The WJHS Panther Pride Update
October 4, 2024
Upcoming Days Off
Thursday, October 10th is a SIP Day schedule and students will be dismissed at 11:52.
Friday, October 11th, there is NO SCHOOL.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be next week Thursday and Friday. If you have not signed up already, please do so. The window to sign up closes October, 9th at 4PM.
Conferences will be in person in the evening of the10th, from 5pm-9pm.
Friday, October 11th from 8am - 11am conferences will be virtual.
Please remember, due to limited space you are NOT allowed to sign up for more than 2 core classes. (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies). You can sign up for as many EXPLO classes as you like.
Who do I call? If you are ever in doubt about who you need to speak to regarding your student in a particular class, you can always feel free to call/email your student's teacher directly or the grade-level team leader. Team leaders are:
6th - Mrs. Meyer, Math cmeyer@cusd201.org
7th - Mr. Casiello, Social Studies acasiello@cusd201.org
8th - Mr. Prysny, Social Studies jprysny@cusd201.org
Exploratory - Ms. Hillertz, PE ehillertz@cusd201.org
Links to virtual conferences will be emailed to parents on Wednesday October 9th.
Important Message from the Nurse
Letters were sent home on Wednesday to any families whos child is missing at least one health requirement that is DUE BY 10/15. Please check their backpack for the letter that contains specific information of what is missing.
It is very important that the health requirements are completed within the next 2 weeks. In addition to requiring these forms, the State of Illinois also requires that children who do not have these completed by 10/15 must be excluded from school until requirements are met.
To ensure your child will not need to be excluded from attending school, your prompt attention to this is appreciated. If possible, please turn in the forms by Friday, 10/11 since there is no school on Monday the following week. If you have any questions, please let me know contact Christine Knight @ cknight@cusd201.org
Special Guest Visit
State Rep Jenn Ladisch Douglass will visit Westmont Jr. High on Monday, October 7th, as part of the Illinois Principal's Association's Principal for the Day Program. While here, she will be visiting our Social Study classes and meet with members of our Student Council, Student Union, and Culture Club, as well as Mr. Prysny's Leadership WIN class. Additional details about the Principal for a Day program can be found on the IPA website.
Spanish Heritage Spirit Week
Last Town Hall Meeting
Next Tuesday, October 8, is the last of our Town Hall Meetings! If you have not yet attended to hear important details regarding CUSD201's proposed referendum, here is your last chance to do so!
October is Antibullying Awareness Month
On Friday, our students stayed after school with Mrs. Forsyth to make postcards in preparation for Anti-Bullying Awareness Month.
Our cross country team will be competing in the SDEAA Conference on Monday October 7th.
Students who are participating will be dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Good Luck Panthers!
First SIP Day Field Trip
Our 7th Graders kicked off the first SIP day Field Trip with a visit to Vertical Endeavors. They are definitely adventurous!
Spirit wear Store Closing Soon
Westmont Jr High School spirit wear store is here! Purchase yours today. The store closes this Sunday, October 6th. Items will be delivered to school 2 weeks after the store closes.
Happy shopping!
Check out the October Newsletter for our Media Center
Student Exchange Program returning to WJHS
Host Families Needed
We are very excited to be hosting students from our sister school in Taiwan this fall. Currently, we are in need of host families. If this is something you and your family would be interested in experiencing, please contact Pete Landreth or Vicky Gomez, contact information below.
From: Sheng Li Junior High (Hsinchu, Taiwan)
Dates: Departing Taiwan and arriving in Chicago on 11/3
Departing Chicago on 11/24
# of students: 12 to 14 Junior High students (2 students per family)
6 to 7 Westmont Junior High families needed to host
Compensation per Host family:
$900 per family for Junior High (based on 2 students in one family)
If interested, please contact both Pete Landreth and Vicky Gomez by email:
Industrial Arts in Need of Scrap Wood Donations
Its that time of year again and Mrs. Strobl is once again bringing out the creative side of our students. She is currently looking for the following donations:
2 x 4, 1 x 12 or 1 x 8 pieces of wood. Scraps no less than 3ft please! You can contact Mrs. Stobl at astrobl@cusd201.org to make drop off arrangements.
Thanks you in advance.
Scholastic Book Fair Needs You! 📚
We are looking for wonderful volunteers, like yourself to help us make our Book Fair a success. Please review the available slots and Sign Up today!
Student Council Happenings
It's Socktober!!
The Student Council is kicking off “Socktober.”
So why SOCKTOBER? Because every night in the United States an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets and need simple things, like socks, to help get them through the night. Plus, the number one needed clothing item for those in need is new socks, but people very rarely ever donate new socks to the homeless!
Donate some new socks or gently used socks to the box in the front office. We will be collecting all month long!
Trunk or Treat🎃
It's going to be here before we know it! WJHS Student Council presents our annual Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 11, 6-7 pm.
We would LOVE your help. Sign up by Friday, October 11, to participate. Every year the competition gets better and better.
Gift cards will be awarded for 1st-3rd place.
Stem Club Returns
Join us for our next STEM Club meeting, Tuesday, October 8th, sponsored by the ROE STEM Squad.
Mighty Oak Athletic presents Thanksgiving Week Youth Strength Camp
Unlimited Training November 25-30!
One-Hour Sessions
11:30am - 8:30pm
T-Shirt Included
Only $50!
Spaces Limited
Register now: https://www.mightyoakathletic.com/programs/p/thanksgiving-week-strength-agility-camp
Westmont Park District Events👻
Check out all the spooktackular events the Westmont Park District is offering! Haunted Forest, The Last Straw, and Spooktacular Fun Night!
Remember to check the WJHS calendar for up-to-date information on Clubs, Events, & Athletics.
Amy Quattrone
WJHS Principal