Copopa Chronicle
News and Updates from Copopa - October 25, 2024
10/28 - Patterned Day - Wear your Favorite Patterned Clothes
10/29 - Beetlejuice Day - Dress in your Black and White
10/30 - Wear Orange and Black
10/31 - Wear your Costume
11/4 - Stuffed Animal Day
11/8 - Cavs Day
11/11- Veterans Day- Red, white and blue, scout uniform, or camouflage
11/18 - Dress up as your dream job
11/21 - Browns vs. Steelers
11/25 - Dress in Fall Colors
11/26 - Ohio State Day
Family Night on the Farm
A big THANK YOU to everyone that attended Family Night at Red Wagon!
SPECIAL THANKS to Red Wagon Farm, Mrs. Rumes, Mrs. Mayornick, and Mrs. Wilson for all their planning and organization as well as all of the staff members and CLSD students that volunteered their time to help make this a fun event for everyone.
From Mrs. Dunn - School Counselor
House Bill 388 - Erin's Law
HB 388, also called Erin's Law, requires all children to receive age-appropriate body safety education. Please see the letters from Mrs. Dunn regarding this law. They are marked according to grade-level. A hard-copy of this letter will be sent home with your child as well. If you have additional questions, please contact Mrs. Dunn or Ms. Molnar directly at (440) 236-5020.
Grades K - 2 Information
Grades 3 - 4 Information
Safety Notice
We kindly ask those that are waiting for car rider pick-up to not get out of the car to go to the playground, grassy area, etc. Safety is always a priority. I know you may love to see your child on the playground, take a picture, or be able to go up and say hi through the fence. However, our monitors that are outside with the students do not know every parent and need to keep the students safe. We appreciate your help with this.
29 - Practice Lockdown Drill (10:00 a.m.)
End of the first grading period
31 - Halloween Parties and Parade
4 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
5 - Election Day
11 - Veterans Day Assembly
12 - Picture Retakes
27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
5 - 1st and 3rd Grade Winter Concert (6:30 pm)
21 - Winter Break Begins
Picture Retakes
1) If your student was absent on the first picture day, he/she can get their picture taken on retake/absent picture day.
2) If your student was absent on the first picture day, there will be an ordering site available so you can order online. (cavanaughphoto.com/order) Or, if you placed an order before the first picture day and didn’t realize your child would be absent, it will be honored.
2) If your student wants a retake, you must bring back the original picture packet that was ordered. Or, if you only ordered a hi-res digital file, please send a note in with your student stating that a hi-res digital file was purchased. If the packet or note is not returned, a new package will not be printed until the original is turned in.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at 440-973-4390 or info@cavanaughphoto.com
Youth Sports Information
If your child is interested in basketball or wrestling, please use the links below for more information as well as to sign-up. Winter sports are just around the corner. Don't delay!
CLICK HERE - Youth Girls Basketball Information
CLICK HERE - Youth Boys Basketball Information
🎃 Halloween at Copopa 🎃
I have been asked by students this week about inflatable costumes. Although these are adorable and always make me laugh, they are not a good choice for school. You are not able to sit in them (school or bus.) They are hard to walk the hall in and definitely not good for recess. If you have an inflatable costume, I would encourage you to save it for Trick-or-Treat and go with something a little easier to maneuver in for the school.
If you are planning to pick up your child after the parade on October 31, you MUST return the permission form ASAP. This helps us not only plan for dismissal, but will make it go smoother and quicker.
The parade route and pick up locations are shown below.
Please click the link below for costume guidelines as well as the pick up form.
Columbia PTO Information
Be sure to follow the PTO on FB to stay up to date with meetings, events, and fun volunteer opportunities.
Please contact the PTO with any questions.
Old West Pumpkin Fest
CLICK HERE to make your reservation
Message from the Director of Wellness & Support
The holidays are approaching quickly! North Eaton Church has holiday meal boxes for families interested. Please use this link to register. Contact Mrs. Figliano directly if you have any additional questions.
Good Luck! 🏈
Best of Luck to...
Nash Brickman
Carter Duhanich
Dominic Grassi
Logan Grassi
Brady Myers
Michael Schoeff
Wyatt Solomon
CJ Underwood
Copopa Postcard Winner - Eleanor Bajusz
Congratulations to Eleanor (kindergarten) who was the Copopa postcard winner for Citizens for Schools. Eleanor and guest (brother - Travis) were treated to a lunch of their choice provided by Citizens for Schools.
Principal Assistant - Lucas Calvey
Principal Assistant - Brady Myers
Therapy Dog Visits
These students cashed in their Raider Way tickets for a visit with Stella. Thank you to Mrs. Daymut for welcoming us into her classroom.
PBIS Nature Walk
Fire Safety Essay Winner - Hailey Savnik
PBIS Reward Lunches
Family Fun Night at Red Wagon Farm
Berea Treehouse Activities
Copopa Elementary School
Providing a quality education for students in grades Pre-K - 4
by "Achieving Excellence Together."
Carla Lasecki - Principal Secretary
Amy Thomas - Attendance Secretary
Carla Molnar - Principal
Susie Dunn - Counselor
Jamie Maassen - Director of Special Education and Little Raiders Preschool
Jessica Klump - Literacy Specialist
Mindi Porter - District Nurse
Website: https://www.columbia.k12.oh.us/copopaelementaryschool_home.aspx
Location: 13644 W River Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, USA
Phone: 440.236.5020
Fax: 440.236.1220
X (formerly Twitter): @CopopaElem