Northridge Elementary School Update
February 12, 2024

Week of November 18, 2024
Letter days this week and next week for related arts:
Monday- E-day
Tuesday- A day
Wednesday-B day
Thursday-C day
Friday- D day
Next Monday-November 25-A
Next Tuesay-November -26- B
Thanksgiving Break
- 2024-2025 School Calendar
November 18-PTO Blanket order due- See below
November 21-22- Gr. 3 Field Trip to Gib Reece Skating rink. So fun!!
November 27, 28, 29- Thanksgiving!- NO SCHOOL
December 2- NO SCHOOL- Conference Comp Day
Thursday, December 12th- Winter Music program-Gr. 2-3 at 6:00 pm- SAVE the DATE
Monday, December December 23, 2024-January 7, 2025- Winter Break- No School
Monday, January 21, 2025- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-No School
Together We Shine.....Family Rocks!!!
Week of November 18, 2024
Hello Northridge Elementary families,
The report cards for the first Trimester were sent home on Friday, November 15th. Please send report card envelopes back to school on Monday, SIGNED and emptied...the contents are all for you. We are proud of the children setting goals and accomplishing them. They are working very hard.
As we begin the second trimester, please be sure encourage children to clean out student backpacks/bookbags and replenish supplies as needed.
On Monday, November 11th, we will celebrated VETERANS DAY. It was a beautiful celebration! The children presenters did a great job and the student singing was so beautiful! Even though the music had a technical difficulty, the children snag their hearts out! They sang without the music.....we were so very proud.
We celebrated World Kindness Day last Wednesday....the children spread kindness and in many cases sent notes to each other, delivered notes to teachers and the admins, made cards for veterans, hung up KINDNESS signs, etc. It was a special Northridge Day!
Save the date! Our 2nd and 3rd grade winter music program is Thursday, December 12th at 6:00 pm in the Northridge Elementary Auditeria. Attached, you will see the letter that students brought home with great information. Below, Ms. Rodesh linked Google Folders with the lyrics and recordings for each song. You can access them by scanning the QR codes on the attached letter, as well. Ms. Rodesh will send updates when speaking roles have been assigned and added to the Google Folder. Please let her know if you have any questions or concerns. The songs are sounding beautiful and we are so excited to share them with you!
Download Snowflakes and Starlight Program Letter - Google Slides.pdf
Volunteer????We have folks wanting to volunteer in our school or perhaps attend upcoming field trips or parties. Gr. 3 and Gr. 5 have a trip coming soon..... please be ready!!! Please complete these forms as part of our security process formality. Once we get the form back approved, we will get everyone board approved. :) All for the safety of our children. ........either one of these links work....
Safety Reminder:...thanks for doing a GREAT job with this......you rock!!!
- BEFORE 9:00 am..........Please call us at 740-967- 1401 or email us at esattendance@nrls.org if your child will be out for illness or and appointment. We organize attendance early each day to be sure everyone is accounted for in school. Thank you for honoring this important contact.
- Before 3:00....if you have a change in transportation for your child, please call us so we may announce and get word to them. Please call us at Phone (740) 967-1401
- Calling at dismissal, with changes, is very very tough.....please, please call before 3:00 and not risk your child not geting an important message. Thank you!!!
- Check your email or ParentSquare each day. Loads of great treasures in there!!
- Please have a system with your child so you are getting anything we send home from your child.
Please consider helping Northridge students and families in need by clicking this link for NEIGHBORHOOD BRIDGES:
Parent Square 2024-2025...download the Parent Square App TODAY!!!
ParentSquare is the premier fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—all the way from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.
Order new Spiritwear
Here is a new spirit wear ordering system for the school district. Click here
It's a Great Day to be A Viking!
The Northridge Local School District is committed to ...
Mission: Empowering All Students To Reach Their Fullest Potential.
Viking Values: Trust, Leadership, Communication, Collaboration, Accountability, Integrity & Respect.