Canyon Creek Elementary
August 23, 2024
Monday, September 2 - HOLIDAY - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 5 - PTA Meeting and Parent Information Night
Tuesday, September 10 - Fall Pictures
Thursday, September 26 - Kona Ice Day
Wednesday, October 2 - Walk or Bike to School Day
Campus News & Celebrations
New Staff Highlight
Welcome to CCE Mr. Erlich! We are "out of this world" excited to have you!
Kindergarten Storybook Parade!
Notes from the CCES Office & Admin
August 23, 2024
We had a great first FULL week of school! A BIG thank you to parents for being patient with our dismissal procedures. Our goal is to get your student(s) out to you as quickly and safely as possible. This week has not taken as much time as last week, so we are making progress!
Quick reminder to always bring your ID when coming onto campus in order to badge in. If you would like to volunteer you must be approved through RRISD. Please see below for link to register.
Last Friday, our PTA provided Sonic drinks for our teachers. It was a refreshing treat to sum up our first week of school! Thank you to the PTA for organizing all the drinks for our CCE staff. We appreciate you!
Your child’s safety is a top priority for us. We conduct various safety drills throughout the school year so that all students and staff know what to do in case an emergency does happen. You probably remember fire drills from your time in school. In addition to those, we have developed plans to become better prepared to respond to a variety of other emergencies. We believe that by establishing, communicating, and then practicing the plans we will be able to manage difficult situations more effectively. We completed our first evacuation drill this week. Our students did an awesome job!
The purpose of an evacuation drill is to practice exiting the school building by all personnel in a quick, quiet, and safe manner. The signal for the drill is the sounding of the bell in a repetitive manner. Each teacher prepares for these drills by reviewing the nearest exit to his/her room with each class at the beginning of the school year, and discussing the rules for student behavior during a fire drill.
Software and Apps Permission Form-Action Required
Dear Parent(s),
Throughout the year, we will utilize online applications to enhance your child's learning and support and reinforce the concepts we teach in class. Before using these applications, we want to make you aware of federal laws and regulations that apply to the use of technology to support classrooms and require parental consent in order to be most effective.
In an effort to conserve resources, Round Rock ISD is providing families with a convenient way to review and sign the Learning Applications Permission form. If you still wish to sign a paper copy, please let your child’s teacher know.
In order for RRISD Educators to use these online tools with students, records or other information that could be personally identifiable, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that I obtain your consent due to the possible exposure of your student’s information to the website’s operator or to other participants. In order for students to use this program/service, certain personal information must be provided to the website operator. Under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), these websites must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. For more information on COPPA, please visit https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/privacy-and-security/children%27s-privacy.
This is a comprehensive list of apps for K-5, Sped and Fine Arts. Not all of these apps will be used by your student. If you would like to know which of the educational software below that your child is using in a classroom, please contact that classroom teacher.
All of these apps and software listed below have been vetted and approved by the Round Rock ISD Teaching and Learning Department, but require consent for students 13 and under. Your student will use his or her district-provided email account for this. There are additional apps or softwares that may be used that do NOT require permission for under age 13 and are not listed.
After reviewing these sites, please electronically sign and submit this form. This will serve as your permission for your student to have access to the online apps, as well as your permission for the teacher to upload your student’s information into the applications. This also gives permission for your child’s teachers to use apps that require parent permission for students 13 and under. If this form is not completed within 10 days of receipt will be considered permission for all apps/software listed.
If this form is not filled out by the first of September 1st 2024, it is assumed that permission is given.
Notes from the ITS
- Please save this link should you need to purchase a new Chromebook charger for your student this year. This applies mostly to 4th and 5th grade classrooms without a class cart. Chromebook/Charger Replacement Directions
- Please be sure you have updated all of your online enrollment forms for 24-25. This includes permissions for Chromebook Device Agreement, yearbook permissions, website/social media posting permissions, internet and google permissions. https://secure.infosnap.com/family/message?code=actionprivateContact Sandy_Sawyer@roundrockisd.org if you need assistance with your Snapcode
- This week ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Lessons start with 1st-5th grade. I am excited to get to see our students again and hope you will partner with me to reinforce our device/online behavior expectations at home!
Notes from the Counselor
Our Westwood Vertical Learning Community Social Workers have passed on a wonderful free resource for books for children under 5! Go to the Books Beginning at Birth website to sign up!
From our Counselor
From our Librarian
From our ITS
Follow Us!
From PTA, District & Community
Lunch Choices
Please note that menus are always subject to change due to unforeseen changes in delivery, availability etc
Make it a great day to be a Comet!
Canyon Creek Elementary
Website: https://canyoncreek.roundrockisd.org/
Location: Canyon Creek Elementary School, Ember Glen Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-428-2800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rrisd.canyoncreek
Twitter: @CanyonCreekES
Instagram: @CanyonCreekES