Kindergarten News
March 2025

Parent Teacher Conference/Camp SLPS 2025/First Grade
We are nearing the end of the 3rd quarter which means we only have about 12 weeks left of kindergarten, but we still have a lot of learning and experiences to take place.
Parent teacher conferences will take place Tuesday, March 11th - 8-9:10 & 4:30-6:35 and Wednesday, March 12th - 8-9:10 & 4:30-6:35. SCHOOL WILL STILL BE IN SESSION THIS DAY. Please message your child's teacher through ClassDojo or email of times you are available to meet. The conference can be held face to face or over the phone. It will not be more than 10 minutes.
If you are interested in signing up for Camp SLPS, please see the flyer below.
Finally, if you have not already registered for next school year, please click this link Enrollment Information / Register.
NO SCHOOL- Friday, March 7
Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday, March 11th - 8-9:10 & 4:30-6:35 and Wednesday, March 12th - 8-9:10 & 4:30-6:35.
NO SCHOOL- Friday, March 14
NO SCHOOL-Spring Break- March 17-March 21 School resumes Monday, March 24
Working and Learning
What We're Learning
ELA Comprehension goal: Informational Text. Informational text is nonfiction and allows students to learn more about types of text, asking and answering questions, main topic, making connections, context clues, and more. These skills are important for students to master as they begin to think critically about nonfiction informational text.
PHONICS Review letter names and sounds for: Aa- Zz.
We will also place a heavy emphasis on phoneme segmentation. We will practice listening to 3 and 4 letter words. Students will say the sound in those words. For example, "Say mop. Now, tell us the sounds in the word mop. What letter will you need to change to make the word map? Which sounds did I switch to change map to man?"
SIGHT WORDS We introduce new sight words each week. We then practice reading those words in our weekly poems and stories.
Teen numbers! We have a lot to do with teen numbers. We will begin by putting them in order and counting out loud.
Composing and decomposing numbers from 11 to 19 into ten ones and some further ones.
Using objects or drawings to represent teen numbers.
Recording equations like 18 = 10+8 to understand the composition of these numbers.
HOMEWORK PACKETS: Students received their first homework packet for the week. You only need to return the signed top copy. This is for your convenience of completing when you are able throughout the week. This packet is for your child to practice skills we learn in class each week.
Now that some students have iPads at home, here are some things they can work on. Students can open the Freckle app and click ONLY their own name. From there, they can select math and do fact practice and number basics. They can also choose to do Happy Numbers . If your child does not have permission to bring home their iPad, they can still go to Freckle by Renaissance | Reach Every Student at Their Level
and log in by selecting student from the drop down menu. The code to join from Mrs. Butler's class is 7VBW3A. Mrs. Timmons class code is Y79VSA. Please remember to only allow them to click their name. Students can also work on Scratch Jr. and practice coding.
Student Behavior
Lunch and Snacks
SNACKS: Students are allowed to bring in their own snack. Snack time is 2:30-2:40.
Please click here to access our lunch menu. Nutrislice | Saint Louis Public Schools
TRANSPORTATION: Parents who walk their children home can continue to meet at the front door. Parents who drive, thank you for your patience. You just need to wait in the car and pull up to door 2 while we get your child(ren) and bring them to your car. We will continue to utilize our pickup on the playground. Students who ride the bus will be placed on the bus by Mrs. Timmons. She will update bus departures via ClassDojo.
SLPS Transportation: https://www.slps.org/Page/80022