Mrs. Mulvanerty's Update
August 18, 2024
December 15, 2024😘
Dear SKS,
Happy Gaudete Sunday! As we light the pink candle on the Advent wreath this week, we are reminded to rejoice and celebrate the nearness of Christ’s coming.
Christmas Tableau is this Wednesday at 7pm! It’s a beautiful opportunity to gather and reflect on the story of Christmas. I look forward to seeing you there!
This week marks the last full week of school before Christmas break! Let’s make the most of these final days together as a school community—enjoying time with friends, celebrating our hard work, and savoring the excitement of the season.
Wishing you all a joyful week!
Jeanne Mulvanerty
*God Bless You
Secret Santa Shop
December 17-18
Santa's Secret Shop will be open, and all students will visit the Santa shop during school hours. Please note that this year is CASH ONLY to simplify the check out process. Thank you for understanding! We'll be sending home more information with students as the date nears, and if you have any questions, contact Adrienne Faralli or Tina Rogers
Keep Christ in Christmas Art Contest
First round Winners announced here!
Congratulations to the first round winners, based on faculty votes this week!
Grades K-2
Barrett Burr (1)
Moira Kennedy (2)
Nora Brennan (1)
Margot Freedman (K)
Grades 3-5
Julianna Staves (5)
Merritt Zimolong (3)
Finn Regan (4)
Grades 6-8
Maeve Quisenberry (8)
Nick Duncan (7)
Carter Sweeney (6)
Parish Coffee With Santa
Sunday, December 22 after the 9:30am Mass
Join us for a Family Mass with the Children's Choir and Children's Liturgy of the word. Afterwards, come over to the parish center for coffee with Mr. and Mrs. Clause! Faithful Families will provide a service project craft.
State of the School Meeting
Save the Date! January 14
I hope you will join me for a State of the School meeting on January 14! If you would like the chance to submit any questions to be addressed at this meeting, kindly complete this form. Check out this flyer to see our agenda. I look forward to seeing you there!
Highlights from this week
Thank you to our fabulous Home and School team for a beautiful grotto lighting event!
Mr. Gavin's class completed science experiements to learn about how candy canes dissolve. Here is part 1....
Part 2...
Part 3!
Mrs. Grimley's 8th grade science class learn about chemical reactions and matter.
Congratulations to our Keep Christ in Christmas Art Contest Finalists!
7th grade students visit St. Edmond's Home to celebrate Christmas with residents...and SANTA!
For more announcements about SKS activities and clubs, CYO, and parish activities, click here!
A Glance Ahead!
Monday December 16-18 Santa Shop
Tuesday, December 18 Tableau for 5th to 8th grades
Friday, December 20 Last day before Christmas Break - NO CARES
Monday, December 23 Christmas Break begins
Monday, January 6 Classes Resume
Tuesday, January 14 State of the School Meeting, 7pm