Children & Youth News
December 18, 2024
✨ Happy Winter
As we head into this Christmas holiday season, we are reminded that this is a time to come together and celebrate all the things that matter most, and to take a step back and focus on what is truly important.
Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gratitude, and patience.
With gratitude and blessings,
Kelly Holquist
Sunday School Update 😇
In the Sunday School class, the children explored the question, " Who are angels and what do they have to do with us?" (Matthew 1: 18-25) (Luke 1: 26-33)
They learned how God sent angels to announce the birth of Christ. When Mary and Joseph encountered these holy messengers, they trusted what they were told. Although their lives were changed in unexpected ways, God's plans for them were wonderful !! The angels we see in the Bible can be quite different from our usual idea of what angels "should" be like, just as God's plans for our lives are often different from what we plan or expect.
Fortunately, we can have faith that God is trustworthy and will bless us when we have hope in him!
Keep the conversation going at home !! Here are some questions you might like to explore together:
What do you think angels are like? Can you think of some stories in the Bible that involve angels?
GLU News
The youth are continuing through their series based on three big questions that we must ask as we journey toward greater freedom in Christ. They wrestled with the big question, "Who am I?"
(Matthew 10:28-31)
We explored our immeasurable value to God and how our faith in Jesus gives us the privilege of experiencing God's goodness. We talked about the meaning of Salvation and how we all need the rescuing power of Jesus in our lives. We also talked about how all followers of Jesus receive spiritual gifts from God to use for his glory.
Keep the conversation going at home!! Here are some questions you might like to explore together:
If you believe that you truly matter to God, how will that change you? your priorities? your daily activities?
What does it mean that we are "God's masterpiece?"
December Events
December 1: The Sunday School children packed up donations that were to be delivered to The Baldwin Center for their Holiday Store.
December 7: Children and Youth Annual Christmas party 6-8pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Upcoming Events
January 2025 🐑🐖🐐
Sunday, January 12
Sunday School Children
Winter Birth Celebration
Bowers Farm
We will have lunch at church (pizza) before.
Adult chaperones and drivers needed!
Come and meet the new baby animals that have been born this winter at the farm !! Say Hello to the kids(goats) and the lambs with their growing wool coats!!
Sunday, January 26
Middle School/High School Youth
Tubing at Bowers Farm
Time: 1:00 pm
We will have lunch at church (pizza) before.
Adult chaperones and drivers needed!
Sign up by January 5!
Last, But Not Least...!
Thank You, Families! 🙏
Thank you families for their your contributions, volunteering , and support! Thank you for your part in helping our children and youth learn about Christ.
Wishing you a very blessed , fun, and peaceful Christmas.