Newsletter September 6

Friday, September 6
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This week marked a fantastic start to our school year, and it was a true pleasure to visit our schools on Tuesday and see the energy and enthusiasm of our students, families, and staff. The positivity and countless smiles on the faces of students and staff were uplifting.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for entrusting your child(ren)’s education and well-being to our district. We are dedicated to ensuring that each student experiences academic success, a strong sense of belonging, and personal growth throughout the year.
With the arrival of a new school year comes a host of fresh beginnings—whether it’s a new teacher, a new classroom, new friends, new coursework, or even a new school building. I encourage everyone to embrace this year with optimism and resilience. Each day presents an opportunity for our students to learn and grow, for our families to support their children and one another, and for our staff to create a nurturing learning environment where our students succeed academically. We are all in this together.
If you have any questions or need assistance, our staff is always available to provide support and resources. Please feel free to reach out to your child(ren) 's teacher, principal, or student services team.
In service,
Dr. Willie E. Garrison II
School District of Beloit Superintendent
First Day of School Photo Winners
Thank you to the more than 250 families who shared their awesome back to school photos with us on Facebook. Everyone was entered into a random drawing. If you are one of our lucky winners highlighted below, please email us at marketing1@sdb.k12.wi.us to claim your prize!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to stay connected with us.
Every Day Counts. Attendance Matters!
When they come to school consistently, they can take part in all classroom activities, connect with their teachers and friends, and keep up with their lessons. This active participation plays a big role in their academic growth and helps them achieve their best.
Download the Bus Zone App Today
If your child is taking the bus, we recommend downloading the Bus Zone app.
This app allows you to track your student's bus route, view stop locations, check scheduled arrival times, and more. Download the app on the App Store or the Google Play Store.
BMHS Family Fun Youth Knight
Join us from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. before our big football game kicks off against the Elkhorn Elks! Enjoy food trucks, bounce houses, yard games, an obstacle course, and so much more. All activities are free, but food will be available for purchase. Don’t miss out on the fun!
Visit Our Community Hub Website
Our Community Hub highlights many family-friendly, fun events and activities in our area.
This week, we share information about ways to support our student-athletes, the upcoming NAMI HUSH Documentary Screening, the CASA Fall Festival, and much more.
At the School District of Beloit, we enjoy sharing events, achievements, and recognitions highlighting our students, staff, and community partners. We provide transparent and up-to-date information and communication through our social media platforms, our SDB App, website, weekly school newsletters, and my newsletter. We appreciate the positive engagement by everyone who follows us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and stays connected with us by downloading our SDB App or accessing our News Tab.
We believe in respectful, truthful, and encouraging messaging and communication. We will continue to communicate in that manner with our students, staff, families, and community.