers, and care providers are invited to join us at the Transition Fair. Meet local agency representatives and get information to help you make decisions about adult life.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
5:30pm - 7:30pm
There is No Cost. It is Free. Click Here to Register.
Alternative Pathway to a Diploma
In 2022, new legislation in California went into effect that states that local education agencies (LEAs) should offer all qualifying students with disabilities a new pathway to a high school diploma. This legislation was amended in 2023 and clarified by the California Department of Education (CDE) in a 2024 guidance letter and frequently asked questions.
🌟🌟 Parent Group Outreach!🌟🌟
2024 Reflections theme: "Accepting Imperfection"
National PTA has a long-standing commitment to arts education. The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life.
Each year, students in Pre-K through Grade 12 are invited to create and submit original works of art in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. Students participate in the appropriate division for their grade: Primary (Pre-K - Grade 2); Intermediate (Grades 3-5); Middle School (Grades 6-8); High School (Grades 9-12); and Accessible Arts** (All grades welcome).
Based on State PTA rules and guidelines, these works of art may be submitted for state and national level awards and recognition opportunities.
**Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Accessible Arts Division (formerly the Special Artist division) or grade division most closely aligned to their support needs.
Updated 2024 Parent Guide to Special Education
The Ventura County SELPA recognizes that we can't do our best for our students with disabilities without the care and support of their parents, guardians and others who know and love them. The SELPA and its member districts are committed to involving parents as important members of the team in reviewing assessments and progress and making decisions about their children.
In addition, the SELPA is committed to including parents of children with disabilities in evaluating programs, providing ideas for improvement, and developing educational opportunities for other parents along the way. Our Special Education administrators appreciate your input regarding program improvements and encourage you to call or write with constructive suggestions. In addition, the Ventura County SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is mandated by California Education code to receive input and make recommendations about Special Education programs.
Disability Celebrations Toolkit
Are you looking for a replacement for the Abilities Awareness Kit? Are you looking for a way to celebrate people with disabilities? Are you looking for a way to foster #DisabilityPride?
This kit is for you!
This kit was created and curated by Conejo Valley Unified School District's Special Education District Advisory Committee
December 2-6, 2024
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
What is Pathways2Partnership?
The Pathways to Partnership consortium envisions a statewide educational community with the necessary skill sets to prevent, reduce, and resolve conflicts building trust and mutual understanding between families and educational agencies.
Pathways to Partnership provides professional learning and continuous improvement for educators and families throughout California with the goal of building capacity, expertise, and resources in the prevention and resolution of conflict with a student-centered focus. Visit our website for professional development opportunities at no cost to participants.
Rainbow Connection Family Resource and Empowerment Center
Rainbow Connection serves children and adults with developmental disabilities, their families, the professionals who work with them, and their communities, families of children and young adults with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 22 navigating special education and the IEP process throughout Ventura County.
Rainbow Connection believes that every person should be valued, respected, and given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. Rainbow Connection is dedicated to offering understanding, support, information, education, and resources to all members of the community in both English and Spanish.
Email: rainbow@tri-counties.org
Website: https://rainbowconnectionfrc.weebly.com/
Phone: 805-485-9643
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rainbowconnectionfrc
Record Keeping With Rainbow!!
Rainbow Connection offers training sessions to help parents and caregivers keep track of their child's paperwork!
Please call for more information:
Rainbow Connection
Tri-Counties Regional Center
Tri-Counties Regional Center is one of twenty-one non-profit regional centers in California providing lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities residing in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties.
TCRC provides person and family-centered supports for individuals with developmental disabilities to maximize opportunities and choices for living, working, learning, and recreating in the community.
Early Start Program – Newborn to Age 3, No Referral Needed
Are you concerned about your child's development? Does any aspect of their speech, physical abilities, behavior, or any other area seem delayed? We want you to know that the Tri-Counties Regional Center Early Start program is here to identify and treat developmental delays in children 0-3 years of age. These services are free; there is no cost to you. Please share the word that anyone may refer to our Early Start program. If you are concerned about your child’s development, visit our Connect with an Intake Coordinator web page. Learn more about our Early Start program here.
Register Here For Regional Email Alerts
2401 East Gonzales Road, Oxnard, CA 93036
(805) 485-3177 (800) 664-3177 FAX (805) 988-9521
Simi Valley
2635 Park Center Drive, Suite A, Simi Valley, CA 93065
(805) 522-8030 (800) 517-2524 FAX (805) 522-8142
970 W. Ventura Street, Fillmore, CA 93015
(805) 292-1101 (844) 926-5992 FAX (805) 292-1103
State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)
Welcome to SCDD!
The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD)is established by state and federal law as an independent state agency to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need.
Consumers know best what supports and services they need to live independently and to actively participate in their communities. Through advocacy, capacity building and systemic change, SCDD works to achieve a consumer and family-based system of individualized services, supports, and other assistance.
Californians with developmental disabilities are guaranteed the same full and equal opportunities for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as all Americans.
The Council advocates, promotes and implements policies and practices that achieve self-determination, independence, productivity and inclusion in all aspects of community life for Californians with developmental disabilities and their families
The Ventura County SELPA office is responsible for the
implementation of the Ventura County Special Education Local Plan, and for ensuring a free appropriate public education to all students with identified disabilities according to the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Joanna V. Della Gatta - Executive Director
Sarah Fontenot - Administrative Assistant III
Regina Reed - Director of Personnel Development
Anabel Lopez-Penny - Administrative Assistant II
Ana Teran - Administrative Assistant II
Kerry Newlee, Director, Technical Support and Transition
Vacant - Director, Family & School Collaboration
Peter Aguirre - Program Specialist, Family & School Collaboration
Lisa Garcia - Administrative Assistant II
Nick Vlahos - Director
Email: vcselpa@vcoe.org
Website: www.vcselpa.org
Location: 5100 Adolfo Road, Camarillo, CA, USA
Phone: 805-437-1560
Facebook: https://facebook.com/VenturaCOE
Twitter: @VenturaCOE